Happy Y2K!!!



Rokapoke reminded me I missed this one... sorry I was slacking...

Happy Belated Y2K everyone!!!!



This happy maybe?...(according to Wiki): Leif Ericson landed in America, Oslo Norway was founded and much more...

couldn't find anything about Magic, video games, etc. wonder why...;)


[edit][/url] Muslim world

The Islamic world was experiencing a Golden Age around the year 1000 and continued to flourish under the Islamic Empires (including the Ummayad, Abbasid and Fatimid caliphates), which included what is now the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Iberian Peninsula. By 1000, Muslim traders and explorers had established a global economy across the Old World leading to a Muslim Agricultural Revolution, establishing the Arab Empire as the world's leading extensive economic power.
The scientific achievements of the Islamic civilization also reaches its zenith during this time, with the emergence of the first experimental scientists and the scientific method, which would form the basis of modern science.
Most of the leading scientists around the year 1000 were Muslim scientists, including Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, Avicenna, Abu al-Qasim (Abulcasis), Ibn Yunus, Abu Sahl al-Quhi (Kuhi), Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi, Abu Nasr Mansur, Abu al-Wafa, Ahmad ibn Fadlan, Al-Muqaddasi, Ali Ibn Isa, and al-Karaji (al-Karkhi), among others.
In particular, Ibn al-Haytham, Avicenna, Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, and Abu al-Qasim, who all flourished around the year 1000, are considered to be among the greatest scientists of the Middle Ages.
[edit][/url] China

In what is today China, the Song Dynasty remained the worlds strongest empire and continued to thrive under Emperor "Zhenzong" of Song China. By the late 11th century the Song Dynasty had a total population of some 101 million people an average annual iron output of 125,000 tons and had bolstered the enormous Economy of the Song Dynasty with the worlds first known "Banknote" paper printed money.
[edit][/url] Events

[edit][/url] By place

[edit][/url] Africa

[edit][/url] Americas

  • Leif Ericson lands in North America, calling it Vinland.
  • Middle Horizon period ends in the Andes.
  • Charles C. Mann’s 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Vintage Books, 2005) gives a guided tour and map of “Native America, 1000 A. D.,“ (pp. 22–30) describing the numerous, populous and highly developed cultures of what we now call South America, Meso-America, and North America.
[edit][/url] Asia

[edit][/url] Europe

Europe in 1000
[edit][/url] By topic

[edit][/url] Art

[edit][/url] Religion

[edit][/url] Science and technology

[edit][/url] World population

[edit][/url] Births

[edit][/url] Deaths
