Why isn't there a Tournament Decks Forum?



We have a Casual Decks forum, and often it contains non-casual decks. It might be nice to see them in a different forum.

Since we're changing the way decks works slightly with respect to articles, now might be a good time to do that.

Just an idea.


Staff member
I think I might be going out on a limb here, but we're not really all that concerned about "The Tournament Scene" - I think there's a few other sites that cover that a little more thouroughly...


"...unless, you count sealed deck..."


Staff member
I think this was raised before, with the decision to see how much tourney traffic would be generated before making a separate forum. As it is, the few tourney-regular people seem to have left anyways and putting taglines like "Casual" or "MP" or "Tourney" in the subject line seemed to be sufficient.


Honestly - What I've done is post my Tourney decks in the decks forum and have received awesome help on them, but to make a tourney decks forum would be like saying here, we have Net Decks for everyone to run to the PT with...

I like the fact that this reaches true Magic Players and not a bunch of egotistical megalomaniacs looking for what to run at premier events... That also keeps their egos out of here...


*looks at the name of the website*
Casual Players Alliance
'nuff said


C - Coat(of arms)
P - Puffers
A - Anonymous

Ha ha!!! - Soon you will all smoke Coat....


train, you really get on these wierd kicks every once in a while, don't you? What we really need around here is a forum just for train. He can go there to post all of his crazy-great ideas that he gets all the time.

And we can all go there to flame him...much more efficient than having to flame in in all the forums... :p


The flaming just helps the Coat melt, easier to shoot-up, but I'm off that kick now...


Staff member
If someone did post a Casual Deck and would like help tweaking it for Tournament play, I wouldn't mind helping out - of course, I'm not sure what is legal in most formats, but I have built some very fast creature decks - I believe they were once refered to as "Beatdown" decks - Small green and red critters that come out fast and are enhanced by cheap enchantments and global enchantments...not to mention all of the other theme decks I built after I got four Coats of Arms...


"...how many blockers do you have? you take 167 points of damage..."


Staff member
What we really need around here is a forum just for train. He can go there to post all of his crazy-great ideas that he gets all the time.
Well, the Off-Topic and Battle forums are lying pretty fallow these days (especially the latter if you would like to flame... :) )


Originally posted by Spiderman
Well, the Off-Topic and Battle forums are lying pretty fallow these days (especially the latter if you would like to flame... :) )
Yeah, but you have to take him where he resides or it doesn't do any good. I'm not wanting to open a flame war, just get him when he gets on his kicks. There were at least 3-4 threads where he had brought up his whole "Smoke Coat" issue, that's all.

So, unless we can keep train locked up in one of those forums...

In all seriousness, though (less train think I'm getting on his case), I'm just joking. Does that last sentence even make sense? Oh well :p


Staff member
I love 'Coats.

When I first started colecting Exodus and got my first one, I went "whoa! Now, every rat is a Plague Rat!" After that I kept buying the cards to get my mitts on four of them - Well, I only got two of them. Then when I went to the Urza's Saga Pre- Release a guy I had just met the night before just up and gave me two Korean 'Coats.

I had my fourth! So, I built a Rat Deck, two Knight decks (Black and White) using flanking critters, a spike deck, an Elf deck, a Fish deck (lots and lots of Merfolk), a Goblin deck, a Spike deck, and of course, the obligatory Thalid deck...

Loads and loads of theme deck fun!


"...and my already good Wurm deck became just sick..."


AAAhhhhhhhh... The power of Coat.(Paid for by the American Council of Coat producers.)