Immortal Magic

Killer Joe

New member
(click then read post)

"Your best Cards. Your best Deck. Your best Game EVER!"

Immortal Magic is a multiplayer format that allows you to play at your very best
  • 75 card decks
  • No B&R list
  • Extra card draw starting on turn 7
  • Last man standing RULES!
....spread the word......

Killer Joe

New member
with 75 card decks and in a multiplayer format in nigh impossible to combo out. The Power 9 (10) are only so effective not tomention the amount of beatdown one would have to endure from playing those kinds of cards. In this format games are more fun and better playing experiences.


Staff member
I wasn't thinking the P9, but rather the combos arising from cards that were placed on the Restricted list and mechanics such as Storm.

Have you played or seen some games in this format?

Killer Joe

New member
The league I run (The Multiplayer Magic League) is this format. We have a few more rules though:
No Silver Bordered cards
No Vanguard Characters Cards (this is assumed in any game I would think)
No use of proxy cards (again, I would think this is assumed)
No cards with refrence to "ante"

You'd be surpised at how many cards and/or abilities that ROCK in dueling have little effect on the metagame in multiplayer.


Staff member
You should resume writing the reports up :)

Has anyone tried to take a Vintage deck that might abuse one of the mechanics in single-dual and tried to play it in this format? Or do you guys just come up with your own decks?

Killer Joe

New member
Most decks are "original" but I still use "modified" tournament decks. Mooseman would say that my decks "focused" whereas the other members put together decks that are fun for them to play.
Reports? I never seem to have the itch anymore, I could try for the April game.


Staff member
So it might be interesting to see how a Storm deck plays in this kind of format...

Mooseman plays? Maybe he should put out a report... :)

Killer Joe

New member
I have yet to see an effective "Storm" mechanic played in this format of the several times I've seen it.

I won this month's game against Mooseman and two other players with a modified version of "Stupid Green" using Survival of the Fittest, Squee-Goblin Naboob, Spike Feeder & Weaver with mana accelerators Wall of Roots and Llanowar Elves.


Staff member
But was the Storm deck based off of the "Vintage deck" or just someone's creation? Although now that I think about it, I think it was the mill card and that'd probably hard to do with 75 card decks AND multiplayer...

Killer Joe

New member

Killer Joe

New member
I run four Demonic Tutors in most of my decks with black, 4 Strip Mines this past game, a player ran Tinker in his deck recently, Ponder, Gifts Ungiven, Recall, Tolarian Academy, all have been played and not necessarily dominated the game(s). I have never seen the likes of Type I BANNED cards show up, most are too risky for the owner of those cards to play in multiplayer games.


Staff member
Hm. So it sounds like no one's really using a whole bunch of cards from the lists anyways, just cards they want to play that they couldn't otherwise, since they're on the B/R list.