Poem for English...


Thallid Ice Cream Man

I will enjoy performing satanic rituals over your grave, Zadok.

Chaos Turtle

1 - I'm going to have to veto Ericbess' original (joking) answer, as the rope (unless magically attached to the flagpoles somehow) will have to be 20 feet plus the amount of rope required to make two knots.

You can't even guess at that information until you know the poles' diameters, as well as the diameter of the rope.

Anyway, without breaking out a calculus book and trying to learn it, I can't hope to correctly answer the question. ;)

2 - Well, I interpreted your "no outside influences" comment as inclusive of gravity, so I made no allowance for gravitational constant. Thus, I surmised that the first object will require more work, as you are moving it an infinite distance, whereas you are moving the second object a distance equal to infinity minus 30,000m.

Accounting for gravity, I'm afraid I'd have to bust out a physics book as well, and really... who has the time to learn physics when there's a nearby Grand Prix less than 3 weeks away? :D

3 - Whatever. You're just trying to make me feel stupid. :p

"Bonus" question: Wow, I actually knew that one. I'm stunned. mayve there is hope for me after all.

If I can be of further uselessness, do let me know.

(I do, by the way, know that some infinities are bigger than others. :))

Undereducatedly yours,


*theorgg crawls up into a little ball

No! NOT NA! The Number of Avagadro Returns! AAAAaagh! GET THAT DAMN MOLE AWAY FROM ME! ICHY POO! ALBLUJA! NOOOOOooooooo!


*theorgg stops movin'


Staff member
Apollo: Hey, it was slow going on the forums that day... and I didn't actually write his stuff, just tried to throw out some ideas that might start the process.

Physics was my worst science class... ugh.


I suggest you all purchase my book, "How To Take a Thread WAY Off Topic 101." I'll be available to teach classes shortly.

Thallid Ice Cream Man

Anyway, let's continue in the grand tradition of the original post and make some more poems for no OWCHing reason. (self-edited: I like OWCH :). In fact, that was what was there in the first place)

Here's one:

The Spoon

On Sunday I was eating some cereal
when I found something weird about the spoon.

I had taken the cereal (I think it was Wheat Chex),
gotten a bowl down from
poured the cereal into the bowl,
and taken a milk carton out of the refridgerator.
I carefully poured the milk into the bowl as well.
Afterward, I had taken a spoon out of the drawer.

This spoon looked to me to be the right size.
It wasn't one of the small spoons I used in days of yore when my
hands were smaller; it wasn't a gigantic serving spoon either.
It wasn't one of the serrated spoons used for grapefruits.
It wasn't any of the old spoons,
tarnished and probably dangerous to mental function.
It was just an ordinary spoon in a crazy mixed-up world.

the cereal bowl in one hand and the spoon in another,
I walked over to the table, where I usually eat, and sat down.
My brother was half-asleep on the couch.
Everyone else was completely asleep.

I sat down, and put the spoon into the cereal bowl.
It made a light CLUNK, the equi-
valent of a microscopic BOOM.
I began to eat the cereal,
taking care to
get some milk and some cereal into every spoonful.
Suddenly, I sensed some interference from the spoon.
I looked at it, and saw some green &**%##@#%! on both sides.
I gazed into the bowl of the
spoon, saw
my face reflected upside down in the stainless steel depression.
I saw my face say "Holy OWCH! What is this crud?
Did someone stick this entire spoon up his nose?"

My brother continued his half-sleep, raving
endlessly about how his insomniac campaign
to conquer the exer-cycle last night kept him up without sleep.
I calmed down, and picked the offensive material off of the spoon.

I continued eating. I ate most of it, then went downstairs.
About a half an hour later, I came back upstairs.
The cereal was soggy, the spoon was still a spoon.
My brother was still half asleep, mumbling to some guy.
He was still asleep.


This is a true story (well, except for the sex).


Yo Brandon. One time I wrote down the lyrics to The Despair Factor for a poem. Worked great, cuz in this hick town no one even suspected them to be song lyrics. Oh the joy of plagarism.

Kinda bummed I copied newer AFI though, since I like the older crap better.