This guy is my new hero.




However, what I do reject is a God as written in the religions of which I have some knowledge of. The Universe is so vast and varied, and our insignificant blot on the edge of a small galaxy so insignificant, that to imagine that a power created this place just for our ... um ... insignificant species is too absurd for me to accept.

The "man sized" God in the Bible, for example, who is obsessed with sex and with who you do it and how you do it etc. just sounds like a reflection of man's own unconscious, and man's own obsessions. Too ... small for the maker of this place. Read the Bible and you hear the echo of a man's voice bouncing back at you through time...
I see your point. I do reject the false religious God conjured by our subspecies and its subcultures, because that God is only helpful and "good" to those who from the beginning lack some uncertain something, whose psychology demands for the simplicity of belief (not necessarily the truth!) that there is a God in order to comfort them, rather than confront them. God, in their case, is just an illusion used to utilize what they call "hope."

The other Unseen God, the one who does not talk to you when you're in need, who does not grant wishes, who does not redeem the "sinners," who cares not for the weak-souled, is the God that I consider when I'm pondering the possibilities. It's outright foolish to take the subcultures' God for the God. What is their God? A psychological crutch.

I will not attempt to analyze the Christian God or the Islamic God, or any particular God - they all belong under the degenerate God, and are not the God.
still I cannot understand why you reject civilisation, other than on the basis of vulgarity alone. Noble Man is *destined* to rise, to forge his own path through life, so what is the difference if he be alone in the world or is surrounded by a billion morons? He is equally alone.
I agree fully. I don't propose any change! Remember when I said that the world's perfect and beautiful by every sense of the word? Well, it is perfect precisely because it is that degenerate. It is perfect for few of us who have learnt to laugh by now at the fools who call themselves "individuals," at the fatal animal that pounces around calling itself the "freewiller," at the pathetic strive that never ceases, trying to emulate the best instincts, the highest desires, in the true human being. It is a comedy! it is a comedy we behold today, where the least worthy of all animals claim that they are "mankind"! how muddled is our language! for them to be able to naturally confuse "man" with "subman." Is it perhaps because the subman exactly that close to achieving the greatness of the true human being, that today he also naturally places himself under the category "human" even when the only human quality about him is his biological make up? merely his appearance? No! That's just their foolishness once more - they are only "human" by appearance, by outwardliness, by worldliness - deep down, however, beneath the blinding surface of idiocy, deep in the tunnels and subtunnels of their psychology, they are as far and far-going from what is man as possibly could be! They are inhuman...

What really matters what they say or how they say it? They all claim much, but have too little to show. Mere words are like sighs to a storm, they never accomplish anything - much less, no one who has the deadly serious ears can hear the countless claims claimed today without at least smiling.

Civilization, in my eyes, is not an objection to anything or anyone. But one must tell the fools again and again that they are fools, one must uncover their "good" as if waking up from a bad dream. One must cleanse himself - going about the day, dealing with mere mankind, talking the nasty language of mankind, listening to their "issues," looking at their striving, their filthy sweat which reeks of civilization, listening at their so-called "important" thoughts, inquiring about what they call "important," listening to them making unholy claims, knowing that they are all living a wonderfully weaved lie, knowing more about them than they would ever know of themselves...

My! my! my!, by the end, needs to reinvent himself if only to gain the proper distance and fresh air from this Earth, which is now the playground for the subhuman...

Forgive me if you mistook me for another "thinker" whose trying to "better" the world. Rather, I think the world can't get any better! What is necessary, however, in our day of age, is not a simple task either: to uncover the "good" of people, to penetrate them, to make them aware of their foolish situation (a situation which cannot be changed!), to make them feel themselves, and the nothingness that they are. Superfluous arrogance, which is arrogance and pride without substance, must be crushed wherever it is found. And that's is my goal: to crush this arrogant little creature, who doesn't even have the right to call itself "man" anymore...

I propose that we call them dogs, some are cows, some are rats...parasite, worms...but please, let us stay from play-on-words by not referring to them as "man." Man is no more. No. Man never was. Man is few.



I wrote all the above back in school, when I had free time. Now, hours and hours later, I would like to make few sharp distinctions between me and other modern and ancient "thinkers," and to finally sum up the whole of the strive, or at least, the whole of my strive...

After reflecting about what I wrote above, it became clear to me for the very first time...that what I'm thinking for has never been, and will never be, for the sake of anyone else beside me. I also do declare that philosophy as a whole should not strive any longer with its Oughts - as we learn and relearn constantly from our history, every Ought, if we're lucky, becomes a Naught. In extreme cases, philosophy has done more damage than any other facet of life, not because of its intent, but because of its profound depth, a depth which interpreters and mere mankind can only begin to understand, but can never feel it as an emotion that erupts violently within the philosopher who conjures up his philosophy. Where the philosopher is at all time subjective in his experience of his own philosophy, everyone else can only be objective - with that, with being objective, they lack understanding. Because understanding, least the "reason" that the philosopher begins to think at all, stems not from his innocent and objective observations, but from his very innermost depth, his most intimate and personal secret, his dwelling place, his encounter and confrontation with his own desires, his dreams, his subjectivity. What does it require for mere mankind to gain full grasp of a philosophy or any strong opinion for that matter? They must undergo the exact same raids of emotions that force a man to plunge himself into the very hands of "thinking," which is, at the end, nothing more than feeling and feeling more profoundly. "Thinking," as most everyone knows it, is not thinking, because it is not feeling. It is not understanding, because it is not feeling. Because it is objective. Because it only looks, it doesn't feel the underhanded forces that accompany every thought. There is a fatal necessity that accompanies every contemplation - one's entire being, the being of the entire universe, rests on such a thought! But even this little (which is actually grand) remains uncommunicated between the philosopher and mere mankind. In other words, the utmost important part of thinking, the thought itself, has never been communicated to a one who was not born to know it. And who is born to know it? Another philosopher, another sage, another thinker, another artist, another lonely man…and then another, and another. Everyone else remains blinded, and can only grasp “understanding,” which is…not understanding.

