


Today I was suposed to go on a hike for a field trip for my honors English classs, BUT THEY CANCELED IT AT THE LAST MINUTE, AT 6:58AM THIS MORNING!!!! :mad:The superintendent called the pricipal last night telling him to cancel it. The principal then didn't tell the teacher or anything, he just left a note in her mailbox at school this mourning; she's really P.Oed. Everyone arrived at school, all ready to go in a bunch of warm clothes (I was really hot) and such to find it canceled.:mad: The official reason was that it was the middle of hunting season, but they knew that beforehand and could have caqnceled it sooner. The real reason is that some of the other teacher were complaining yesterday and didn't see the point in the field trip.:mad: The only good thing that came out of it was that we were allowed to go home since we had all that warm clothing on and most of us didn't have their work done for school that day, so I'm sitting at home.:D


Originally posted by Spiderman
Sounds like it's time to catch up on some games... :)
Actually, I caught up on my backlog of anime. :D Nothing like a day of skipping school to catch up on some good quality anime.