Gold Cards Back



Over at everyones happy that gold cards are coming back, hell i hated them, ive never came across any i would play with. Do you guys really play with gold cards?
If so what gold cards are worth a crap?


Why are they cool, There are no 5 star gold cards, sure some of the pictures are cool, like Dakkon Blackblade.
All in all i think there a waste of card stock.
More junk im gonna hate to pull from a pack, unless they finaly came up with some good 2cc creatures or spells, i wish they would make some good gold cards, but so far to me they not. :(

Y The Alien

Tag Guard

5-Star? OH, GOD, AN INQUEST PLAYER!!!! Don't EVER trust their card ratings, what did they give Dream Halls and Necropotence again?

Did any of you ever hear of Slivers? They were quite good. Also, Stormbind was big for a while.


Yeah Inquest really cant rate cards to good, and i did forget about the slivers, still im not to happy with gold in general. I also forgot about cadaverous bloom :(
Oh well maybe Invasion will make me change my mind.


no good gold cards?
uhh reflect damage was damn good thats a game winning card if used right
trap door spider is really good too i thought
well its just my opinion thats all

Chaos Turtle

I'd like to add Lobotomy to the list of good gold cards. :)


How can anyone forget Tobias Andrion? I mean we all want more cards like him...

but seriously... i like gold cards


In its time, Skeleton Ship was one of the only steady sources of -1/-1 counters.
Tetsuo Umezawa is an inexpensive creature that's BETTER than a Royal Assassin.
Nicol Bolas is *incredible* in Sneak Attack.
Stormbind and Cursed Scroll were *made* for each other.
Cadaverous Bloom had a YEAR at the top...more, actually!
Lim-Dul's Vault is a long-forgotten way to rearrange your entire library...Demonic Consultation my @$$!
Mundungu is hellish to deal with, especially in multiples.
Ranger En-Vec is a pretty good creature for white-green.
The gold Slivers are *all* good. (With the possible exception of Spined.)

That's a lot of gold cards, when you consider the number that have been printed.


Gold cards are hands down the coolest cards in magic. The creatues are nicely equipped for their casting costs and the spells and enchantments are powerful, unique, experimental (for Wizards R+D) and/or game altering.

Now, I am by no means saying all Gold cards are good. They have just a high a usefulness % as the regular colors, except they are not at all deck versaitile. But just like Prophecy, they are for the casual player.

I just want to add a few to the list (Istanbul pretty much covered the great majority)
Hymn of Rebith
Gwendolyn Something or another (Tap, opponent discards at random, 3/5)
Sky Spirit
Sol Kanar
Dracoplasm (Mr. funky combo deck)
Frenetic Efreet

Chaos Turtle

From the looks of it, they're going all-out with multi-color this set.

There appear to be gold commons in every allied color combination. I assume that uncommons and rares will follow suit.

There are common lands which can produce a color of mana, or be sacced to produce two mana - of two different colors!

There are cards which have an improved benefit if you are using more than one basic land type.

There are single-color cards which have off-color abilities. A new The Drowned (Metathran Zombie I think), a new Soul Burn (uses the new "Kickback" (?) mechanic).

Quirion Elves is reprinted!

Could it be a new Golden Age for Magic?

We shall see...


If Gold cards are to make a comeback, Rishadan Port must be banned so that multi-colored decks can be played with ease. So far, I guess the Urza-less T2 will suffer because Rishadan Port will make multi-colored decks almost impossible to play.

Which also means, everybody will be playing monocolored Rising Waters or Rebels. That's so boring!


I think INVASION is gonna rock! And port is banned in MBC, and I this will probablly be the case in the future type II. Whoo! So excited!

Child of Gaea

I hate foils in general, but wouldn't gold foils just be cool?

One of my favorites is the plain old Tempest Drake. 2/2 Flyer that doesnt tap to attack for 1UW. Not too shabby, and very easy to use. Another one I like, but that is not so easy to use is Solkanar the Swamp King. Nicol Bolas is the God of Sneak Decks. Not many decks can handle losing there entire hand on third turn.

Also, Soltari Guerillas were cool, as is Merieke.

Gold is cool!


I wish I could get a Sol-Kanar...

and ever heard of Staanng? 4RG, TWO 3/4s. card advantage. get a 3/4 for 3, but you have to get two...

great card. and what about Seal Fate? XUB, look at the top X cards of an opponants library and toss one from the game. rearrange the rest in any order.


I have to actually mention the Sliver Queen by name, it's just awesome, especially when added with a heartstone.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the gold foils look like.

Fire Slinger

Damn. Ravenous Rats are being reprinted. I HATE discard.

But the way, the gold foils are cool looking, there's one or two on the uncut sheet.


I'm thrilled gold cards are coming back. I haven't liked many of the ones that have been printed so far, but I thought they had a lot of potential and hopefully they will be powerful but not broken this time around.

BTW, Slinger, where is your quote from? I like it. There's some author I'm thinking of, and it seems like something he'd write, but I can't think of who it is. I'm probably wrong anyway.



Apollo --- that looks like something from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Scott Adams. I have a nice hardback leatherbound edition of the stories. Good stuff.

As for gold cards, I have always enjoyed them, even the "substandard" ones. Malignant Growth is a personal favorite (cool name AND cool effect -- a real b**** to use, though) as are the original legends that got reprinted, Dakkon Blackblade, Sol'kanar the Swamp King, Johann, and Gabriel Angelfire. The Elder Dragons are fun, though Nicol Bolas is the only worthwhile one, IMNSHO.

The best part about gold cards is that they inspire new casual decks.