Grand Prix: Columbus


CPA Trash Man
I'll be heading down to Columbus, OH for the Legacy Grand Prix. Anyone else gonna make the trek?

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
So, Mooseman is going. Anyone else? MM, you wanna trade contact info and meet there?

Ransac, cpa trash man


Seeing as how I'd get my rump handed to me, I'll pass... even though it is downright local.


Isengar Tussle
So, Mooseman is going. Anyone else? MM, you wanna trade contact info and meet there?
Dude, it will be easy to find me.... I'll be in a red PES shirt and be working as the registration/product manager...... even my computer bag they got me says mooseman on it....... I can't promise I'll have a lot of time, but i'll make some.

Seeing as how I'd get my rump handed to me, I'll pass... even though it is downright local.
You should stop down on Friday at least to say that you are really the wolf.......


insert avatar here
I don't like travelling for tournaments, but if there was a legacy GP in my country (or Brussels, that's nearer than where my parents live) I think I'd go there. I like the format. What are you playing?

As a shameless threadjack, who's going to PT Amsterdam? Unfortunately I can't go on sat/sun, but I might go there on friday to see if there are any nice side-events.


Isengar Tussle
You mean it isn't still shrouded?
Alas, poor Ransac we have failed.... the sun shine upon these worthless lives.


Isengar Tussle
So Ransac, How goes the judging thing?
I haven't done an event since the Grand Prix......
I do have a PTQ in the Burgh in December...
, like 6 months with no Magic events....... that's the longest I've gone in .... well 10+ years.....