Looking for Magic in South Florida (Broward Co.)


Lady Re

Greetings everyone, I am getting very lonely here in South Florida--I can't find any regular games or local tournements to play in. Anyone know a source for Magic "Action" down here? PLEASE let me know.

I remain yours in Magic,

Lady Re


Y dont u check out thedojo? In the sidebar. And theres always MIE or apprenctice if you want a game

Lady Re

I have considered that--but it will be as a last resort. You see I really like the personal face to face interaction--the more social aspects of playing another person directly. I am just frustrated and amazed by the sheer lack of organized or even semi-organized Magic down here in one of the largest major metropolitan areas. (Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood) I don't even hear of any specific action in Miami either...

I just don't understand where all the players are... I've seen almost 100 at the one PTQ I attended last year... But I don't know where they are, or where they are playing... and I want to...

Yours in Magic,

Lady Re