Happy Birthday Ransac!




*Limited dumps birthday cake in his trash and light the candles*


Wow! I wish I had a meteor to give you...

Hope your having a good day today.


CPA Trash Man
Thanks guys! I really appreciate that! I haven't been on much these past few days as I've been in ATL for an Opera Workshop. I'll be here until June 25-26. Then, I'll be able to go back to my old post like crazy on everything. :D

Ransac, cpa trash man


Happy Bday (barely got it on on my time zone). I give to you, a pack of rabid wolves, and a lead rabbit with which to beat them!

Killer Joe

New member
Happy B-Day!

And now, a story:
<Bizet's "Carmen" playing the backround>
I attended Duquesne University, a nice Catholic school in the Downtown part of Pittsburgh, and we had a great opera studio down in the basement where the women would practice. Well, naturally being a jerky percussionist (aka Dumb Drummer), my buddy and could resist hanging out down there and practicing on our pads in the hallways of the basement.

Now practicing on our soft rubber pads didn't annoy the somewhat 'prissy' pricesses of gravity but our PRESENCE annoyed them because we were lowley Bang-Wangers, unkemp, snickering at anything like them singing in the stratosphere in the altississimo range and generally unshaven and sloppy looking. There were a lot of hot girls of weight in our program (my personal preference) and it was just like enjoying your favorite TV show watching these girls give us the cold-shoulders look.

<now Ride of the Valkryies is playing>

Hope your workshop was enjoyable!