Jorael vs Istanbul CHK Draft



OK, the random number was 588. Jorael will choose whether to draft first or if he wants to choose play/draw.

Jorael picked 878 while Isty selected 250...

I will not reveal the Ante cards yet, let me know if you want to play with them or not (can I waffle any more on this issue? I can still change ante cards if you ask as well)...

Once I know these things, I'll reveal the top 4 cards and we can get this party started... I will tell you that once we get halfway through the cards I'll be putting out 2 4 card stacks in the interest of finishing the draft quicker... I know it isn't "optimal" but by the time you have half your cards, there won't be much switching...


All fine by me. I opt for playing with the ante card, but if not, that's cool too.

I'll draft first!


Once I hear from Isty whether he says play with the ante or not, I'll lay out 4 cards.... Because he might change his ante card if he plays with it - or if he knows he won't... he never indicated a preference...