What really is philosophy, then? especially without its Ought? It's a spiritual cleansing, cleansing in general, it's giving one's self respect, it's having courage to know one's self, to go that far, to leave behind, to let go, to annihilate everything, and in grasp it all. Philosophy as a mean to better life? That has only been yet another dream, or...yet another nightmare. I will not be a one to make this world better - such a humorous undertaking I will leave to positivists and objective and worldly philosophers (the last group of them were called “existentialists”), who, with all honesty assured, are not philosophers, but men with inflated dreams and demands that do not come close to making friendship with the facts of reality: that mere mankind is a blessing and in fact a good example of what to not be; because of their everlasting worthlessness, one learns how to make one’s self more worthy of one’s self – why should we try to change that? And anyway, we can’t change them...we can only reform their problems, give it a new face, new smell - the problem, and it's a great problem to be sure, cannot be removed. What is the problem? That mere mankind, the "humans species," is a failure and an embarrassment that needed and still needs all too many supplements. They have killed God. They have contaminated religion. They have used and abused many philosophies. Let us make sure they don't use the name of philosophy as a supplement any longer, for today it has become the greatest supplement. God is dead. Religion is dying. Faith is false. Science is being abused already. Yet there are too many worthless fellows, all in need of supplements, and philosophy looks more delicious everyday. Let us make it...taste bad! let us give it a bitter after taste! Flee, flies – this here does not belong to you!

Don't better the world. Don't better yourself. Remain who you are. That's the greatest joy...and greatest honesty. My friend, I've said it before, but I'll say it again: "Pigs don't fly, even when they have wings. Pigs don't fly, and even less they who've built the greatest wings." You are damned to be who you are, at least strive to be wholly, and not holy. Most of you will be, of course, under this circumstance, worthless...but that's the greatest joy and greatest honesty. You can give yourself a deep unconscious, you can color yourself, give yourself the greatest wings, but you will never fly if you weren't born to fly, groundwalker. Realize your fatality. Or rather, don’t realize anything! Remain the way you are! How innocent of me to tell you to "realize" or to "remain," as if you had a choice!


Chaos Turtle -- Thank you kindly. :)

DUke --

Reply will duly arrive. Just got something else to unload first.

Spiderman --

You really are a sucker for punishment, aren't you?

Just go re-read the article that spawned this debate in the first place.

It gives you fair indication of the United States' war mongering and interventionist ways. However, what the US has found out is that interference in a country's domestic politics and manipulation of it's foreign policy is often more preferable to direct intervention with troops. That the US resorts to only if the battle seems likely to be easy, or against a completely inferior foe (eg - Lebanon). That is why North Korea is quite safe, unless the US can somehow turn N Korea's allies against it.

For example, how would you feel if the tables were turned - if another country supported right or left wing radicals in the States. Let's imagine that this hypothetical government supplied money and organisational capabilities to such a radical organisation, trained its members in the arts of warfare, and encouraged them to overthrow your institutions at home by force. Furthermore, this hypothetical state would continue to supply weapons and advisers to such a radical grouping, and encourage the assasination of your leaders.

Man, the USA would scream bloody murder. I would imagine a complete carpet bombing of the country in question, followed by 'regime change' so fast that their heads would still be spinning. Yet this is exactly what the United States did, does, and continues to do all over the world.

Allow me to quote Jimmy Carter (Courtesy of "The USA's greatest misses") :
"We have only to go to Lebanon, to Syria, to Jordan, to witness firsthand the intense hatred among many people for the United States, because we bombed and shelled and unmercifully killed totally innocent villagers, women and children and farmers and housewives, in those villages around a result, we have become a kind of Satan in the minds of those who are deeply resentful. That is what precipitated the taking of hostages and that is what has precipitated some terrorist attacks."
(New York Times-3/26/89)

And Carter was no saint himself.

But you asked for facts :

In 1953 the CIA overthrew the Iranian government by organising a coup in response to the nationalisation of British oil assets in that country. Essentially, the British had controlled the entire production and revenues thereof in Iran. The Shah was installed as a puppet, and the US turned a blind eye (or encouraged) the killing of any political opposition. This repression encouraged the hatred of America to take root.

In 1979 the mullahs conducted a counter revolution to take back their country. Not surprisingly this revolution was followed a year later (1980) by Iraq's invasion of Iran (Saddam's Iraqi coup being supported by the CIA), instigated and supported to the hilt by the USA.

