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No offence guys, but he's told me how old he is before over ICQ when he was using his "sharksarefun" nick on it. At the time he was 13 or 14 and claimed his mom wouldn't let him send first in a trade cause he was trying to get a crimson hellkite from my shop. I said to bad then and forgot about it.
Now he's 15. There are no 15 year old service men in the military other then maybe some kind of jr. cadets if that exists in the US.
So all his stuff about being in Afghanastan IS a lie. Even now his ICQ info says he's only 15. Why in the world would a US service man try and pass himself off as a 15 year old kid?
Also remember how he first claimed it was because he was drafted in California. Well there was no draft anywhere in the US nor are there any plans to be. Once again he's lying.

You guys can be generous and go with the benefit of the doubt, but I'll go with solid facts. As far as I'm concerned he's a disgrace and shouldn't be welcome here.

Also concerning the trades. I was one of the people he was supposed to trade with and I never got my card which makes him a ripper. I have tried several times to take it up with him via e-mail and have never gotten a response.

I may have been the first to use something close to bad language, but I used specifically "oink" and a term that fit what I was saying. A tad better then say telling someone to f-off.


Staff member
to Ura for making that accusation; it's in bold and I can't tell when I've edited posts so I assumed I had edited it. Sorry.


Ura - I also assumed a mod editted your post. My apologies - I wasn't aware members had begun oinking themselves automatically. :)

As for Riva, everything I know about him shows him to be fairly young. He is NOT in any branch of military service at that age, and if he is, he did not get 572 kills. Those statements are complete and unmitigated lies. I've had two people call him a bad trader, and Istanbul had a bad experience with him, though he was not actually ripped. With multiple bad trader warnings from people who have been shown to be good traders, as well as this new blatent series of lies about the war in Afganistan, I'm afraid I am at the point where I conclude he is not a useful member of this little society of ours.

Riva, please, prove me wrong about this. Give us some evidence that you have NOT blatently lied to us, and explain the three bad trade warnings.


Spidy & Zadok:
Its alright, no harm done, no apologies needed. Though I'll try to use something other than oink from now on to avoid confusion.


Can we replace swear words with something a bit more serious?
Swear words are used as emotive language, but the oink thing just makes their entire post look absurd.

How about "freak" or "frick"? Or do like Farscape and just make an entirely new word, "Frill."

[Part of the idea is to make it look absurd. :) If we just star it out, it retains the basic message. Being called a ****ing ***hole is far more emotive than being called a Moooing oinkhole, yes? --Zadok001]


Whatever, you fscking piece of shirt. Your birch asp is fscked-up!

(See how easy that is?)


haha, your occasional bouts of humor surprise me Istanbul:)

Zadok, I'm not quite sure I understand. I think it's a better idea to star it out, but the admin's dont. Do you agree or disagre with me?

Riva Iron-Grip

HAHA. you stupid people. this isn't even riva. this is his brother nam0. lol. you guys are losers. look at you. being stupid. actually my brother really is in afghanistan. he's only gotten about 21 kills so far. least that's what he said last time he called. which was last week. usually he calls every couple of days. but i dont know what's going on. my mom is getting scared. and when riva left, he put me in charge of his current trades, but i neva sent them off. cuz i couldn't find the cards. but, i'll find them and send them off okay?



Sorry, Riva.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Nobody is going to believe you.


Staff member
Thomas, you tried this once before too. We didn't buy it back then, and we're not buying it now.

You really do think we're stupid, don't you? :mad:


CPA Trash Man
I take full credit for all members oinking themselves and Spiderman can testify as a witness.

As for you, Riva, I just read your other post as well. You post these NINE minutes apart from each other? Come on. Have some common sense. OR, buy RUTABAGAS at Ransac's thrift store, located next to the jacuzzi in the secret administrative spa on I-90 next to then Hair and Gun stylng shop.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
Concerning oinkink: It's true, some people seemed to be self-oinking themselves. But since everyone should know the rules about NO CURSING, this is better than just *** it out.

Concerning Riva: Why do you guys feed the flames? I'm putting in my vote to just close/delete this thread... if another mod agrees, do it.
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