Nostradamus 1654



"Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654

"Two brothers" - The twin towers

"torn apart" - they where

"by Chaos" - Terrorism brings Chaos

"while the fortress endures" - pentagon remains standing

"the great leader will succumb" - Bush?

"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Manhattan when it was filled with smoke and dust looked as if it was burning. Remember Nostradmus was always cryptic in his revelations.


CPA Trash Man
DANGIT, Nostradamus! Why does he have to always show us that the world is going to end!!!!!!

Ransac, cpa trahs man


*grins* I heard somewhere they had the date down to December 21, 2001. Anyone have any clue why someone told me that or where he got it from?

Cateran Emperor

Nostradamus said a lot of things. As many, perhaps more of them have been false than have been true. Those that were true, well, he predicted so many thousands of things statistical error means that he'd get something right.

I'd recommend you take no stock in this at all.

Lotus Mox

But how do you explain the name "Hister" for his 2nd antichrist, pretty close to Hitler if he just randomly guessed :rolleyes:

He also predicted masks which look like pigs for WW1, how should someone in the 17th century know or even think of such a thing.

Germans even faked Nostradamus in WW2, to win the war, cause he predicted something different.

I think someone who actually knows what Nostradamus said, should speak here, his things were vague, but not that vague, as many ppl think they were, and he didn't made thousands of verses, I'm fairly certain it are more something like 100-500.

I'm sure that he added very few dates to his verses, so the 21th december might be some random date which ppl "interpreted" into his verses.

But I don't know much about Nostradamus so I could be completely wrong *shrug*


You missed a couple of word before that. "In the city of god". And calling NY the city of god seems far from fathomable.


Nostradamus wrote in French, so the quotes will vary significantly with translation. I'm doing some research right now on that quote. I'll update if I find anything interesting.


Staff member
But isn't New York called the "City of Angels"?

But I agree, in general his stuff is too cryptic that you can probably apply anything in hindsight to his "prophecies".


:steps out of the shadows:

Originally posted by Lotus Mox
But how do you explain the name "Hister" for his 2nd antichrist, pretty close to Hitler if he just randomly guessed :rolleyes:
Easy. When Nostradamus was around, the Danube was called the Hister. Depending on how you translate the source material, you get a different interpretation. And Hitler can't be the anti-christ, because he didn't succeed and millions of people didn't disappear simultaneously beforehand :/

He also predicted masks which look like pigs for WW1, how should someone in the 17th century know or even think of such a thing.

Germans even faked Nostradamus in WW2, to win the war, cause he predicted something different.

I think someone who actually knows what Nostradamus said, should speak here, his things were vague, but not that vague, as many ppl think they were, and he didn't made thousands of verses, I'm fairly certain it are more something like 100-500.

I'm sure that he added very few dates to his verses, so the 21th december might be some random date which ppl "interpreted" into his verses.

But I don't know much about Nostradamus so I could be completely wrong *shrug*
BTW, the quote that people are using is completely false. It's an interpretation of what he said. Everytime something like this happens, you always get these prophecy nuts saying Nostradamus predicted it. And they almost always use the same prophecies, only adapted to fit the situation.

Nostradamus was vague enough that anything could be thought of as predicted. Much like the Bible has been twisted to fit the philosophies of fringe groups. God hates gays? Well, only if you read it that way.

:steps back into the shadows:


But Nostradamus was born in 1503, and began his writing in 1555. Also, this is a hoax and the beginning of the Quatrain comes from a hs student in Canada in a paper where he is attempting to refute Nostradamus. Nostradamus never gave dates, he used astrology to date things.

Go to this site and read about it. It has links to the original article by the kid.

Sorry to burst the bubble.


That first quote is so undeniably the Civil War... :)

I stand for justice, not for vengeance.


Nostradamus *shrugs*

The bear will fly to the eagle, you know.....


The two brothers torn apart by chaos-North and South seperated

The fortress endures-The United States wasnt destroyed in the war

The 3rd big war will begin when the big city is burning-Lots of citites were burned in the civil war.

The great leader will succumb-Lincoln shot

It makes sense.

Bearer of Bad news??? I dont think so. I'd rather have him NOT be right....


Staff member
These quotes are false interpretations. I can't get to the url that debunks them right now, but I should be able to post it by tomorrow.


Also, Hitler couldnt be the Antichrist becuase he was Christian lol.

Nostradamus also said the world would end in 1999.

It's been 2 years, and i'm still waiting for the Apocolypse!!!!!!!