During this time Iraq was supplied with a comprehensive array of weapons, including the chemical and bacteriological agents that the latest war is ostensibly about. When Saddam used them on the Kurds and Iranians nobody much in Washington cared. In fact Kissinger said "..too bad they both can't lose". Arab lives have never counted for much in America.

After Iraq invaded Kuwait (a client US state) it fell from grace, and was subsequently slaughtered by America in Gulf War 1. After encouraging the Shiites to revolt, hinting support, the US stood back and watched them get crushed by Saddam's security apparatus. Obviously, sanctions followed, in an effort to force the now evil Saddam from power.

Quote from M Albright:
In an interview on 60 Minutes, Leslie Stahl asked Madeleine Albright: "I understand that 500,000 Iraqi children have died due to our sanctions ... was it worth it?" Albright replied, "It was worth it."

And now we have Iraq, after Saddam. The latest attempt at imposing another pro-American government in power, and the usual band of nut cases and radicals that the USA deems fit to govern the country:

Let me refer you again to a post by an Iraqi, Riverbend, as to the quality of the people chosen to 'lead' Iraq by the USA. She refers to a TV interview of Chalabi, America's latest darling. (Baghdad Burning)

The most amusing part of the interview was when they showed one of his former bodyguards (who he denied knowing with a vengeance worthy of an Oscar). The ex-bodyguard was complaining how when the INC first came into Baghdad, and began recruiting people, they seemed reasonable enough. Suddenly, they had overtaken the “Sayd Club”, a recreational club (not exclusive to the past regime) and turned the INC into a militia.

They were hijacking cars in the middle of Baghdad during April, May and June, claiming that the cars they were 'confiscating' at gunpoint were ‘looted’ (hence, property of Al-Chalabi?). The cars were kept in the ‘headquarters’ and smuggled out of Iraq and to the Kurdish territory. The nicer ones were split amongst the 'members' of the INC. Someone or another who wasn't getting a piece of the action complained to the CPA and Al-Chalabi & Co. were given a collective slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.

After this was brought up, Ahmad Al-Chalabi was just charming- he promptly sneered and told the reporter that it was all LIES! LIES! LIES! And just how much had they paid that witness!? Then he continued to insult the reporter, telling him that they had stooped to a new low (Al-Chalabi's specialty) or in7i6a6 (in Arabish)! The reporter asked him about Jordanian allegations and the Jordanian parliament wanting to bring him to justice… he said that it was all LIES! And the Jordanian parliament was a disgrace to the people, etc. He wasn’t a crook, he wasn’t a thief, he wasn’t a puppet. The Iraqis and Jordanians are collectively deranged and ridiculous...

A thief and a car jacker. Worthy of leading a country.

Look, I can go on and on and on. There are similar stories from all over the globe. Just run USA + coup + CIA in any search engine and about a million websites will pop up. If you sift through archives you will see for yourself what is happening.

I feel kinda bad because you are a typical everyman, proud of his country and not seeing what it does IN YOUR NAME. And here I am, dumping this oink on you as if you were personally responsible for it. I know 'democracy' is not really all that at all, because the powerful still rule like kings, only not in that name. Because people are occupied with their own lives, they don't really pay attention to what is happening overseas, what their troops are doing and who their policies affect. Or if they do, it is in a callous, offhand sort of way.

Quote : train - Sympathy for Iraqis thread.
(my own comment) ..I hope that Bush gets re-elected, so that he will have to deal with the mess that he created...
(train) Me too!!!... Then more stuff can be blown to bits...

He wasn't thinking, just enjoying the pyrotechnic display of guns and bombs. But if it were *his* family there...

The blood that your government spills will come back to haunt you, whether your troops personally did it, or whether you got somebody else to do it for you. As Ferret said, jealousy is not a reason to kill.

People, wake up.

-- Astranbrulth --


Staff member
I don't deny the US is interventionalist and uses force to get what it wants. I do question your methods and examples to try to support that position. And this is not really in reponse to the initial article, but your claim that the US "brings these disasters upon itself" and "You cannot expect to oppress and isolate, occupy and impose cultural hegemony, and still expect people to love you for it. "

Of which I'm still waiting for support for the cultural hegemony claim.

I can agree with your examples except Iraq invading Iran. They were eager to do that on their own, no own forced them to invade. Sure, it helped to have US arms but that's blaming the gun shop for the murder down the street. Same with the Kuwaiti invasion; they weren't forced to that either and they probably thought they could get away with it since Kuwait is such a small country.

Taking the specific example of 9/11, none of this is relevant. Who was behind it? Bin laden and his organization. Why did he do it? For some half-arsed claims about the US "contaminating" Saudi Arabia (of which the US was invited and are now largely out of) (notice how he didn't go against the real cause of it, Saudi Arabia's rulers) and some others which I can't remember.

Sure the US under the Bush administration seems to run over the world (which was all caused by 9/11 since beforehand Bush seemed be on an isolationist trend). But I believe it depends on the administration (Clinton didn't do a whole lot militarily) and things could change in a couple of years, depending on what the rest of the world is doing.

As Ferret said, jealousy is not a reason to kill.
Exactly. An excellent statement for terrorists.


...Just wanna say something off-topic.

