Shipwrecked - Card 5

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Again, the bids this round were a bit more agressive. Looks like both Gerode and Spidey had the same idea, both stopping the bid on the second round (4 gems). Cards played:

Gerode: Stop (Strike, Stop)
rkoelsch: Pass
Spiderman: Stop (Strike, Stop)
Jigglypuff: Stop (Pass, Stop)

Since nobody played Strike, the bid goes to the player that played the Stop round 2. Since there is a 3-way tie there, we look at the number of Pass cards played prior to the bid Stopping. I must say that this has been a very odd game so far in that the bid has yet to go to the player stopping the bid. With 1 Pass card, Jugglypuff takes the Bugs and Slugs at a cost of 4.

Current turn: Gerode(2 income)

Gems/Resources (color-points-income):
Gerode: 11 / Lean-to (tan-20-2), People (purple-50-0) (70 pts)
rkoelsch: 15 / none
Spiderman: 15 / none
Jigglypuff: 9 / Wild Boar (green-50-0) , Bugs and Slugs (green-10-2)

Sold Resources: none

Okay, truth be told, I forgot to pick a new card before I hit the road. So, I'm going to make a command decision here (since my luck is that if I wait, this will happen anyway), and this round, you are playing for a Hidden Resource. What that means is that it could be any of the remaining resources. Remember, the lower point cards have higher income, so it is never a complete loss, but bid knowing that it will be random.

Bids are due by Tuesday. I won't have a chance to check again until then, so the next round will be posted then.
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