Does anyone here actually like pokemon besides me?

Which move must be bred on a Vulpix?

  • flamethrower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • faint attack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • safeguard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • confuse ray

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I don't see what everyone has against pokemon. If you play the game on a Gameboy, you might see how compicated it really can be. There's a bunch of forums on video games at and the Pokemon Gold/Silver one is one of the most active. There's a lot of strategy involved, and hard work to train the pokemon to a high level to battle with. And you'd be suprised how old some of the people there are!


Staff member
I think the "problem" that most people have with it is the perception that the card game might have taken away a lot of energy from Magic (IMO). I've played the card game and don't think it's too bad. Haven't played the Gameboy though...


CPA Trash Man
Even though I gave you a lot of critism on it earlier today, I used to play to Gameboy version (basically just so I could beat my brother in something else). I used to buy the packs of Pokemon cards so I could trade them for magic cards. For some reason, I always had luck in opening Pokemon cards, the first pack I bought had foil Venusaur in it.

But, nowadays, I feel that Pokemon has spawned a new generation of lovable characters for me to hate, and that just gives me more to blow up later.

Ransac, cpa trash man


I played it on gameboy and sometimes on computer, and its quite addictive, but there's pretty much no strategy at all (in my opinion anyway). And you get bored rather fast.


...I don't play PokeMon, I have nothing against those who are big fans. If you have a good personality, I'll like you...

I don't care if PokeMon made Magic look as a lesser game or whoteva.

PokeMon is cool for those who like it and childish for those who dislike it...

...just like...

...Magic is cool for those who like it, and geeky for those who dislike it...


TV show: sucks
Gameboy game: sucks
Card game: sucks
Toys and the such: suck

Sorry for sounding harsh, but once you reach double digits in age, it's really stupid.


TV show: Sucks.
Card game: Sucks.
Merchandise: Sucks.
Movies: Suck.

Game Boy games: Pretty good.

Seriously. Once you look past the material, just forget 'Pokemon' in there, you'll realize that the Pokemon games on Game Boy actually have the makings of decent RPGs.
Oh, and Pokemon Puzzle League is just Tetris Attack with a new skin. And Tetris Attack RULES.


I liked the Gameboy game for a while, but it got rather boring quickly. The card game isn't as bad as people give it credit for, but I don't care for it. I have a few cards that I haven't touched in nearly a year. The cartoon sucks.

Prince RXI

You know what?

TV show: all suck ecept the episode "Bye Bye Butterfree" that was my favorite episode.
Toys and Merchandise: SUCK!!!!!
Gameboy games: All suck ecept the Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Platinum(the one that is still only in Japan)
Card Game: SSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I used to collect them just to have them. Then I found out that the game itself sucks to me.

And there you have it, My Opinion about the Pokemon stuff.

Prince RXI, likes Magic: The Gathering much better, likes the computer much better, and likes videogames much better than this Pokejunk.


Sorry for the harsh title, but I give no quarter for Pokemon.
To me, Pikachu might as well be a target for test missiles....

TV show: Gay
Card game: Sucks and is gay
Toys and Merchandise: Only get this if you have
a.) A girlfriend
b.) A toddler child
Movie: See above

Like, I said, no quarter.
Now, I'll go smash Blastosie with a Force of Nature...

Cateran Emperor

[Shrugs] I have nothing against it. During the time I was off of magic (during early Tempest through early Saga days) I played a lot of video games instead. I played the game boy pokemon, and it was good. It fell short of other RPGs, but it was fun in its own way. When I went to the new card store that had opened in town with the thoughts of getting into this game, I noticed that there were people playing Magic in the back. That was the closest I ever came to buying any. You could say that, had it not been for Pokemon, I wouldn't have gotten back into Magic. Since the day I restarted my Magic collection, I haven't touched anything Pokemon related. It led me to a place where I can play Magic. That is enough reason for me to not bash it.

Sammy Dead-O

Weird (the topic, not Pokemon). I was thinking of posting a question along these lines.

Yes, I like Pokemon quite a bit. I've even written articles on the TCG for Scrye. The card game is straightforward and fun and has a lot of room for strategy. I work with kids, and it's a great game to play with them. Plus, an adult can connect very quickly with children (important for me when a new session at my program comes around) just by showing a knowledge of such kid-related things.

It seems some people (such as many of the kids' parents) have just forgotten what it's like to be a kid and enjoy things like Pokemon. I can understand not liking it, but hating it...whatever. Pokemon is not a threat. I don't like Teletubbies, so I don't watch it. But if a Teletubbies TCG came out, and any of you wanted to play it, good for you. Better to live your life, experience things, and enjoy them if you can than to bitch about them unnecessarily.

Also, my girlfriend never cares to play a game of Magic with me, but she loves Pokemon. It has a much more lighthearted theme (assertions of "glorified cockfighting" aside) than most CCGs out there, and some people prefer that.

