My PTQ report, or how I got my signed Meddling Mage



Ok, first of all, for all people that read PTQ reports because the person who wrote it did good, or looking for tech, my team didn't win anything, and this report holds no useful information about Team Sealed format whatsoever. Sorry.

Now, onto more important things. Our team's called Disciples of Ozzy, name reflecting a simple fact that Ozzy is God, and everyone should worship him. The team is myself, Roy and Chad - bet those names don't tell you anything, huh? Anyway, the PTQ took place on a Saturday, June 23rd, at Neutral Ground NY. I'll skip the usual banter about how we arrived at the tourney site, bla-bla-bla, because no one really gives a damn, right? ;) Anyway, I look at the pairings, and my jaw drops in disbelief. You know, there has to be something wrong with this world, the English language, or just me, when you arrive at the Pro-Tour QUALIFIER, to find out you are playing your first round against none other than Team Deadguy - David Price, Pro-Tour CHAMPION, Chris Pikula - Invitational winner and Mr. Meddling Mage, and Tony Tsai, also known pro player. But hey, it could be worse, it could've been TWO PT champions against us - there was a team of Zvi, Mike Pustilnik and Mike "Bad Player" Flores. Oh well, that's the price that you gotta pay for living in the center of the world - and Magic-playing world, too.

Anyway, I get paired up against Tony Tsai. He is truly a very nice guy, I have nothing but praise for him, but then again, the rest of the team were also very nice, not cocky or obnoxious in the least. Chris Pikula was wearing his "I heart SLAYER" shirt and we had a little chat about metal music, so that was pretty cool. Me and Tony played similar decks - G/R/? beats, but he a got better deck, better draws and despite me taking a double mulligan second game it didn't matter, he's simply a better player :) Anyway, he beat me 2-0 and after the game said I didn't make any playing mistakes (which cheered me up a lot) except that I should've been more aggressive. Chad lost close, but still 2-0 game to David Price, and Roy won the first game against Chris Pikula, got very nervous when he realized he could win, and made a couple of mistakes, which cost him the match :( So we lost 3-0 :) After the match, Chris signed all of our's Meddling Mages, so it was cool :)

We figured that loss against Team Deadguy isn't an accurate representation of how good our decks are, or how prepared are we, and just kept on playing.

Round two, we got paired up against a team much closer to our level. The match was unexciting, and we just won, 2-1. I won my match against a BUW deck, which was too slow against my Fires of Yavimaya, 2x Voracious Cobra, Power Armor, etc... After the match we traded, and it made my day - I managed to get a Moat. No, not Teferi's watered down rip-off, but the original, Legends (italian though) Moat. What can I say, I'm slowly working my way up to the Power 9 :)

Round three, we played against another very strong team, unfortunately I forgot their names, but at least one of them was a pro player. Isn't the Pro-Tour QUALIFIER for people that aspire to GET on the tour? Ah, I already touched this issue :) Anyway, we got crushed and dropped, keeping the casual pride :D.

Am I upset? Of course not! We didn't prepare that much for it - we tested about once a week for 1.5 months, and the only result is that we got better - much better at Magic. I'm definitely coming back in a month, much better prepared. Hopefully all pros will be qualified already :D


1-2 drop, arhar? Same with my team. There weren't many really high-profile teams at the PTQ I went to, but there were a bunch of former PT players, one that I got paired up against....

I still enjoyed it, because our team name was Urza's Penultimate Puppy. :D

Other problems we had: Our C player dropping out at the last second, and not practicing. At all.