

Cateran Emperor

Aye, the greenskins will be only to glad to smash a couple more stunties! :D

I've got to say, though, that the Empire has been growing on me recently (mainly because they're the side with the closest things to D&D clerics) With my greenskin army completed, I'm starting up on my "Good" army, a nice detatchment of the Emperor's armies. Time to smite some chaos! :D


Staff member
If I ever get my act together and finish painting my dwarf army and stuff (it's been base coated white for about 6 years now :D ), I think I would do a Lizardman army. I've never played against or with one, but I like non-human races and those seem the most interesting.

Of course, I'd probably make them multicolored or something; green is just boring all the time ;)

Turtlewax Joe

I completely forgot about non-ccg's. And I change my Magic rating to a 4 because I just commited myself to competitive T II Magic, and it proved it's self a challenge.

War Hammer 40k: 4
Mage Knight: 5

Computer Games:
NBA Live 2000: 10+(I will kick your @$$)
War Craft II: 3 (with cheats I'm a ten)
DX Ball 2: 6

Board Games:
Monopoly: 8(I don't care what you say, it DOES involve skill)


Thallid Ice Cream Man

I am more of a Magic player than a gamer (if you're not counting console games).
Magic - 2.6 (based on Gizmo's standards) - mostly just because the decks I'd like to use all really suck.
Pokémon - 20, in that I have never played; at one point I had some money on me and decided to buy a booster so that, in case I got a valuable rare, I could sell it and recoup my losses. It was a holo Nidoqueen, which now sits uncomfortably under my bed somewhere.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 0 (now that I know of someone who plays this game [Ura] , I am instantly inferior to him. Without you, I could have legitimately given myself a 10...)

RPGs (non-console) : Virtually none
My brother plays Warhammer 40k, but his attempts to get me started have been unsuccessful.

PC games:
Very few, and I only play them when my brother is on the TV. None are online, so I won't bother to list them here.

Console games:
Final Fantasy IV (PSone remake) : 1. My brother owns it, and we've only logged 3:30 on it.
Final Fantasy VII: 9 (I think. Using multiple Level 4 Limit Breaks on practically every boss [even on Disc 1!] is a good feeling, though).
Final Fantasy VIII: 7 (This game annoys me. Something about sending 30 giant rocks down from the sky every 10 seconds rubs me the wrong way.)
Final Fantasy IX: 7 (I haven't played this for very long either, although my brother beat it.)
Final Fantasy Tactics: 6 (I'm OK.)
Tekken 3: 6 (I don't know what an EWGF is.)
Jade Cocoon: 8 (I was the only one on a massive game message board to have discovered a secret minion.)
Rayman: 9.99 (unfortunately I'm not perfect). I am the MASTER at this game (the PS version, that is). Anyone who challenges me in versus mode will be beaten, even though there is no versus mode - I'm that good.
I have a bunch of other games, but I don't play them very often.

Gran Turismo 3: 3 (we got it about a week ago, but I'm bad at any course except the ovals, and I would certainly lose to Gizmo, who is the only person to have mentioned it)
Zone of the Enders: 0.0000000000001 (on alternate Tusedays). I am ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE at this, which is compounded by the fact that my brother really likes this game.
Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo: I haven't checked the konami website to see my ranking, but I'm probably near the bottom, and definitely nowhere near BIG BOSS.
Those are all the PS2 games I own.

Chess: 3 (I beat my dad most of the time, but that's about it.)
Rummikub: 4 (A weird game not unlike Rummy but with tiles. Not many people I know play it.)
If another common game (like Poker or something) is not listed, presume that I'm bad at it.