The Anti-Mirrodin Block Card



Imi Statue

Finally a card to end all your annoyance woes

What say you?

I think it has potential in standard and maybe in Vintage under the right circumstances....It would be fun to play in a TnT deck....were you could weld it out every turn, untap all you artifacts, and then weld in to watch them leave theirs tapped...


The Tentacled One
It has some potential...

But I'm not convinced that it would be useful in Vintage. There are simply stronger artifact hate cards...


In vintage, null rod is better. This card is pretty good against KCI, but I don't think it will do the job against affinity. You play this turn three and all they do is untap their ornithopter, sac everything to ravager, make you lose 10 to Disciple, then sac the ravager and move the counters onto ornithopter and attack for 10.

OR for the same price you could play Damping Matrix and just hose both decks much harder.