It's hilarious watching a new member trying to debate with the old members.

Spiderman is still waiting for many proofs. From the very first day 9/11 occurred, till now - he's waiting for so many proofs. But the solid proof that Bin Laden was behind the attacks, that's forgotten. The proof of Iraqi possession of WMD, who cares? The proof...the proof...the proof...

People in here want a proof for the "the" we say, the "maybe," the "but," and everything in between.

I think I gave this advice to another member before: a debate is when two or more people are arguing, not singing facts and the "factual." There are facts of everything. There are solid facts that Iraq posses WMD (I demand that you shut the hell up if you can’t tell me why the war occurred if not!) and there are solid facts that Iraq doesn't posses WMD. There are facts that there is a God, and then there are facts that there isn't a God. If you can't really argue, and thus need your little "facts" and "proofs," please don't argue. Most facts today are not facts...building an intelligent conversation on them is being that stupid. Even in the very history we read, all the facts are distorted, and some maybe hidden. Some facts at the very moment are hidden, perhaps to never be revealed.

I’m sorry, I have to laugh when I see a new member fall into the trap of “wanting facts.” It made my day. Soon he'll either learn to fight with his own sword, beyond mere facts, or...he'll just leave...

"Anyone want a proof of what I just said?"


Staff member
That's why I don't argue with you DUke, because all you offer is your opinion and I don't hope nor want to make you change it. We've been through it too many times that I know you aren't going to change it based on whatever I present, and mostly vice versa (although I have given you a few nods now and then; I can't say the same for you which is why I recognize it's largely a fruitless endeavor).

Astranbulth, as new member, is offering his opinion that is more rooted in "facts" so I'm curious to see how he developed that opinion. I've agreed with him here and differed with him there and he seems more open as shown with his discussions with you.



Oh, I have no problem with what anyone thinks about my mere "opinion," or if they argue or not. I was seriously just finding it amusing to see the same struggle that every member who discusses politics around here goes through (mainly Gizmo comes to mind, and then Ura), who have argued, dare I say..."objectively"...yet never even came close to scratching the surface, in making anyone beside themselves understand or look at the situation more "openly" or from a "different" perspective. I just find it entertaining, actually - especially knowing that even if God came down right now, to this Earth, and revealed the facts, most of us here would remain unchanged and indifferent.

I have no problem with your discussion, heaven’s no! I just find it pointless, as there is no argument, only “facts.”

Yet the American side insofar as we know it has presented the world with no facts whatsoever other than silly haunches and outright lies…but that's You see, everything that begins to sound anti-American must be tested with facts and proofs. Everything pro-American, on the other hand, is all it needs to become a fact. Everything else is tested on that "fact." I can't discuss in exactness what America's plans in Iraq are, all that would be an opinion. What we can discuss is why America went to Iraq. I want to see the facts you love so much.

What? You

...Am I the only one who finds this laughable?

Stop demanding for facts when you can't begin to given them. I have not asked for facts, ever. Astranbrulth asked for no facts insofar as I know. You can't ask for facts, because you can't give them. And if you can, then wow - please shed some light on this nagging curiosity of mine: why did America go to Iraq? Or perhaps this question is "irrelevant" now?

Let the show go on. Hard year in school, this year. I need the cheering...


Edit: the questions asked in this post are rhetorical questions.


Staff member
Well, I can say Ura has caused me to change my views a little. So perhaps it's not so futile after all.

Everyone has their opinion, which is usually formed on what they currently know about the situation. Not everyone hears the same thing (and even then, people still may interpret it different ways). Someone may totally misunderstand "the news" and form a totally false opinion (and extreme example would be judging the Nazis solely on their intent on world domination and not on their ethnic cleansing and denying the Holocaust existed).

If you take the stance that no one's mind is going to be changed just by learning and listening to another person, then you've already closed your mind anyway. If you enter into it openly, you have a better chance.

I have no problem with your discussion, heaven’s no! I just find it pointless, as there is no argument, only “facts."
It's funny, I find your philosophical discussions/stance on life pointless, because that's all it is: mental theory. You can't prove nor disprove any of it - it's what your mind has already made up. At least when Astranbulth takes the position that the US deserves what it gets because of its throwing around it's weight because of its "selfishness" of its position in the world because it wants to remain dominant etc, etc., you can break down the chain and find out where he gets that perception and whether its warranted. Perhaps I'll agree with him. Perhaps he can modify his thinking. Who knows?


But if it were *his* family there...
With all due respects - none of the families had to be there... and i do know how difficult it would have been to move families, but it is a man's choice to let his family stay in something like that...



Perhaps I'll agree with him. Perhaps he can modify his thinking. Who knows?
Just like to add the most probable possibility: you will not really agree with him, and he will not really modify his thinking. :) But a futile argument is still an argument - some people like to argue for the sake of argument. It's a good quality I hear.

I'm just watching...


What I find interesting is that whenever Spiderman asked DUke for facts, DUke complained about it. When Spidey asked Astranbrulth for facts, AB actually supplied a good number of them.

I'm just watching...


Staff member
Originally posted by Apollo
What I find interesting is that whenever Spiderman asked DUke for facts, DUke complained about it. When Spidey asked Astranbrulth for facts, AB actually supplied a good number of them.

