WWYT - Round 4

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Today we have a guest question. sagerrider sent a list of questions. Some of them aren't really usable, but there were a couple that were really good. 1 Bonus point for sageridder.

Before I get to the question itself, coming up with questions for this game is a lot of fun, but it is also challenging. Any question has to have enough plausible answers that the top 5 aren't all gimmies, but it has to something consistent enough that there is going to be a lot of matching going on.

So, if you send me a question and I don't ever use it, it may just be because I didn't feel it would have gotten the range of answers that it needed to.

So, without further ado:

List 5 of your favorite toys you had as a child

Responses are due by the end of the day Thursday.

Standard reminder - PM your response. Do not post here.
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