I haven't seen much of this set and I don't like it as much as the previous two. But there are some cool cards. Aven Mindcensor has a very cool name and shuts down tutors and such. Barren Glory makes my Kaervek's Spit/The Cheese Stands Alone combo return without use of Unglued cards (but doesn't have much other use, unfortunately). Tombstalker is a very cheap 5/5 if you can load your graveyard quickly enough. However, because of my loyalty to the storm mechanic, I'm going to have to nominate its little brother: Bitter Ordeal.
Its effect is not as impressive as most of the real storm cards, and the mechanic probably isn't as fluid in a deck. But it's much easier to make tons of copies. In a milling deck it could be a crippling (and uncounterable) blow. It adds a new element to cards that destroy a lot of permanents or allow you to sacrifice them. Even early on in a game, it could remove the key cards from an opponent's library. And with an engine that puts permanents into a graveyard repeatedly (like Sliver Queen and Ashnod's Altar, if we want to be really extreme), it can kill an opponent outright by decking.