I'm just watching...
There is your basic difference between the two users. AB really knows his history and DUke believes that he knows his philosophy. History is based upon facts (or at least the facts that are readily available). Philosophy is based upon opionions. It's easy to use both in an argument because nowhere in there do you really have to risk anyone knowing what YOUR OWN opinion is...

So far, I've found AB's historical references to be very nice - if not, a little one-sided. I don't believe him mentionning the fact that the US (as well as MANY other countries) have also benefited many other nations throughout the course of history. Take a look at two of our "allies" that hate us the most right now: Germany and Japan. We defeated both nations rather soundly durring WWII (with help from our allies, of course), but we didn't just leave them there to rot. We helped them rebuild their countries and today they are major economic powers providing technology, automobiles, and in the case of The Fatherland, weapons of mass distruction... This process did not happen over night. It took decades of work. This is why I'm not surprised that we're having "difficulties" with Iraq right now. I think that history, in time, will show that our efforts were beneficial, not harmful...


" for 'new' users: anyone that joined after July '99 is a 'new' user to me..."


I left this thread alone for too long.

On one of the other threads Spiderman said something to the effect of "These threads always end with Duke's character being called into question."

Well there's a reason for that.:p

More importantly is that we are dealing with two different styles of discourse, and frankly, Duke's is less sound than AB's. Duke doesn't take his ideas far enough, he only speak in abstractions, which is great if the topic is abstract, such as morality or divinity. But we are discussing events that are grounded in many specifics.

Duke has a handle on Globalization, (which he hastily calls Americanization), and Duke is aware of all the hypocrisies and lies our government and out society spouts, but he only paints symbolic pictures. He rarely concerns himself with details. He speaks only in generalities.

Earlier in this thread he said something to the effect of "You spider-minded farce of humans! Clearly if not clearly the real goal of America is not the oil but to turn them all into customers."

This sentiment is probably an accurate prediction of what will happen, but I tried to explain to Duke that America was, egads, made up of people, different people, and that while our Administration might be doomed to house Imperialist bastards, each one has their own alliances and their own agendas, and they each only have a limited time in power, and so, no it really is the oil and just the oil for Bush. Squiggy, or whoever gets elected next, will worry about all that Hegemony stuff.

Duke said something like "No. It doesn't matter if it's 2004 or 2008 or 2012, I am talking about America as a collective whole."

At which point he had admitted to everything I've accused him of here. It's not that he's wrong, it's that he's endangering his own intellect by oversimplifying his arguments into harsh generalities. His assumptions may be accurate now, but if he continues to speak of America as an ethereal collective beast, instead of educating himself on the facts, he'll one day become as ignorant as most Americans.

For one, his fixation on Globalization,(see also Americanization), blinds him to the darker possibility; did we "Americanize" the native Americans? Did the nazis "Nazify" the Jews, or the Slavs, or the Retards?

No, hegemony is given to those worth the time, but some situations call for us to "Exterminate the brutes!" We didn't assimilate the native Americans, we just shot at them and told them to get out of the way.

But I think I know why Duke overgeneralizes America.

He, probably without realizing it, has made the assumption that America has a culture.

And I don't mean that America lacks art and museums. No no. America, despite all it's claims to the contrary, lacks unity.

Nitchze essentially describes culture as a unity of philosophy and belief among a group of people. But no, we are the "melting pot." We take pride in our diversity. But, despite what some liberal idealists would want to believe, diversity and unity cannot coexist. Destroying prejudice would bring about unity, but it would destroy diversity. But if we had this unity, our very philosophies would entrench themselves into everything we did, from our bridges to our roads to our temples, because we would all largely agree on how things should be done.

Duke seems to miss the fact that Americans fight with each other as much as they fight with anybody else. Sure, we're not at civil war, but consider the fact that our violent crime rate is WAAAAY higher than most other countries.

I live in America, and let me tell you, Americans can be violent, selfish brats. And they get this way because we are encouraged to seek individuality, but this inherently implies a division from each other. We are a very cold people, when you think about it.

And we don't act as some greater manifest beast, despite what it may look like. Each new administration has to scramble to find it's own Imperialistic holding.

In fact, this is probably why we are so consumptive, because each new leader must take all he can before his time is up and the spoils go to the next regime.

But if you dismiss America as this manifest monster, you'd never think if these things, would you?

You could draw a political cartoon of America eating the whole world.

But such a picture would only be an interpretation of the past, not a representation of the current reality.

But Duke will not hear any of this. Like we Americans, he is afraid of change. But a knee-jerk liberal is still a knee-jerk.

And of course, Duke will only warrant this with one of his two classic responses: "I don't care." or "You are completely wrong, but I won't tell you why."

But if Duke can't ever bring his ideas down to reality, then his intelligence and education are a complete waste to this world, which is unfortunate.

On another note:

Spiderman, if you think Clinton didn't perform any military tomfoolery, you've got another thing coming. Democrats hide their evil deeds because they don't want to ruin the illusion that America is run by more than one party. Republicans, on the other hand, wave their oinks around and televise it.

