Magic Quiz



This quiz will tell you if you are a magic fanatic.
To do this, write your answer for each question. There are 5 questions in all.

1. How much of your pay check do you use on magic cards?
A. 0% - 25%
B. 25% - 50%
C. 50% - 75%
D. 75% - 100%

2. How often do you go to places to play magic?
A. Once a month
B. Twice a month
C. Three times a month
D. At least once a week

3. On your way from work/school to home, you are
thinking about....
A. The new movie that came out
B. Organizing your magic cards
C. Talking on a magic forum
D. New, cool cards that you want to make

4. When you meet a magic player you....
A. Talk about the new movie
B. Want to trade
C. Want to play
D. Talk about the philosiphies of magic

5. You choose your favorite color in magic by....
A. Whatever cards you have the most of
B. Whatever cards you have the best of
C. By the stratagies the color provides
D. Because the color reflects your personality

Now add up the score like this:
A. 1 point
B. 2 points
C. 3 points
D. 4 points

If you have:

5-9 - you don't really play magic, do you?
10-14 - you like magic, but not that much.
15-19 - your life revolves around magic.
20 - you believe you are from domaria, and that you saw Urza walking the street the other day.


1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. C

Sweet, because I'm unemployed and no longer play much Magic I fall into category two!!!

Actually, me and a friend are working on creating our own independent card game, and actually have printed the cards! So that's why I'm quite interested in card-making.

And now for a :), just for the :) of it!!


1.B(No job, just allowance)
2.C(Wish I could play more:()
3.C(Getting on the net' and surfing the magic sites, same thing)
4.C(Play a 6-way chaos game)
5.D(Black, Mwahahaha!!!)

15pts, but I really DID see Urza the other day!;)


1. A
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. C

12 points, i guess i still have hope :)


1. B (at least in the past few months)
2. A (stupid Weeg needs to have Magic parties more often.. even though it *is* Weeg, it's still Magic..)
3. C (how I love thee, CPA)
4. C (I don't trade much)
5. C (I'm still kinda scrubbish, so GREEN STOMPY KICKS ARSE!! :D)

hrm.. 12 points.. but I like Magic a LOT! My life revolves around band, but I like Magic a whole buttload!


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. B (I still don't have all that many cards)
another one with 12 points :( maybe we're not all that fanaticle after all

Azreal the Soulmaster

1 D i'm currently employed at school and have no expenses what so ever hehehehe
2 B
3 B this should have included dreaming about if you were emperor of the world and how you would rule in the machevelian style with an iron fist not a caring hand......oops did i just say that um i'm not gonna be the next unibomber honestly
4 B
5 D blue "it is the nature of evil to turn you against yourself"-starke


1. How much of your paycheck do you use on magic cards?
I’ll have to go with “A”.

2. How often do you go to places to play magic?
There’s no “E” for “Other”? None of your options resemble my action.
I play once or twice in 6 months and sometimes not even that much.

3. On your way from work/school to home, you are thinking about....
Most likely “A” and “B”. Most of the time, however, it’s probably about Erica, or some random new person, digital or from real life.

4. When you meet a magic player you....
Most likely “C”. I also talk about how I have another name (and life) in the personality called “Duke”.

5. You choose your favorite color in magic by....
For sure it’s “C” and/or “D”.

My score is:
Between 8 and 10 somewhere.
“You don't really play magic, do you?


1. A, probably somewhere around 10%.
2. D, twice a week when I can.
3. C, I'm on here often enough.
4. C, I'm always on the lookout for new friends to play with. :)
5. Hmmm, kinda C and kinda D. I guess D, since I play all colors, and I'm very multifaceted.

1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 13, I thought I'd score higher than that. I guess it's because I have other things to do with my money.

Neil Rigby

1: A (1) Buying cards is daft, win them or trade
2: D (4) I play in a student bar so i have decided that this is okay (drinks and women).
3: E - Women (-2.5) This is not one of the multiple choice answers but is what i think about so I scored myself on it.
4: D (Technically (4)) I generally talk about how much weight they need to lose because most magic players are of an unhealthy weight, so this is a magic philosophy.
5: C (Again technically (3)) My choice of favorite colour is based on how many coulterspells that colour has.
Final Score 9.5 (Dubious to say the least)
In a way I wish I didn't play magic, but hey! the moneys good.

Neil Rigby

Coulterspells is a new way of typing Counterspells, If you can't type. :D


Staff member
1. A
2. I'm with DUke, there should be a "None" option or "Apprentice only". So I guess I'll have to say A
3. I guess A, but anything non-Magic really
4. C
5. I need 'Because it's my favorite color, period!" I guess I'll pick D since it's definitely not the others.

Total: 10 but really should be lower


1-A, but sometimes this streches into B (like when Invasion first came out)

2-D, every Weds. Going to play tonight and I'm psyched. Sometimes play 2-3 times a week

3-D, this is the closest to what I do, which is think about building new decks and new combos.

4-C, I want to play (and hopefully they have nothing against my Type 1 decks w/ no Power 9)

5-C, again this is the closest. But my favorite color is green b/c its the most fun to play: mono or multi.

15 points-Not bad considering I have a full time job, a girlfriend and a social life outside of Magic. Of course I don't really sleep as much as I'd like too, but that's a whole other deck of cards.


CPA Trash Man
1.E:I spend my whole paycheck and then take out a loan for more cards
2.E: No sleep, just magic,...see purple dragon...
3.E: How to shrink another magic artist and place him in a jar on my shelf for my collection
4.E: Argue with myself over which creature race will eventually take-over the Earth
5.E: After I hit my head with a hammer, which color I see first

E's must be 5 points, so I have 25 points, and Urza wasn't wearing any pants.

Ransac, on his way to the looney bin


Damn funny stuff Griffon2000!
That was hilarious!
I LOVE it!
(Note I'm not going to tell you my score, waay to embarrasing :) )