Magic Fat Packs...



At tonight's Friday Magic, I randomly won a Fat Pack...Now, of course I've never bought one of these...And in case you don't know whats in it here goes( mine was a MM pack ):
* 1 Starter
* 3 Boosters
* A Magic novel
* a little magazine about the cards and decks, etc ( Its the same as what the put in the Top Deck for when MM came out, they said things in there like, Cateran Summons was in the top 5 of the black cards, but Wumpus wasn't, and in the 5 top artifacts and lands, the Port wasn't mentioned, so pretty much, it's crap )
* foiled land
* foiled special card ( Mine was a red creature, maybe the monger )

So I opened my boosters, out of those three packs I got 2 common foils...I opened my starter and got a foiled land and another common foil and a Port...I couldn't believe it!...( Yes, I like foils and power cards )

So for the retail price of $25, but I actually got it for free, I found 6 foils and a Port...I was just wondering if anyone else has had incredible "luck" like this in a Fat Pack...


I haven't gotten Fat Packs that were THAT good...

...but I do highly recommend them to ANY casual player. Let me do the math for you, if you're not so inclined:

Fat Pack cost: $25
6 boosters (or one T. Pack and 3 boosters)
2 guaranteed foil cards: one land, one 'other'

6x Boosters or 1x T. Pack and 3 boosters: $20
Foil basic land: $2

So, for $3, you get a novel, a pull-out, and a foil card that could be anything at all. Not a bad deal in the slightest! I always pick up one of these when a new set comes out.

mogg bomber

The foil that comes with the MM fat pack is a promo Warmonger(it has two expansion symbols on it, the Masques symbol and a feather), I haven't bought one for Nemesis or Prophecy though(and I probably never will, I already bought the novels, so the fat packs for those sets aren't worth it to me) so I don't know if the foil for those are random or another promo card. I do highly recommend buying them though, because they are a good value and you seem to get alot of foils from them(the MM one I got had two more common foils in addition to the 2 guaranteed ones).