Survivor: Nicaragua


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Sorry, still haven't been keeping up with this since my wife had to leave town for a week... we're like 6 episodes behind...


Well-known member
Purple Kelly is completely out of the loop. She didn't vote for Naonka or Brenda, I think she voted for Benry but I don't remember. Actually, what Sash and Brenda should have done was keep Marty around to serve as lightning rod who would be at least semi loyal to them. I'm not sure Sash is screwed just yet. I think Benry, Fabio and Naonka will still work with him, which means they just have to get Purple Kelly (who seems gettable considering she apparently has no alliances) or Danny (I wonder how tight he is with Holly and Jill (Jane?) considering him and Marty were tight). Strategy wise it is very critical for everyone else to break up the Holly, Jill, and Chase threesome, because you won't have the numbers to do it for very much longer and Holly and Jill are both Jury threats and Chase is a challenge threat (although the challenges have been a lot of endurance based things this season because of the young v. old thing, which is another reason why that idea wasn't very good).


As I recall, Brenda wanted to keep Marty around. Sash did't care. But they wanted to let the others feel like they were calling the shots, so they didn't push it when everyone else wanted to get rid of Marty. Turns out maybe everyone else were really calling the shots after all...

I wonder how long before they realize that Naonka is going anywhere the wind blows here. Purple Kelly is a mystery to me. No one seems to even realize she's there yet. No alliance has even talked to her, but no one ever considers getting rid of her, either.


Staff member
Saw the 10/13 show... slowly working through the backlog :)

This is the one where they "merged" between the old and young tribes. I think the old tribe kind of got shafted, in that three of them went to the younger tribe so they were at a disadvantage numbers-wise there. Four younger went to the old tribe to "even it up", but with Holly switching sides and voting with them, that kind of spelled the doom for the other three oldsters.

So Tyrone was the first one voted out - seemed like the logical choice. Not sure what was up with his not helping cook the chicken but eating it and from what was shown, mostly all of it (or more than the others).

Marty telling the others he had the immunity idol might have seemed like a dumb move to Brenda and others, but knowing Marty's thinking that Jane? might tell them anyway, he didn't really have any choice. But it will be interesting to see if he can still be the "master" of the game with a new tribe.


The last episode (day before Thanksgiving, I guess) was the catch-up episode, so really nothing new. It did surprise me, however, how many people this season are willing to sneak food and eat it by themselves instead of sharing with everyone. If there were ever a season where I could just hope that nobody wins, it would probably be this one.

Don't get me wrong, it's been enjoyable enough to watch, but I really don't like anyone all that much right now.


Staff member
Saw the 10/20 show, where each team had a tribal council.

Naonka was surprisingly quiet this time, I guess all that rain just put her in a funk and she didn't feel like stirring up anything.

Jill won individual immunity when she needed it as it was her or Marty that was going to be voted out. As it was, it turned out to be Kelly B, but Brenda talked too much in the council which raised Marty's suspicions. I thought he would have played his immunity idol, but I guess he was trusting in luck... so it'll be interesting to see what he and Jill can do now that the lines are drawn.

Fabio is a trip; I mean, I guess he doesn't know enough whether to believe Marty is a chess grandmaster and all, but it's funny to see Marty's asides and Fabio's asides and how Marty is playing him and trying to get him to turn.

Not much on the other tribe; again, it was pretty much up to Dan and Yve going out and though Yve stepped it up and tried to save herself, it did paint her as a target as one more playing the game and so one more that needed to be voted off than Dan.


Yeah, that was the episode where I started realizing just how poor these people were at planning. They stated their primary goal was to vote out Marty and his idol, but if that didn't work, they would get rid of Kelly B. But after the tie, they all voted for the same person they had already voted for. Had they all switched their vote at that point to Marty, he would have been gone and the idol could have no longer saved him because he had missed his window to play it.

Granted, they also tipped their hand to Kelly B, but even so...


Staff member
Well, Brenda talked a little about what they wanted to do had it come to that, which was basically did they want to keep Kelly B or Marty around? The vote was something like 5-1, so clearly some people who had voted for Marty voted for Kelly B the second time around. I think the thinking was that they already knew that Marty would be against them but since Kelly B's name was also part of it, they didn't want to keep her around where she could potentially turn against them and she wasn't part of their original alliance anyway.

Granted, Marty is the bigger schemer, but I guess they figured just to keep around the "known" enemy rather than a suddenly potential one.


My recollection is that the tie was caused because 1) Kelly B voted for Marty, and 2) Neither Marty nor Jill voted for Kelly B. The second time around, the same people voted for Marty that had originally voted for Marty, but there was one less vote for him (Kelly B's) and there was an additional vote for Kelly B (Jill's), which accounted for why it was so dominant for Kelly B.

I'm going on memory, though. If you still have it recorded, see if they show the final votes.


Staff member
Nah, we deleted it. I thought it said something like 5-1, which would mean most people who voted for Marty switched to Kelly B, but I could be mis-remembering. Maybe it's online still.


