Wow, what happened to the CPA?



Because of blue magic?

Also found this:

And within is a real good quote from Spidey in the comments area:
I don't think that losing the negative tone and losing the focus are mutually exclusive. It might have seemed it happened here but keeping a positive tone AND letting WOTC know what's going on CAN co-exist.
The way I see it, the minimum that's needed is to appoint someone as a contact to WOTC, take a poll among the members on whatever issues with a week deadline type thing, and send it off. That would be adhering more to the mission while not really changing a thing to the feel of the forums.

Without need for an appointing, I'd be glad to do this, since I've come up with the last two voting booth replacements and would love to keep coming up with more.

I'll type up a sample email and post it on these forums to see what ya'll think before I send it off to WotC.

I agree with Spidey's ancient statement there, that we can have some political actions still go on without taking away from our friendliness.


Well, one reason we havn't been so forceful is that WOTC isn't doing a bad job-- they seem to be doing pretty good, except for the 8e TechnoCardfaceRemix.sht-- the only big thing I've seen to complain about I'm complaining about right now, and that's the 8e Core Game mix.

WOTC has proved they listen to the players-- the game is better than it's been in quite some time. The CPA is there if needed, but right now we just arn't needed. Really, that's a good thing. The only bad thing is that so many members have left us. I thought back to the good times with Ransac and Thallad Ice Cream Man when I saw TICM's birthday was today... It is kinda strange... Baron Sengir we don't know where he is, and Child of Gaea has dissappeared as well... Zadoc has occasional sitings on MOL, and Ed is seen as much as a painting of the Vergin Mary is seen weaping.


Staff member
At least, for my part I do. I believe that the same things are wrong with the game today as were wrong back when the site was formed, but all the other people who had objections to the changes wrought by 6th ed. either gave in and embraced the changes or gave up the ghost and quit the game. I myself fought the fight for about 2 years, then I gave it up too when 7th came out and nothing changed.

But that's just me...:(


Staff member
Man, what are you doing SeFRo, digging up old threads? :)

Like orgg says, a lot of the originals have left for various reasons (still don't understand why Zadok doesn't come on here anymore, let alone without much of a goodbye - he's even in Baltimore! :eek: ) Other people have come and gone, although can't remember if any have really pushed for a change...

Also agree with TomB that there could be others like him who want change but don't have the "numbers" or didn't really speak up since it appeared they were in the minority...

Not sure if you're aware or can tell, but although I was asked to join in the beginning and be a Founding Member, I resisted because I liked what 6th had done and agreed with the need to errata Waylay (although not necessarily what the final errata turned out to be). I came here in January 2000 because the Dojo forums were dying and everyone worth talking to had moved over here anyway. :)

But now that I'm here, I'd support reasonable changes, I just like to think of myself as the devil's advocate when it comes to proposing change, like in my post in your other thread. But as a CPA Admin, I'd still try to help even if I personally disagree with it.

Hey TomB, could you reiterate what you think is still wrong for those of us you can't remember or weren't here back then? I miss TomBStones ;)


Well, I guess Magic has improved, but long-standing problems still exist. To wit:

1. Blue is still too strong.
2. WotC refuses to acknowledge mistakes in Standard. Arcbound Ravager should never have been printed, and Skullclamp is hideously broken. To give credit, WotC does a pretty good job of policing Extended and Vintage, but for some reason, Standard is beyond reform.
3. Magic Online just stinks. The pricing structure is moronic (how much does it cost to produce "virtual cards"?), reliability is worse than an Albanian nuclear power plant, and from what I'm reading, the Nazis are still alive and are now dictating player behavior.

I think the commentators at CPA have either accepted these problems, or just given up.


Staff member
2. I don't keep up with these things, but I think WOTC is waiting to see their impact on the tourney scene before making a decision regarding bannings/restrictions.

3. Again, don't play this, but even if you get past the virtual card thing, you're then paying for programmers' time, server, opportunity to play other people when you might not be able to in person, etc....

I mean, why do people pay monthly subscription fees to MMORPGs?

Reverend Love

Why don't we write a letter about how we want to complain but are mostly satisfied so we're going to complain about our satisfaction with WoTC.

Ala the movie PCU

Large Group Chanting:

"We're not gonna PROTEST!
We're not gonna PROTEST!
We're not gonna PROTEST!"


Originally posted by Spiderman
Man, what are you doing SeFRo, digging up old threads? :)
When I get bored, I go archive surfing. Doesn't matter where, I just start reading away. This particular bout of boredom, I dove into the deep end of the CPA. :D ;)

My perspective is that the game is really going well right now, but I also have some problems here and there, like TomB and Mr_Pestilence. We shouldn't be ranting and raving just to be flapping our arms and hearing our heads roar, but at the same time we could be discussing the issues and seeing what we can do to help the situation.

I would get a lot more involed on writing issue rants and such, but stupid me, I'm exclusive to PoD on issue articles. That's why I've tried to take my own action to votes here, and hopefully writing to WotC.


Well okay, if we're going to discuss issues, let's discuss them.

I am mostly satisfied with things nows too, but I do agree with Pestilence that Type 2 is a bit beyond repair at the moment - unless they dare to ban something. Unfortunately, Type 2 was a little out of whack when Psychatog was still legal, so we've really only had 4 months of fair and balanced game play.

Here's the problem: R&D is doing too good of a job. They're not perfect - they can't be - but they do such a good job at balancing the sets that they open the door for one or two overpowered cards to dominate the format. If they were a little more willing to tap that power faucet, then the R&D uh-oh cards would not have such a commanding presence in type 2.

Also, I think they suffer from some slight under-playtesting. What I mean is that he mechanics of the last few blocks have been so complicated and enthralling compared to those of the past that they change the mechanics of the game too get playtested properly.

But in the short term: should they ban things in type 2 or not?


Staff member
I'm not sure that letting more "unbalanced" cards through is the answer, because I think the last time that happened was Urza's Saga/Block. And that wasn't much fun either.

I think there should be bannings in Type 2 but only if it follows the same rules as bannings for Type 1: a card causes the environment to shift such that you're either playing with it or against it (well, there's other considerations, but that's the main one that I remember).


Speed - speed is another of the criteria... They can't have 2nd or 3rd turn kills every game... then there would be no games...;)


Well, Skullclamp is definitely something that people are playing with or against in type 2.


Damping matrix - and not for the clamp - for a lot of stuff...;)

Reverend Love

I think WoTC is suffering from two things:

First is that their last three blocks have been rather can actually see the progression of this:

Invasion Block: Strongly encouraged if not demanded multi-colored decks

Odyssey Block: Tons of cards that if not used specifically in a graveyard themed deck is utterly useless.

Onslaught Block: Downright forces tribal onto people. More then half the cards are useless unless played within their specific context (ex. Alpha Status, Krosan Drover, Ixidor's Will, etc) Tops the list of RL's most hated blocks of all time.

Second I believe WoTC is suffering what Peter Jahn termed Metagame Inbreeding. I strongly believe there's a lack of fresh ideas and new blood thinking occuring within WoTC's walls. They've pounded out a formula for grinding out new sets that aren't terribly exciting however are playable and continue feeding the DCI beast.

...but then Mirrodin hit the scene and blew that idea outta the water….

BTW Does anyone know why MaRo took Bill Rose's place?


My thought was that Bill Rose moved up, and Maro semi-had seniority - if not a genre following essential to the business...