RPG list



Dor Thrur?

How about Thradin D'or <plug in last name of choice>?

Common Translation of cool sounding dwarven name ... Kickyass. <laughs> Don't mind me... it's just a habit I've developed from years of gaming. :)


Staff member
that sound better... maybe Chakka as the last name?

Thradin D'or Chakka...

"kickyass"... I tell ya, I've already got some ideas for the game for you... <rubs hands evilly>


Remind me to get some posterior protection for Kyriani ... I think she's going to need it. :)

On a semi-useless tangent:

Isn't wearing a lot of hidden daggers really dangerous ... for the user? Granted, you have a lot of firepower (if you call 1D3 per pop firepower) ... but what happens when you trip? Ouch, at the very least.

Thradin D'or Chakka. <looks at the dwarf musingly> Pleased to meet you ... Kickyass. <laughs and runs to look for a +5 posterior shield> :D


Well, this is hardly everyone. Sould I go ahead and get started any way?


Staff member
Some people do have trouble getting on for a while... maybe set a deadline to start next Monday and if you haven't heard from the people to scratch them out.


Well, being the hard-headed bastard that I am, I went ahead and started it anyway before coming back here to read anyone's advice.
Oh well. We don't have to go fast. The best thing about an RPG on a message board is that it is not real-time, so there is no rush. It'll take awhile for everyone on the boat to get introduced "in-story" anyway.
If enough people still think it would be best to wait, I'll just delete what I've already put up and start again some other time. No biggie.

Killer Joe

New member
Yea, thanks Rondo!

a little song for you:
"You say Tomahtoe
I say Tomayto
You say Rando
I say Rondo
Tomahtoe, Tomayto
Rando, Rondo,
Let's call the whole thing off."

Major Crime

Character known as Snotgoblin.
Sort of human, 10% extra low light / night vision.
Hearing, loss top 10% of human range, gain 10% below human low point.
Stops breathing under water, for up to 15 minutes.
When taking fire damage, I take +2.
Unable to handle silver, take d3 damage per turn.
Good strenght & staminer.
Average Inteligents & Knowledge, but not too good with spelling.
Have sixth sense about locations of metal precious stone deposits. That's how made all my money, but dress as a lower middle class explorer.
Do not know where I am from, was found about the ago of four with two weapons & an armlet in the middle of a forest near a dwarf hold.