All I can find online of any substance is a site that states that they didn't show the final votes on TV. When they read them, they showed only 1 vote for Marty, then immediately 4 votes for Kelly B, leaving 1 vote unseen. Normally, they try to draw out the suspense as long as possible by showing all the "dissenting" votes, so a number of sites assume, like you have, that the final vote was 5-1 and one even goes so far as to claim that it was Sash that switched his vote (probably based on handwriting of the votes shown).

So, based on the fact that they didn't show a second vote for Marty and they usually would, there is reason to believe that someone may have switched. However, had everyone kept their original votes, the vote would have been 4-2, which could have also been the case since they never showed that last vote.

Unless they choose to discuss this in the final, we will probably never know for sure.


Staff member
Saw 10/27 show.

I can't really remember anything exceptional about this one - this is where Marty gave up his idol in hopes of staying longer. I don't think it was the best choice - he could have been voted out, whereas if he kept it and used it at the council, he'd still be around for another 3 days but no one has the idol. As it was, Jill was still voted out though.

Naonka started running her mouth again on the other tribe though.


Yeah, I still haven't figured out what Marty was thinking with giving up the idol. I think it was to show loyalty and as you will see in the next couple of episodes, it sort of works - at least getting him into the merge with a small amount of loyalty from Sash and even Brenda. But Sash told him he would give the idol back and he never does, but he does go to bat for Marty. Was it a good play? Let's just say that ultimately, it won't ever be voted for the worst play ever like a few of the other handing over of immunities have been, but I still question whether it was worth it.


Staff member
Saw the 11/3 show. This is the one where the tribes merged.

Marty sorta caught a break - he's still designated as #1 bad guy, but Sash's promise to him kept him alive for tribal (although I thought he was supposed to get back the idol?). Not sure why Alina thought that keeping the six on her tribe together before the merge would work - they weren't together long enough to really bond for all them. Plus, if everyone was gunning for her, she probably should have known that when the tribes switched up (she obviously didn't feel any loyalty for the "young tribe") and she probably should have thrown in with the oldsters (Tyrone, Yve) before they were voted out.

Naonka continues to amaze me. How she's a teacher and a supposed role model for kids is beyond me, I shudder to think what her kids must be learning from her.


lol - wait til you see last week's episode, speaking of Naonka being a role model...

Yeah, this has been a very odd season of survivor. There aren't too many people that "have a plan" and it seems like there are quite a few whose only "plan" is "eliminate everyone else that has a plan". Maybe there is a lot more intelligent discussion going on that we aren't seeing, but there seems to be way too many chiefs this season and very few indians. Even people like Holly and Jane that you would expect to join up with someone else are actively involved, but not realy "aligned" with anyone.

If you are just getting to the merge, there there still seems like there are alliances. I don't remember if it's the next episode or the one after that where it becomes clear that there really aren't, at least none that are easily defined.

Anyway, I'm trying not to say too much because I don't want to give anything away (at least not specifics). Let us know when you get closer to being caught up. I'm guesing there are only 2 more weeks left. Amazing Race should be ending next Sunday and they usually end Survivor on Sunday the week after that.


Staff member
Yeah, I'm trying to watch a show either very night or every other to get caught up :)

The people that seem to have a plan are Marty, Brenda, and Sash (that we're seeing). And maybe Naonka. Everyone else is kinda just following along or have their own agenda, like Jane wants Marty out for personal reasons. Fabio is coming across as clueless/bewildered, which is funny to watch, but not sure how far it'll get him. But I guess as long as he isn't on someone's radar, he's okay.


Nothing really to comment much on last night's episode, other than Sash came across as arrogant when anyone else would have come across as relieved. Maybe it's me just misinterpreting insecurity.

Anyway, they did say "Only 2 episodes left", so it looks like I was right about the finale being the Sunday after next (assuming they follow their usual pattern of a Sunday finale).


Staff member
Saw the 11/10 show.

This is the one where the two tribes randomly got divided into males vs females for the reward challenge and Marty ended up being voted out. Oh, and Naonka did her little tirade at tribal. Like Jeff and Fabio, I can't believe she's around, but she happens to be on the "right" alliance for now and thus her safety is assured.


I don't remember well enough what happened in that one to comment any more. I think it's the next one or the one after where Naonka really shows who she is.


I don't think I have ever seen a tribal council quite like the one tonight. Jeff practically told them how to vote and all but put the pen into their hand. This has got to be one of the worst groups of survivor IMO than we have had in a long time. The "alliance in charge" changes their mind more often than they change their underwear (okay, probably literally given that they don't have a lot of extra clothes with them).

And then, after everything has been laid out exactly as it is going down, the three on the outs don't even bother listening to his advice. Even Jane ended up voting for Sash instead of Holly, what's with that??? Even if the others had listened to Jeff, she would have been voted off.

And honestly, why didn't someone hand Holly an idol? Are they others going to someone put themselves in agreement with no previous discussions to decide which of the other two to backstab? And yet had they followed Jeff's advice, the out would have been to hand Holly an idol.

I really don't get this group of Survivors. I don't think any of them have once during the season thought passed the current tribal council...

I honestly hope that somehow they change the rules and none of them end up winning the million. I guess I could vote for Dan, the underdog, but he doesn't seem like he even wants the money, either. For that matter, do any of these guys want to win?

And what's with the intros? Between last week and this week, it seems this is turning into "the Chase Show".