


This is it me friend. First I'll set you up a character by combining a profession, and a type. Your type comes in the different mana colors, as well as universal (colorless). As well as limiting the color deck you have to have, it also takes its toll on the kind of spells you can purchase.
Name: Sefro
Type: Netrum
Profession: Artificer
Now, your a green Netrum, who is an artificer. Next you set up your stats. Your stat base is determined by what type you are, and is modified by your profession. You currently have 12 points for physical traits (str,spd, hp) and 12 points towards mental stats to allocate (int, mna). note, if you allocate any points towards your HP, you multiply the points by ten. I'll allocate them for you.
STR: 8-1= 7
MNA: 6+2=8
SPD: 4
INT: 6
HP: 175
You see that the artificer trait limits your STR by -1, and adds +2 to MNA. Now its time to post up your base aiblities which are stated in your type.
Plague of Snakes: 2 MNA- Put a 2/2 Snake token into play

Drawing Energies: 1 INT- +1 MNA

Vine Net: 2 MNA- Prevent all DMG from target Range attack
And then your profession traits.
Items cannot be disabled
Cannot use items that dissapear after one use
Can use any items, despite color restrictions

Upgrade: 1 INT- target items deals +1 DMG until end of duel. Use this only once per item
The upgrade there indicates that while your battling, you may spend 1 intelligence point to have target item deal +1 damage until end of duel. I'll explain the importance of your stats later on. Now ya get to post up what your characters proficiencies are.
Items cannot be disabled
Cannot use items that dissapear after one use
Can use any items, despite color restrictions
And now your Spell Credits, which are based on this:
If you have an even number of Mental and Physical stats, you have 12 SCs

If you have 1-2 more Physical stats than Mental Stats, you have 11 SCs.

If you have 1-2 more Mental Stats than Physical Stats, you have 13 SCs.

If you have 3+ more Physical Stats than Mental stats, you have 10 SCs.

If you have 3+ more Mental Stats than Physical Stats, you have 14 SCs.
I'll allow you to make your own character if you wish. go to the links listed below to choose your proficiency and your character type. please note, your proficiency can either be the color of your character type, or universal.


This is a game which I'm hoping to expand to other messag boards.


Now, for the Scroll Points. You have a total of 12 spell points to spend. You can find a listing of spells you can purchase using these points here:

Your limited to buying your color, green, and universal spells.

Next, you construct a deck of your colors. Your main color is green, so you need to have a deck which is 60% green, and/or another color filling the rest of your deck. this deck has to be 40-60 cards, and is your main deck of spells.