Poetry forum


Hawaiian mage

The CPA youth run about
Makeing me feel so very left out
Posting poems without heed
That I simply refuse to read
Becuase I have the attention span of a trout

-Hawaiian "a moment in history, the first non-dirty limerick" mage


...I never read this...I'm surprised at what Dw had to say...

BUT your honor, I don't know what he's talking about!

...a lunch date, Dw?

...a friend who cared?

For your information, Dw...that poem more applies to you, than it does to me.

>>For Dw...

Command of Words

You're the one who wore the double mask, remember?
You're the one who assumed your fate
You're the one who betrayed my freindship, clever...
You were the hunter and I was the bate
You weren't no victim...
That other mask you wore invoked my hate
I know you're not here, still
I know that I am too late
But still, these words shall echo
For I know you'll be here sometimes
I know you'll see this somehow
And I know that you'll recall that other mask
And all these words shall emblaze at your presence
Only to remind you of exactly what has happened

Keep in mind that I do feel culpable
At times
However, I dare not say I feel fully responsible
You had your actions in that part too, remember
You're the one who betrayed my freindship, clever...

Echo, my words
For I have no more to say
When the vicitim of this ode shall arrive
My words, you shall emblaze
Echo, my words


I don't know if I've posted this one up before...

Variable Dolmens

Down with the Collywobbles
I lie, huarches still on,
on the fold-out futon.
Colloquial haberdashery in my chattel,
worn-out, but still lecherous.
I must get up to preach
my bawd litany again.
I'd attempt to, but this
frowsty haze
obfuscates the room
making it twirl
like a Dervish
Floozily, I rise from the futon,
and fumble forward for the floor,
on top of the haberdashery.
Vociferating votively for a vaccine
I drift, drift
off to a soundless retirement.

Chaos Turtle

To Those Who Can't Let the Past Lie

Beware, o verse-slinging patrons,
Whose private interpersonal pains are
Posted for all to read.
Take heed, be warned:
Though your heart is scorned,
And your feelings forlorn and sore,
Have another stab at a lyrical jab
And this thread will be no more.



Jeez, when I saw spidy posted here, I half expected the old spiderman lyrics to be posted.

And what's this? Personal feelings? Isn't that what it's supposed to be?


Staff member
No, it's been done twice already (not by me though).

It was more of a moderator questioning another moderater :)


Originally posted by Chaos Turtle
To Those Who Can't Let the Past Lie

Beware, o verse-slinging patrons,
Whose private interpersonal pains are
Posted for all to read.
Take heed, be warned:
Though your heart is scorned,
And your feelings forlorn and sore,
Have another stab at a lyrical jab
And this thread will be no more.

So, talking about amihotornot or kids blasting their fellows is OK. But excercising one's artistic self if frowned down upon? Or maybe we should all just use this forum as a spam filter, never saying anything that would provoke even the slightest bit of intelligent thought.

Let me know, because I'm curious.

Chaos Turtle

Two posts in particular ("DUke, for you..." and "Command of Words") are the ones referred to in my, uhm...verse.

This is a great thread, but I'd hate to see it go the way of "For You New People: Names" by a couple of people who are going to air their apparent hatred for one another in a tit-for-tat exchange.

If they had been just poems, then fine; but they seem to be pointedly directed, and meant to hurt.

A "poetic" flame-war is still a flame-war. I just wanted to head it off before it escalated. If my assessment is inaccurate, let me know and I'll humbly apologize. (By the way, I'm not all-powerful here by any means...any thread I should happen to close <always as a last resort> can be reopened by any moderator who disagrees.)

Chaos Turtle

"The Toast"

That night we spent in your room
Drinking blackberry wine,
We had a mind to raise a toast
To qualities we liked the most
About each other. You and I,
We had music, wine, and pot,
But somehow in that time, forgot
The course we'd planned to take that night.
Now here, in my own room, I write,
Sitting now with pen in hand,
Taking in the rataplan
Of rain against my bedroom window,
I think of things I might have said
Had our mission in our heads
Remained, and had we followed through,
I know what I'd have said to you.

"Your openness," would be the first
Of your gifts I'd slake my thirst
In honor of, the way you have forever
Of taking in the world you never
Know, or knew,
But think you do until you have
A glass of wine and set your mind
To work. I go, "Now you."
And you'd say something bright and sweet.
Gently we'd let our glasses meet.
Right then, I'd say, "I love the way
You smile when our eyes connect.
It makes me wish I could perfect
My timing to ensure I'd see
That smile each time you look at me.
I'd raise my glass and you'd reply
With something so kind that I
Would swear there was a signal there
Of something more, but I'd not dare
Presume too much. We're friends, I know,
But my head's not always on straight, so
I make mistakes like these, but please
Excuse my silence as now I pause
To recollect my thoughts. My cause
Is true. But the burden's mine.
It's my fault I misread the sign.

Let's drink once more, "To Platonism!"
We toast, but then it's Onanism
That creeps into my mental shrine.
I slip and gulp, not sip, the wine,
Surprised to shame at what I've built,
I laugh to hide my silly guilt
And add, "I love your laugh,
When I make a little joke not half
So wild as you make it out to be.
The snickers and giggles tickle me
Much more than getting high on grass;"
I'd drink to that, then raise my glass
Again and shout, "Your mouth!
Your voice! Your eyes! Your hair!
The way you walk! The styles you wear!"
What is this effect you have on my
Equilibrium, that somehow I
Find strength to hold on to virtue
No matter how I f***ng want you?

