Untargetable Green beatdown for MP



Simple Concept

Creatures 24
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Nimble Mongoose
4 Blurred Mongoose
4 Jolreal's Centaur
4 Blastoderm
2 Crashing Centaur
2 Multani

Spells 13
3 Overrun
1 Memory Jar (for w/ Multani and threshold)
1 Crop Rotation
1 Regrowth
3 Verdant Succession (Nice w/ blastoderm)
4 Creeping Mold

Lands 23
2 Gaea's Cradle
1 Strip Mine
1 Sol Ring
19 Forest

Kind of goofy, but it should work.


Staff member
Looks good to me. You don't say what your "metagame" is so I'm assuming you're not facing a large amount of flyers or first strikers or anything...


I always forget. Keep in mind that I rarely play Chaos, if I do its by Allies and Enemies or Secret Kill. Our group almost always consists of 4 or 6 people (when we do have 5 we play the above mentioned formats) so we play 2-Headed Giant or Emperors.

I've been facing less and less creature decks, my group seems to unfortunately be making a move towards control . . . yay. This deck just wants to swarm as quickly as possible, rendering the majority of their creature removal useless. Wrath of God Hurts, that's why the Successions are in here (along with the fact that self-replacable creatures are good).

Flyers are a problem, I should pack some Spidersilk Armors (cutting a Crop Rotation and a Creeping Mold). Actually, I'd really like to get red in here for Chaosphere and some other tricks, but I'll wait a little while for this.

+2 Spidersilk
-1 Crop Rotation (its really just a cheap combo card)
-1 Creeping Mold (3 should do)


Staff member
Well, all I have played so far is pure Chaos, so I have no experience with your formats. So I guess your partners will cover what you cannot :)

I don't know how big your flyers are, but my group was a bit "stymied" by me playing Crosswinds :)


Scragnoth really bugs the control players - especially those blue mages.

City of Solitude and Defense Grid also stymie those blasted blue wizards.

Lastly, Avoid Fate gives green a counterspell of sorts, which while pointless in your untargetable deck, still gives blue fits - especially the blue thieves.

However, should you decide to expand to an additional color, blue has untargetables of its own - Mistfolk and a few Homarids. Though not optimum, they are there.

Going red gets you Brand and Red Elemental Blast if blue control is all you face. As to other control colors, play mean and nasty and use color-hosers. Lifeforce, Tsunami, Roots, and Elephant Grass are all green, while coupling with red gets Boil, Flashfires, and Omen of Fire.

I think I have successfully strayed from your original post, but maybe it helped.

Its good to be back. :D


Allies & Enemies: The people directly to your right and left are your allies. You can't target them or there stuff unless you ask (but you can counter if they are going to screw you over with a Wrath or something) and you can't attack them. Everyone else is your enemy and with them you play standard Chaos rules. The game works best with 5 people as everyone shares an enemy or ally with everyone else.
The game set up for interesting dynamics and are much faster than typical Chaos games. Its fast chaos with more substantiated politics. Recommended.

Secret Kill: Everyone playing writes their name on a piece of paper, folds it up, and put it in a bowl or something. Everyone picks a name and DOES NOT reveal that name. The name you get is your target, if YOU kill your target first you win. If someone else kills your target first (watch out for the cheese burn players) you have to kill everyone else. If you get your own name you have to kill everyone else.
A very interesting game, as you people will try to psyche out everyone else, the trick is to see how long you can go without people knowing who your target is. Aggressive players almost always lose as they overcommit too early and someone else interferes (or steals) their kill. Highly recommended, can be played with any number of people but 5-7 is recommended.
The only thing about Crosswinds is that it could potentially screw over my teammate, a definitely no-no in team games. We use to have a guy in our group who used to play Gravepact, Scandalmonger and Oppression in team games, needless to say no one ever wanted to be his teammate.

I forgot about Scragnoth, he would be very good in here. His big butt is tough for burn too.

I always face counter-blue, but I try not to play City of Solitude b/c the blue mages start whining like the little wusses they are :D. Defense Grid is a little more innocuous and I might be able to get away with. We try not to play with any color-hosers in general, as one particular card will usually render 1+ person totally impotent. Usually doesn't do too good a job of strengthening the bounds of friendship.

Wrath is big in our group recently, along with burn and discard. This deck shouldn't have a problem with either with Verdant Succession in the deck. Discard always sucks as usual, but it actually helps my threshold guys in here.

krichaiushii, its good to have you back :)


I play Secret Kill too, but under this "house rule":

We'll say me, spiderman, foundationofrancor, and you are playing. I have to kill Spiderman, and i do. I get his target.


Staff member
THAT'S the way I play it. I guess it's similiar to Secret Kill, but not quite since it's more like the last person standing than win automatically if you kill your target.