Ooh! Useless Nostalgia!



Do all of you old members remember what it was like in the good ol' days when the CPA was black and orange?

I think it's time to remember how much fun the CPA was back then.

Let's tell all of these CPA youngin's about the good ol' days.

"Back in good ol' days, every night, the founders would whoop us, and when they got tired, we had to whoop ourselves. Then they chopped us into pieces and played frisbee with our brains, adn let me tell ya sonny, not once did we complain...

..When I was your age..."


Why, when I was yer age, train, they hadn't even invented exclamation points. Whenever we wanted to emphasize somethin', we had to stomp on the ground and make it shake. Now mind you, it wasn't as if anyone could feel their feet cause of the frostbite they got from walkin' fifteen miles to the schoolhouse in ten foot deep snow just to have the teacher give 'em a whuppin' with the paddle just for bein' tardy. Speakin' of which, back in my day they didn't have refrigerators. You had to go out to the icebox to get somethin' cold to drink even though it was always below freezin' outside. And if ye did it w' out askin', Paw'd whup you good upside the head and if he had a mind to, he'd sell you off to work in the mines. And you got a lot more sun too back in my day, what with having to work in the fields all day every day of the year to make ends meet.....



I'm scared........

His stories are so horrible, did they really sell kids to the mines...

(Replies) Why son, did you think you were playing when we taught you to run into the hole and fill the bucket with as much black rock as possible and run out again... How do you think Daddy affords all his horseshoes for the fair competitions, - your playing that game provides the family income...


't weren't horrible, it built character. Why, back in my day we had more character than all you youngins put together <stomps>


I'd like to go back and reemphasize the active female members. :)

Doe doesn't count, of course. :p

Azreal the Soulmaster

I remember back when Zadok was still "the nick name guy" and spouted his trademark speech at every new member.



I'd like to go back and Over-Emphasize - FEMALE MEMBERS!!!

No offense Zadok...


Zadoc, Duel, Ferret(114, NOT Starcity's Ferrett), Necrataal, Baron Sengir, Child of Gaea, Dune Echo, Ihsan's Shade...

I miss those guys. :(

The college of your choice surely cuts into your forum time, don't it, fellas?


Anyone know what every happened to Erin Puff or Griffith SE? Me neither...

And the old fueds Mr. Pestilence and Ahar, Duke and Ahar, Duke and Mr. Pestilence, and Gizmo and damn near any damned body! Whatever happened to those fueds, I guess it ain't bad...

But different opinons are somthing everyone should hear...

*theorgg begins waxing his nastalgic.

Azreal the Soulmaster

heh DUke, he always made things interesting, you've got to give him that.


Well at least arhar is also not present as of late... now that guy was a scumtrap :)


Ah, the good old days. I remember when I tried to make a religion, or "cult" as some may say, in which Ed was god.

P.S. Ed is God


Ah, these kiddies these days, most of 'em probably don't even know who the almighty Ed is!

PS--active female members!


Staff member
At times I miss the "good old days" - heck, I even wrote an article titled that a couple of years ago. I used to spend about $20+ a week on cards and still didn't have enough. I had a nice internet tech-support job that allowed me to read the messages here (as well as all of the other Magic-related sites) and find out what's going on in the world of the game we love so much...

...but, then I would have never met the the wife. I guess sometimes we have to remember there are things that are more important than Magic - try not to gasp too loud :)


"...now, if she were only a player. She could be an active Femal User..."


Staff member
Griffith still comes on the boards here and there but just doesn't post much anymore. That's why I said "active". I have no idea what happened to ErinPuff or Almindhra. PJ also throws in her comments about the new sets but they don't last too long. And of course, good 'ol Whimsy....

The feuds were largely due to political differences. Since we moved them to a different forum, the debate seems to have pretty much ceased.

Ferret, you haven't tried to teach your wife Magic? ;)


I'd like to give a shout-out to my wife for being so supportive of my addiction... She's even supporting the idea of opening a gaming shop. She even wants me to start taking trips with Hatter again to gain more play/judging experience. She doesn't play Magic, but doesn't hold me back either...

Just this last weekend she stayed with the in-laws just so I could play in a PTQ.

Thanks Belle...

Just to let you all know - she does read messages on this site from time to time...


Originally posted by train
She doesn't play Magic, but doesn't hold me back either...
Wow. She's that supportive, but DOESN'T know how to play? Amazing. Y'd think the curiosity would be too much.


Just to let you all know - she does read messages on this site from time to time...
Ooooooh. Hi Belle! Thanks for letting our good buddy Train come chat with us. It's nice of you to let him out of his cage long enough to make a friend or two. Just don't let him have tooo much freedom, or he'll start to take liberties and go to a baseball game or something. Keep that whip handy!
