Stupid Question...



Lots of people have found a use for Arc-Slogger. At 5 mana for a 4/5 body, he's not all that bad, and let's doesn't matter if you have 1 card or 40 cards left in your library when you win, so long as you win. I usually call him Arc "Four Free Shocks" Slogger.


The Tentacled One
It looks like it would be a common finisher in Sligh decks (for the reasons Istanbul already stated). I've only seen it used in MD5 block decks, where it did quite well. It's not a bad card, although I must say I hate the picture... :(


Arc-Slogger has an excellent ability. Two damage for one mana, repeatedly and for no extra cards, is very sweet. The card removal is really just a limit on how many times you can use it per game, as usually losing 30 or 40 random cards from your deck won't hurt you at all (unless you're fighting a Millstone deck). The only thing keeping the card as whole from being excellent is its mana cost.

Just don't use it in a tutor-heavy combo deck or a deck with massive amounts of card drawing or that relies on filling its graveyard with 30+ cards (Hermit Druid, etc.). In most red decks that can handle five mana creatures, though, the Slogger would be a strong choice.


The Tentacled One
Originally posted by Aneximines
In most red decks that can handle five mana creatures, though, the Slogger would be a strong choice.
While what you said is generally meritorious, this last sentence is quite relative. It depends on what constitutes a "strong choice."

It is not a question of whether a red deck can handle milling away so many cards: it usually can. Arc Slogger's ability takes up mana, and therefore tempo. This in addition to the five it took to cast, means that most or all of your mana should be taken up by other "strong" cards (unless your deck has a poor mana curve or something).

All of this makes me inclined to take a different 5 mana bomb (if any) for most red decks, although Arc Slogger is still a viable option...


Too bad those cards get RFG otherwise you could gaea's blessing your way to the win!!!
not to mention any other graveyard tricks you could pull off!


The Tentacled One
Yes, it would certainly be to your advantage to have the cards go to the graveyard, since it won't take too many activations to really capitalize on...


Arc-Slogger is the 3rd best creature in my 250 card Battle of Wits deck, getting beat by Bringer of the Black Dawn and Skyshroud Poachers. In the late game with 5 or more red sources he becomes the best creature because I have at least 20 slogs before I'm decked.

Arc-Slogger is the premier Red deck finisher in Standard because he's great at clearing a path through Eternal Witnesses, Birds, Solemns, and random dudes like Hearth Kamis and Disciples of the Vault creating card advantage.

Arc-slogger is worse in large group games where you may need all your resources to win and you can't afford to slog away most of your threats and answers.

Arc-slogger adds the additional variable of how many slogs can you do and still win. Slogging nerfs your tutors but for red decks slogging usually means throwing away turns. Throwing away turns 43-53 isn't so bad, it's throwing away turns 23-33 and 13-23 that can come back to haunt you.


The Tentacled One
Originally posted by NorrYtt
Arc-Slogger is the 3rd best creature in my 250 card Battle of Wits deck, getting beat by Bringer of the Black Dawn and Skyshroud Poachers.
No Rectors, eh?