Star Wars vs. Star Trek



Star Wars is so much better than Star Trek.

If you want to debate about it, post here. Make sure you have proof first, though. If it happened on the film, it actually happened, if its in the books, but is contradicted by a film, the film rules. If you try to prove a power output, show your equations.

Lt. Col. Tycho Celchu

Killer Joe

New member
We've had an extensive debate about this very topic a couple of months ago, it got insane.
I don't have any facts, just opinions and for me, it all boils down to one thing, who had better lookin' babes?
Star Trek by a Light Year.
From Nurse Chappel (circa 1969) all the way to Seven of Nine of Star Trek Voyager.
Sorry Pal, I don't know which universe has a longer/stronger phaser beam, and I don't care :)


My argument is that in a Trek episode, they specifically said lasers wouldn't even penetrate the navigational deflector.
Also, in Star Trek, there are actual shield modulations.
In Star Wars, it's just either shields up or shields down.


Well, this has all been done before. Basically, in my mind, the Star Trek characters would kick the Star Wars characters' butts. But of course Star Trek specifically wanted their characters to be stronger. In my mind, Star Wars is cooler because their aliens look MUCH cooler and (imho) a more interesting and fast-paced storyline.

Another way of thinking of it, is if you have two hours, Star Wars is much more interesting and exciting then one or two Star Trek episodes. If you have an hour to spend every week, to keep up with the characters and storylines in Trek, it's probably better. Me, I like Wars. But it's just a matter of opinion.

Check out the other tread, somewhere else in this forum.

The Raven

Personally I think Star Wars is better, but that's just my opinion.

Cateran Emperor

I'd easily go with SW, since the characters aren't a bunch of Socialist wusses and actually are cool :D DS9 was the only Trek I could watch that didn't make me want to vomit since for some reason there was money and profits involved (thank God for Ferengi to keep some sense in there!)
How do I tell them I have no inner monologue?
Oops, I said that out loud, didn't I? Ah the heck with it, let's get it on! Round 4, let's go Multani, you weird tree guy! :mad:

[me]leaps at Multani and pulls out his Evisceratin' Scythe[/me] Hmm, haven't used the actual scythe since the last fight. It could use some slashing fun! :D

[Edited by Cateran Emperor on 11-04-00 at 12:11 AM]


You better surrender because I got Picard at gunpoint by a platoon of stormtroopers.:D

Star Wars!!!:D


Star Trek.

Why? It's more current. Remember, Wars is a long time ago. Trek is the FUTURE! And it could happen, after all, "America" is becomming more socialist every friggin day.

:Skip next paragraph if you are an overreactive pussy:

In all reality, if Star Trek was to actually be accurate, it'd be a Nazi party, rather than a socialist one, that'd get the job done. If those damn Brits would have accepted Germany's ultimatum, that they could take back their lands they lost to France, Russia, and mid-Europe, not only would there have been no World War II, but the "International Space Station," bearing the flags of America, Germany, and any combinatoric of Japan, Britan, or Russia, would be orbiting Mars and be a launcing base for operations on the moons of Jupiter.

:Ok, Hetemti's little politically incorrect rant is over, you can grab your Care Bear doll and come back.:

Also, Trek has a better handle on physics and its abilities and limitations. Wars want you to think a puppet can lift a starship with his mind yet can't move his arms without the help of they guy who put his arm up the puppet's ass.
And Star Trek dosen't hire Cocaine feends, giant slugs, or whiny ugly guys.

That, and on Unreal Tournament, I have ST skins. Stupid Klingon...Worf done got himself shredded by the flak cannon. :)


Star Wars by a light year...

After all, Star Wars has got the best guys! :)


Although, I really prefer real science to sci-fi, I agree with you Hetemti. But is it just me or did you just happen to miss this whole thing called the Holocaust?

Star Wars does have better aliens. Yet, Star Treck explores real issues and isn't some old achetypical "Let's all be a hero" thing. *Sudder* just look at the recent Phantom Menace. Star Wars was so chauvenistic too...the whole Princess Leia as a sex slave. But, if it was Luke, I think I'd have to change sides. :)


Hey, we're not counting the Phantom Menace. That was pretty bad, and everyone knows it.:)

As for Leia being a "sex slave," well, yeah, but she did strangle her captor, shoot a bunch of guys with lasers, blow up the ship, take charge of a bunch of guys that didn't know what they were doing, save people's butts quite a bit, etc.

And, really, Trek does the babe thing more than Wars.

So don't harp on the "chauvinistic" thing too much.

The Raven

Your right, Phantom Menace was bad. Wait, that reminds me.

[me]finds Jar Jar Binks, and shoots him in the head with a shotgun.[/me]

There, I feel better. :D


If there were thumbs in space and they got really really mad at each other, this is what there would be:

Thumb Wars
anyone got any more information on this? I caught it and recorded it, but I havn't seen anything else like it-- Are there others, like Mabe, I dunno, Indiana Thumb or Thumbo?

SOMTHING like it?


I think this thread was pointless.
I think it should be shut down.

A: We've all had these discussions, and there never is a "winner".
B: It starts to get personal.
C: This should be in the Battle Arena.
D: This is a Magic message board, not a Trek board.

Cateran Emperor

I second the motion. This may be something we've gone on for one round too many.

Now as for Hetemi's comment [begin another political rant here]

Hetemi, do you know what Nazi stands for in German? It's an abbreviation which translates to the National Socialist Workers party. That's right, the Nazis were Socialists in name, if not completely in practice. Weird hmm?

[end second political rant]

BTW, TPM = Star Wars Lite, not the real stuff of the original trilogy.

I'll duke this out in the arena any day though... :D

Phyrexian Pie-Eater

One word: Tech. They have all the coolest stuff. Ohh, you think a bunch of monks with laser swordy things can beat a fully armed klingon? No way! Ohh, now they want to use mental abilities...we've got people who can do that 10x better. Then we go at warp 9.98 and they will never catch us. Then we have the defiant destroy that scrap you call The Falcon. Your biggest enemy: a bunch of Capitalests/rulers. Ours: a group of techno-people that can whip whole civilizations out of existance in a very short amount of time. They can't be defeated by taking out one ship, you have to destroy them from the inside out. Yea, we win the best villian fight to. Go Trek!!!