Most striking was that time he ordered cruise missiles on a freaking pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. Hear that? "Pharmaceutical Plant." That's fancy talk for MEDICINE FACTORY. Why? To bolster the longevity of that civil war they've been fighting since the 50's, of course. Let the militant bastards beat the crap out of each other, that makes them weaker against us.


Staff member
Apollo: Ferret pretty much nailed it in his first paragraph and I alluded to it (if not said it outright) when I said that's because I've stopped arguing with him because you can't really argue with a philosophy.

Ferret: I thought about raising the examples in the second paragraph but it can easily be turned around to "The US only helped post-WWII to provide markets for their goods, thus it's just another example of their selfishness, etc." That's pretty much the thinking here anyways, as my opponents :) view the Iraq invasion as a creation of consumers for the US and for oil.

Rooser: You're right, although I did say "not a whole lot militarily" as in "no invading countries or fighting a war". However, the last I heard about that was the plant was a front for chemical warfare? activity or some center of the Al-Queda. Never heard if there was a final yea or nay on it (and it was more in response to the embassy bombings of which Al-Queda was also reportedly behind).



There is always a certain type of ignorance that emerges almost violently, every time one tries to "quote" me. You just can't quote me without, first, quoting exactly what I said (I rather choose my words a little more carefully than one might think - mere paraphrasing would kill the spirit of my meaning), and if you choose to quote me, you'll have to quote not just the entire post, but rather every little detail I have said in the past few months. You don't rip me out of my context, it's impossible to argue with me when you have a narrow vision, when you don't have a thinking brain...

And here's the greatest example:

Duke said something like "No. It doesn't matter if it's 2004 or 2008 or 2012, I am talking about America as a collective whole."
Here's what I really said, which is quite different philosophically and psychologically:
Astranbrulth and Rooser - is it really a big deal, in any event, where the oil will end? No. Your argument is great, and I agree with it wholly, except that you're looking from present perspective. I, on the other hand, am looking at it from tomorrow’s and days after tomorrow perspective. You talk about the current U.S. administration and the future U.S. administration as if there will be some holy difference between them. When we're talking about the United States, we're talking about an agenda: I see your point when you say the immediate goal is to suck Iraq dry. But I don't see your point when you differentiate between the current administration, the 2004 administration, the 2008, the 2012, etc. Let's be true to ourselves: the U.S. is currently in Iraq, it has already written its agenda therefore. Let's face it, they cannot simply leave - no one desires them to leave. They destroyed many things, amongst which they destroyed the glue to the entire nation, the Iraqi government. It does not matter what administration we're talking about : a new government must be established, whether under Bush, the next president, the one after him, or whomever. Our honesty must be precise here in that we know, almost factually, that whatever new set up there will be in Iraq, it will necessarily be an American-influenced one. Period. This new, "free and democratic" taste will be placed in any time: maybe under Bush, maybe under someone else. But it has to be placed. The future has already written itself the very second the Iraqi government collapsed. If we agree that the future government will necessarily be American, largely speaking, then we must agree that it is also necessary that capitalism and the entire means of business must follow. You can't have an American government without oppressing your citizens, without brainwashing them, leveling them, mistreating them, raping them. In the long run, which is in any case more important than the short run and present-day talk, Iraq must become not as you say, Westernized - no - rather...Americanized by every terrible sense of the word. The U.S. cannot leave Iraq - furthermore, no one wants the U.S. to leave Iraq, and the U.S. knows that. It contributed to Iraq's collapse, it must contribute by full to its reconstruction. Now, few of us, by now, know exactly what this fatal "reconstruction" means. It's superfluous that I should go over what the term implies.
...even this wholly quotation does injustice. Because I had said other things, even in other threads, that directly connect in theme, idea, and direction with this post, and this entire thread. Honestly, if you haven't been reading my other posts, then you can't begin to complain or recite examples about my thoughts. But let me get to the point about how Rooser's paraphrase, which is a misinterpretation and a misunderstanding, is different than what I really said. Look at this part which Rooser's paraphrase disregards:
Let's be true to ourselves: the U.S. is currently in Iraq, it has already written its agenda therefore. Let's face it, they cannot simply leave - no one desires them to leave. They destroyed many things, amongst which they destroyed the glue to the entire nation, the Iraqi government. It does not matter what administration we're talking about : a new government must be established, whether under Bush, the next president, the one after him, or whomever. Our honesty must be precise here in that we know, almost factually, that whatever new set up there will be in Iraq, it will necessarily be an American-influenced one. Period. This new, "free and democratic" taste will be placed in any time: maybe under Bush, maybe under someone else. But it has to be placed. The future has already written itself the very second the Iraqi government collapsed. If we agree that the future government will necessarily be American, largely speaking, then we must agree that it is also necessary that capitalism and the entire means of business must follow. You can't have an American government without oppressing your citizens, without brainwashing them, leveling them, mistreating them, raping them. In the long run, which is in any case more important than the short run and present-day talk, Iraq must become not as you say, Westernized - no - rather...Americanized by every terrible sense of the word. The U.S. cannot leave Iraq - furthermore, no one wants the U.S. to leave Iraq, and the U.S. knows that. It contributed to Iraq's collapse, it must contribute by full to its reconstruction. Now, few of us, by now, know exactly what this fatal "reconstruction" means. It's superfluous that I should go over what the term implies.
Now let me zoom in a little closer...
It does not matter what administration we're talking about : a new government must be established, whether under Bush, the next president, the one after him, or whomever. Our honesty must be precise here in that we know, almost factually, that whatever new set up there will be in Iraq, it will necessarily be an American-influenced one.
I demand, now, to see where my "generalization" is. It is beyond generalization in fact - it is quite logical, what I said here. I wasn't talking about America as a "whole." The way you carelessly paraphrase me as if you were paraphrasing Spiderman or Eric really destroys the meaning: read the entire quote again, and really read into it - what does it say? It doesn't begin to generalize. In fact, it doesn't begin to talk about America - it talks louder on fatality. It talks louder about the inevitable, the must-be; it's beyond mere "free will" and "choice," it screams about "cause and effect": "cause" - America goes to Iraq, Iraq loses government; "effect" - new Iraqi government must be built, America will most likely decide how it is built and how it is managed. This has nothing to do with America, Americans, civilization, "oil," "government," mere "politics" - I'm trying to show how everything we're living today is an aftereffect of yesterday, and yesterday the aftereffect of the day before, and so on and so forth - like a giant rock rolling down, nothing will change the coarse of history. I'm trying to tell you that - as soon as history "began," choice is eliminated, and all of history was therefore written. As we speak, the entire history of humanity is written. I can go deeper to tell you that history is progressing backwards, and even attempt to explain it,'re a politician, you're head is filled with civilization, history, "facts." You wouldn't care for what I have to say, which is always understandable. :)

