The problem with Democratic Politicians/Pundits...

Killer Joe

New member
A couple of problems I see with the democratic party is that a democrat allows the possiblility of too many solutions and/or opinions. They also allow way too many opinions to be expressed. There is NO PARTY-LINE because there are too many solutions and/or opinions allowed to be expressed.

Look at Hannity & McCombs: McCombs always yeilds his opinion time to Hannity, why? Because he allows Hannity to speak. THAT'S a problem. Certainly you never see Hannity extending that courtesy to McCombs and that's why Hannity is always solid with his opinion. Many people LIKE that. One solid "fix-all" answer, it somehow seems more American to do so. To let McCombs speak would be stupid because McCombs might have not one but many different ideas and/or offer multi-facet solutions to any one or several given topics/issues.

Listen to the democratic debates; one question will be answered with non-Black & White answers and several of them from one candidate at THAT! Most answers given are vague and open for interpretation for the listener. A Republican debate is much stronger in answers to questions: One answer and whoever says it first WINS! Also, democrats talk way too soft (except for that loud mouth from Vermont or wherever several years back). Republican Politicians/Pundits shout way better than dems, THAT'S FOR SURE! That's why Republican Politicians/Pundits are always *right*.

The democrats are not ever likely to take the White House again as long as they don't have ONE-ANSWER-TO-RULE-THEM-ALL to any and all issues and secondly as long as they refuse to shout out solid black & white answers.

Karl Rove should announce his candidacy right now and get it all over with and win the White House. He could maybe have Dick Cheney on as his VP, what the heck, as long as he's living he might as well stay the VP, right?

Bottomline: Republican Politicians/Pundits are RIGHT :D

<drip, drip, drip...>