

Aku Necromancer

Looking for a good book to read? Trying to use up some free time? May I suggest Confederacy of Dunces , by John Kennedy Toole. I just finished reading this book not to long ago and making plans to read it again. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

A monument of sloth, rant and contempt, a behemoth of fat, flatulence and furious suspicion of anything modern - this is Ignatius J Reilly of New Orleans, noble crusader against a world of dunces. In magnificent revolt against the twentieth century, Ignatius propels his monstrous bulk among the flesh posts of the fallen city, documenting life on his Big Chief tablets as he goes, until his maroon-haired mother decrees that Ignatius must work.

-Progressive minds


Oh my VALVE!

I've read it. Not a bad book, at all, though it disturbs me that seven people told me to read it because the main character was exactly like me...

*theorgg shudders