I'm no politician. I recommend anyone who's interested in politics to listen to someone like Ura or Astranbrulth, and who knows...maybe even Gizmo. But I don't talk politics. I don't believe in politics. I look at it as one inevitable consequence to be sure...sometimes I pity the fact, sometimes I laugh at thing I realize, I cannot change it. Man cannot change. History is already written. With time it unfolds…

When I read stuff like this:

Duke has a handle on Globalization, (which he hastily calls Americanization), and Duke is aware of all the hypocrisies and lies our government and out society spouts, but he only paints symbolic pictures. He rarely concerns himself with details. He speaks only in generalities.
...I was ready to laugh. I only speak of generalities? Yet, what is most shocking is when we hear this:

He, probably without realizing it, has made the assumption that America has a culture.
Any other member who had read my older posts knows that I don't think that America has a culture. What assumption have I made? That America hasn't the culture! Should I recall quotes from the past in which I've stated how weak and pathetic the American "culture" is? They're written here and there. In fact, even if I do "generalize" in the case of Americans, I seem to do it logically, hence America has no specific culture to cross-examine. America is an Abstraction of false liberties, untruth, baseness - in short: a garbage lot. How many times have I said that America is a garbage lot? Too many. The way you paraphrase me and misunderstand me therefore really contributes gratefully to your overall generalization of me.

What follows from all of this, Rooser? That indeed I make some generalizations, I will not begin to deny that. But that I assume that America has a culture? That's just being blind to what I have said. But it is not your fault. I don't expect you to have read every post I have ever made in the past few months - actually I'd be a little worried if you have done such a task! :) But, without culpability assigned, frankly, my writing style and the manner of my thinking calls for interconnectedness; you don't just read into the single moment when reading my posts, but you're reading thoughts that are in constant ascension or decline. Today I might say one thing, and tomorrow all my posts may revolve in one way or another around that thing. Or, perhaps I would say something that "contradicts" what I said yesterday. The reason why you, or our dear Astranbrulth can't pin me down is because I myself am not standing on a solid ground...there is constant shift, letting go, embracing, rising and decline...there is, in other words, constant development and discovery. The only thing constant about me is instability, chaos, inconsistency. I have room to grow. What I say tomorrow might contradict what I said today. So what?

In other words, I understand why underdeveloped and undeveloping human beings dislike my inconsistency. FoR has pointed out many times how I contradict myself as if I was the very meaning of opposites. Apollo dislikes me and my writing because it has no form, it is not a conclusion - it is always a mean, a path, a direction...which is understandable to be sure! Spiderman doesn't argue with me for the same reason: he can't argue with "philosophy," not because men can't argue with philosophy, but because he can't understand or realize what it means to argue with something this unstable, something that demands constant thinking and thinking-for-one's self - how does one argue with a child that is constantly learning new ideas, constantly diving into the newest and most audacious insights to ever be formed? You would have to be someone who is also of that chaotic nature, who naturally and readily understands what it means to meta-morph.

When a person is able to argue with me, one thing can be sure – that the person is also undergoing and perhaps will forever undergo chaos, change, diving, declining, growing, and…exploding; that the person does not only eat "facts," but eats from what will be a fact.

I honestly don't belong in this message board, as I don't play the card game, don't follow the card game, dont' care for it...and I don't even look like a card-gamer. I'm here because I like few members, and because I've grown to the atmosphere. My posts here do not reach their utmost worth, since the right eyes are absent. Not the "good" eyes! :) Just the right eyes...