Oh, sh*t.
I'm drunk.
Did I just say that bit out loud?
Have I gone further than allowed?
Is it too late to take it back?
Have I put our friendship off the track
That it's been on these past two years?
Would you, could you, allay these fears
Of mine? It overwhelms me such
To think I might have said too much.
Just tell me that you understand,
And resist an urge to reprimand
Me, even if you must forget
I said these things.
I don't regret them, though, those words.
I don't wish they'd gone unheard,
Unsaid, unthought, unknown, unless...
They've caused you some unfair distress,
Under which circumstance, I'll say,
"Pretend it never happened. Stay
With me a while. We'll drink the last
Of this dark wine, and in the past
We'll leave my comic, foolish game
So we can go on just the same
As though I'd never said a thing.
We'll toast and let the glasses ring.


OK, I get you now :)

Baskil <--- To dumb to realize what was happening ;)


Staff member
I really just scan these threads; as I said before, poetry just whooshes by me...

As DUke said though, curious he didn't see it dw's post before, since it was in November. Must have just missed it.

You're cool, carry on... that's why we ask these questions :)

Chaos Turtle

But you forgot to tell me how much you liked my poem.

Fishing for compliments? Heck, I'm trawling for them!

Chaos Turtle


Heart aflame for you
Sleep will take me not this night
Awake I can dream


My eyes thirst for you
Still you somehow elude me
Darkness is my friend


I am not too proud
You sit so close beside me
Silence closes in


Wow... talk about oldies but goodies. Its almost been a year since dw made this thread for me, and I have more stuff to add. (Riva, you can add, but hopefully not poems so long). This poem was written by a very close friend of mine.


Poetic Justice (by Moi [note: moi= Judy Lin])

It's midnight at the edge of the universe,
I sit there on the top of the world,
Looking into the deep dark space,
I see the cities spread beneath my feet,
Glittering and everchanging,
In the starlight,
It's cold up here at the top of the world,
I shiver because of the chilling breeze,
The phantom shadows dance before my eyes,
Souls of those that have been,
And might have been,
And could have been,
We are all wrapped up with 'if onlys'
But they don't mean a thing,
A butterfly falls off the edge of the universe,
I couldn't do anything to save it,
A baby dies,
And a star falls,
Chain reactions,
Poetic justice...


This is a poem which I used the first verse of another peom which I've already posted, back on the first page. I'm much happier with this version. And I hope I haven't posted it somewhere on this site already.'

Ode to Insanity

How many dreams have I dreamt?
How many nights alone?
In my halls of slumber,
Upon my ever sleeping throne.

But is it sleep that I know
Or something more disturbing?
Because if it’s my mind’s view of things,
Then how can I be seeing?

How the pictures shift and flow,
Is it just a mental sensation?
For all the things that I see,
Have to be my imagination.

How many memories have I known?
How many thoughts I’ve lost in?
In my halls of my mind
The realm of my forgotten.


For those who have died, are dying, and will die.

To all those who have lived and lost their souls
To them I extend myself, my compassion, my life,
To those who have felt to early, Atropos' knife.
I weep, I tear, my heart filled with holes.
And thus I cry.


A bolt of blazing gold,
lifted from the horizon's edge
Another radiant dawn sends new hope,
avowed my hearty pledge
My yearning to be part
of nature's truthful solitude
Of wisdom's inner light
that shines in mystic multitude
The guiding source within,
so few of us will ever know
And few will ever climb
the great world-tree from which we've grown
But those who seek will find
the rhythm that vibrates high and far
And rearrange the cosmic threads,
the pattern of the Weave of Stars

A bolt of blazing gold,
a sunfire in zenith hurled
Oh, wingless skydancer,
rejoiced upon the warmth unfurled
What wonders do you hold ensnared
with your mighty heart?
What secrets may be mine
to brother-share as we depart?

Of richest emerald forged,
my soul still rises, longingly
From inferno's winding caverns,
through dark air soaring, restlessly
If silence was enough!
No words can grasp my starkest thoughts
No language known to man
portrays my naked sentiment

A bolt of blazing gold,
swallowed by the waveless sea
The ocean-winds set sail,
in breeze towards their destiny
On solarbeams they rode,
white sea-gull-wings in harmony
For a moment's startling glimpse
a sienna-burnt tranquility

Oh father of the coloured sky,
unwear thy robe of shadowhood
Let nature's soul once clash again
'neath blooming glades of goldenwood

We're the ones who seek
to dance to fallen serenades
The magic hymns of gold;
as softly sung, the sunlight fades

Of richest emerald forged,
my soul still rises, longingly
From inferno's winding caverns,
through dark air soaring, restlessly
If silence was enough!
No words can grasp my starkest thoughts
No language known to man
portrays my naked sentiment

A world of silent stone,
as frozen in the nightly sky
In heaven's dark recesses laid,
no living soul draws nigh
For seconds all is still,
no moonlight heaves throughout the dark
Nor do the heavens breathe,
no dryads wreathe within the dark

Within my dark domain...


Revelation on the Dark

Where once was ice and silver sheen
Now dark pervades and nought is seen

For nothing is, thought Solitude
Atop a spire of lonely mood.

And Love could second none besides
For loneliness in it resides.

Lust beckoned, "reconsider this
The world is where your body is."

But quieted when it was said
That bodies wern't alive or dead.

The speaker was, of course, the Mind
Whose sentiment they stand behind

Except in times of ardor, when
The foolish eyes lose Wisdom's ken.

But ardor's lost where nothing be
The Mind found true most certainly.

So Mind and Soul philosophize
Behind a pacing figure's eyes.

The figure fades, while pondering
How shell, Mind, Soul are not a thing.

And with no brain to be corrupted
Thought will not be interrupted

No life to forge a morbid set
No death to make one rot, and yet

It matters not, for none are here
Depression gone, a dearth of fear

Where once was ice and silver sheen
Now dark pervades and nought is seen

For nothing is, thought Solitude
Atop a spire of lonely mood.