MTG: Spiderman vs train, second game



i drew it when i cycled the vengeance... after you stoned my plains...

I only have a hunting grounds left in hand...

Do you realize I had to hold you off with 1/1's basically, until there were only 29 cards in my deck... that's cruel and unusual punishment for me, for a deck like mine...

To be honest - had the planar void been out before I got threshold - hunting grounds never would have been a factor...

With all the gy manip out there... why don't you run a tormod's crypt... or gravestorm would do you even better...

oh- about the game - sure... I will build a different deck though...

Until then...


Staff member
Talk about top decking :)

I know, it was unfortunate the Planar Void came out as late as it did. Honestly, like I said, this was built when US was the latest set and there wasn't threshold. I'll have to revamp the deck with the sets past US in mind.

I do have an anti-threshold deck; I think you might have helped me with it last fall. We could see how it plays out :D But I did have a different deck in mind.


The next deck I run is almost all creatures... with little utility... I just need to finish making hte deck... We could start Monday if that's okay...