And at the end, if you love the facts Ura had given in the past, and the facts Astanbrulth is giving today...what does it matter? Tell me with honesty what it matters! You will not change. You haven't changed. You can't change. Love the facts as much as you want: you are still the same. And so will remain. If you had the ability to change, you're fixation would be beyond "facts." Facts are facts insofar as they are believed to be facts. Your beloved whore of "facts" does not communicate psychology - it just speaks of what is: it does not penetrate. It does not dive deeper. Edit: An insight that just touched me regarding those who seek after facts as if facts were facts: you only love facts because they are, actually, easily refutable. You love facts because there is a monsterous category of contradictory and biased "facts" today, so it wouldn't take much for you to pretend that you've "refuted" something, you'd only have to puke one of your beloved whore-facts. You hate philosophy (which you wrongly call an "opinion" - something I've only heard from Americans) because it calls for thinking, not puking. You have to lay down the rules yourself, you have to argue yourself, you have to be in touch with yourself far enough in order to begin to argue. In different words: you love "facts" don't know yourselves, because you haven't the capacity to think, and above all, because in this age of ours, where countries like America is accepted, you are free to remain that low and still call yourselves "humans." That is what really sleeps at the bottom of your "I love facts!"

Your facts state: "The United States is so and so." It never tells you the Whys of it, and the Whys of the Whys, and the Whys of the Whys of the Whys. Facts tell you nothing. Facts are lazy. Aristotle said that a person who strives for the Whys and the Whys of the Whys is regarded higher than any other. Now, Aristotle and I have had some pretty rough moments, especially when speaking about ethics. But he has few good words to offer...


Staff member
When a person is able to argue with me, one thing can be sure – that the person is also undergoing and perhaps will forever undergo chaos, change, diving, declining, growing, and…exploding; that the person does not only eat "facts," but eats from what will be a fact.
Does this go both ways? Or are you always the master and the one arguing with you always the student?



Where in that quote, or anywhere in that post, do you read a "master" and a "student"?
When a person is able to argue with me, one thing can be sure – that the person is also undergoing and perhaps will forever undergo chaos, change, diving, declining, growing, and…exploding; that the person does not only eat "facts," but eats from what will be a fact.
I am a person who is unstable, who is "inconsistent," as the entire post tries to explain. The person who can argue with me at all is the same - he too is unstable, undergoing change, back and forth between so many different depths and ideas. He too does not have any certain "beliefs"...not to be mistaken for not having principles...

How on Earth can anyone pull "master" and "student" from any of this! Edit: I could actually tell you how a person can always perceive hierarchies even when such hierarchies don't exist, but then I would upset few individuals who I haven't upset much yet. I could tell you what type of mind thinks always in terms of hierarchies...

...but again, that there is someone who can read such complete nonsense into my writing, it only proves once more that really...I'm not read correctly here. Well, Rooser comes close...Astranbrulth can actually argue...but...


Staff member

I read that into it because of the phrase "when a person is able to argue with me" rather than the other way around "when I am able to argue with a person". Since you have self-admitted that you always carefully choose your words, it obviously cannot be a mis-type and must be by intent that you used that phrase. Someone must be coming to you and adjusting their thinking to match yours in order to argue with you, rather than the other way around. You're the solid, unbending guru on the rock and the other person is the supplicant.

If that's incorrect, then I agree: you're not really read correctly here.

I just noticed your red edit in the post of yours two above: I realize some, if not all, must be aimed at me, since I always ask for facts :) Or more precisely, examples to back up an opinion. Obviously, you hate to provide them because there cannot be any in your unstable world. Obviously, I hate your unstable world and would rather have solid footing. Unfortunately, you seem to dismiss the solid world as non-thinking and equate unstable with thinking. Is that correct? Somehow I doubt it...



I just noticed your red edit in the post of yours two above: I realize some, if not all, must be aimed at me, since I always ask for facts Or more precisely, examples to back up an opinion. Obviously, you hate to provide them because there cannot be any in your unstable world. Obviously, I hate your unstable world and would rather have solid footing. Unfortunately, you seem to dismiss the solid world as non-thinking and equate unstable with thinking. Is that correct? Somehow I doubt it...
No doubt here. You are correct. Except, I wouldn't use the word "unfortunately"...:)...

But now...

I read that into it because of the phrase "when a person is able to argue with me" rather than the other way around "when I am able to argue with a person". Since you have self-admitted that you always carefully choose your words, it obviously cannot be a mis-type and must be by intent that you used that phrase. Someone must be coming to you and adjusting their thinking to match yours in order to argue with you, rather than the other way around. You're the solid, unbending guru on the rock and the other person is the supplicant.

If that's incorrect, then I agree: you're not really read correctly here.
That is incorrect. Someone doesn't come to me because they adjusted their thinking. They come to me because he or she is attracted by the instability, by the fact that I accept it when a person changes his mind, reforms his ideas, contradicts himself here and there, grows, becomes hopeless, suddenly affirms, suddenly grows hopeless again. I don't see any of this as an objection, I see it as a stimulant. Mr. AB didn't adjust his thinking to mine - he naturally thinks that way. You can be damn sure I didn't adjust my thinking. The thing is, I believe that AB is thinking, he cares about facts but there is more to him than facts. There is more of him. And it is inappropriate to call his thinking a mere "opinion," or my thinking just an "opinion," or that philosophy is just an "opinion." Opinions are one thing, they're formed from facts. Thinking itself is an entirely different something...