What Is the Matrix??



I dont just mean the movie.. I meanwhat IS it?? Dont we all feel traped? What do you all think?


ma·trix (mtrks)
n., pl. ma·tri·ces (mtr-sz, mtr-) or ma·trix·es.

A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained: “Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every form of freedom” (Benjamin N. Cardozo).
The womb.
The formative cells or tissue of a fingernail, toenail, or tooth.
See ground substance (n., sense 1).
The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded.
A mold or die.
The principal metal in an alloy, as the iron in steel.
A binding substance, as cement in concrete.

Mathematics. A rectangular array of numeric or algebraic quantities subject to mathematical operations.
Something resembling such an array, as in the regular formation of elements into columns and rows.
Computer Science. The network of intersections between input and output leads in a computer, functioning as an encoder or a decoder.
A mold used in stereotyping and designed to receive positive impressions of type or illustrations from which metal plates can be cast. Also called mat2.
A metal plate used for casting typefaces.
An electroplated impression of a phonograph record used to make duplicate records.

Neither the solid matter where fossils are imbedded, mold used in stereotyping, nor wombs are actually controlling us through virtual reality.

Or are they?

Killer Joe

New member
The Matrix
It is the expected behavior produced by corporate images that do not allow for "Free Thinkers" to be accepted into 'Normal' society.
It is the notion that you do not want to draw attention to yourself via anything not acceptable in 'Normal' society (ie MTG and the likes).
It is the path that has been laid in front of us to follow blindly and unquestioned.
In school; It is being 'in-the-know' about everyone and everything in other peoples lives, at work; It is thinking that everyone around you punches out at the same time to go home to Stepford wives and families; In social gatherings; It is knowing the latest scores, stratagies or players saleries of pro-teams or the latest fashionable clothing sold by Old Navy or The Gap, In Family; It's comming home and giving an obligatory kiss to the spouse and off-spring then sitting in front of the Collective Information Center (or the TV) and waiting for the next command.
The Matrix is everywhere and yet, it still has boundries for the rebellious to cross-over, A known rebel is an outcast in 'Normal' society, a fence sitting rebel is a link between the worlds and may or may not be trusted, a rebel spy is a dispicable load who slips un-noticed in and out of both worlds, someone who lives two lives; a Matrix life and a rebel life. These are the people who are NOT to be trusted, these are the people that if you saw them at the game store last night and again the next day at the Mall, they would not reCOGnize you and/or give you the time of day.
Everyone fits into these categories.
There is one more category to mention, it is the most trusted and honorable category to fit into and yet the hardest; The "'Be yourself' and damn the Matrix!" Category. Only the true at heart may fit into this category. You are "The One" who'll help people see the light, you are the one who'll tear down ugly barriers, you are the one who'll free the slaves of the Matrix.
Go, don't be a rebel, don't be a fence-sitter, don't be a rebel spy, BE YOURSELF!

"The One"
by Mark Ortego


...The matrix is...

...a very, very, VERY...good movie. :)

The matrix. What is it? How does it affect our lives? The matrix...is a practical fate that has been "set-up" for each "set" mind. The matrix is an agenda; an agenda that "moves" our lives not according to our own reality, but as according to the "plan". Not to our own freewill, but to a set up road.

Few people, whom are eccentric...are bound to "break-set" - deleting traditional ideas, images, symbols, and thoughts...this ability, to "break-set", is in each one of the earthlings. Some, realize it, and feel worried, paranoid, and very thoughtful, and deep about mostly everything; however, some…do not care about such things – these people are worried about college, money, and relationships – the average daily life.

Those who are "eccentric" enough to "break-set" know "more" basic instincts than mostly other "set" personalities. For example: a "set" person will almost, always solve a math problem the way the teacher, or the book has taught. A "break-set" person, however, will "engage" into the problem, becoming "one" with the problem, and actually...almost always, finding another way to solve it. This applies to a lot of things, mostly in daily life rather than in schools or works places.

To the "set" people, the world is fun, like always. It is already planned. They are usually smart. They like to be with a lot of people, they like to talk loud, they like to "show-off" themselves. They usually end up in college, and then, upon graduation, are able to find a good job, a good relationship, and a good life - their story ends - RIGHT THERE.

To the "break-set" people, the world is creative, but not fun, not most of the time. Those people are able to take almost any problem, and solve it unlike any other one who solved it before, or at least, find an "eccentric" way of solving the problem that is rarely used - due to the complexity of arriving at such solution(s). Those people are usually quite, but not all the time. They are very creative, and are able to maximize their abilities by using their right side of their brain. Those people usually go to college, but some end up in other - sadly, bad situations. These people will not be involved in relationships as "quickly" as the "set" people. However, time will arrive when a lasting relationship is found. Whether the secret behind their unusual paranoia and worried-ness is revealed, these people will live probably a short, yet very exciting lives - due to the many "unusual" things they come up with, make, say, and do.

The matrix…is all around us, bounding each one of us into it. It is up to the human mind to break it, and push the limits. Rarely do you see a person with freewill, high eccentricity, and have the ability to open the heart, follow the basic instincts, and push the limits. These people exist in very rare numbers, VERY...and are the golden gems of this earthling society. They probably don't effect our daily lives, but they have discovered many things that the set mind is too blind to grasp - in other words, they have affected, highly, their own daily lives...and their days seem to go by so quickly - like an adventure awaiting action.

...and that, is...the matrix.

...is that what you wanted to hear? :)