Plus, Magic is gaining a large new audience through the interest in CCGs that Pokemon helped generate. With more players comes more support. Pojo (a Pokemon authority of sorts) has just released an MTG magazine on newsstands. That can't be a bad thing for us.

Oh yeah, and I wouldn't be into Magic if it weren't for Pokemon. I had played CCGs before, but I wasn't inspired to become a part of the hardcore community until Pokemon caught my attention (thanks to the kids I work with).

As for the GB games, I used to have the TCG game (too easy and I'd rather just play it live), but now I just have Red version and Pinball. My girlfriend has Pinball right now...she likes it more than I do...and Red seems like a decent RPG (although I don't know a lot about the genre). As far as strategy goes, I think the RPGs get difficult when the element of competition with other players comes into play. I don't think many other RPGs offer this; this is the part where players spend countless hours tweaking their teams, just like we do with Magic decks. There is strategy in the GB games far beyond what I'm willing to put the time into mastering.

I think that's all.:)


I never liked RPG's, so I can't comment on the game boy games. However, I thought that everything else was pretty lousy, especially the card game (which I have played). I wouldn't say I hate it, though... I just don't like it.


lets see

Tv show american version: mediocre
Tv show japanese version: funnier then a mime in a blender
Card game: well done, good for kids and fans, simple and enjoyable to play as a quick alternative to magic.
Gameboy games: I've wasted far to many hours of my lifef beating these, not as much as playing magic but enough to give a few wrinkles under the eyes. I guess that means I liked them. ;)
Toys and merchandise: Fad "gear" same as G.I. Joe, Barbie, My Little Pony, Smurfs, Transformers, and Carea bears, the only difference is that if I have a girl over to my place I don't mind her seeing my life size stuffed Clefairy plushie. :p

Overall I think Pokemon is cute and amusing but its been publisized to much and been worn out.


Staff member
Just for curiosity's sake, did the people who just listed the various forms of Pokemon and say they sucked (or "gay" <ahem> ) actually play/watch those forms?


Although I know how to play the Pokemon CCG (Gamboy version), I don't collect the cards. I only buy Magic cards, because Magic is not nearly as easy to play. On the red/blue/yellow, the gameplay isn't that challenging, since there are only 15 types and about half the moves. On gold/silver (and soon to be crystal!), there's a big challenge if you play competitively with other people. Not only are there 251 pokemon, but you have to know the attributes and possible moves for each one in order to know what to expect. And with 17 types and all the type combinations, a player that does not remember each type's strengths and weaknesses is not going to stand a chance! Plus, there are about 20 different ways to use pokemon in a team. For exaple, there's this move called baton pass that lets the pokemon switch (even if it's trapped) and pass all stat changes (speed up, defense down, ect.) to the next pokemon. There's safeguard, light screen, and reflect that last 5 turns (even if you switch) and benifit the pokemon. There are also 3 weather changes: sunny day, rain dance, and sandstorm that have various effects that also last 5 turns except that if a different weather change is used, it will instantly end the current one. Most pokemon are also used either as a trapper (prevents switching and lowers life bar slowly with a high endurance), sweeper (pretty much all attacks to KO multiple pokemon), combo based (endure/flail or reversal, sunny day/solarbeam, rain dance/thunder, defense curl/rollout, ect.), and many others. More complicated than most of you think it is.


Y'know, I really want to say that I like the concept of Poke'mon. Little monsters that you put in your pocket when they are not fighting, and then some cute things trying to knock the $#*+ out of another cute little thing somtime at the end.

Couple that with a talking cat and several, ehem, excellent looking monsters (Gyrados? Kickass! Magicarp-- Like most of my rares!).

The gameboy game is a great RPG game, and probably the last one to come out for a system I own (Super Gameboy Addapter for Super Nintendo). It's got several interesting possibilities, and is somwhat challanging for a game that's been hyped as a "kiddie" game.

The series I like. It's bare bones Japanese Animation, censored. I enjoy that type of thing, censored or uncensored.

The card game? No thanks. I prefer Magic; However, the only thing I really have against it is the fact that some of the kids that went to the store I went to at that time would walk up and say "Pokemons Better!" and stare at the game I was playing. Ask them to substantiate their argument, and they cain't do it. Some of them would try out Magic and convert, which was a good thing, but others would still, after a conversation about the pros and cons of the game, say "Pokemon's STILL better, I don't care what other people say." Tip: don't argue with five year olds, not even an intellectually disgiesed argument.

The (sadly killed prematurly) RPG? AWESOME, yet simple, machanics, though some fine tuning could be used. It's system was simple and easy to learn, yet had quite a bit of promise. I'm tryhing to convert it to a more "heroquest" type setting for my friends. If you have a younger sibling, pick up the "Pokemon Emergency" "adventure game" and attempt to get them into gaming.

Mercandice? Hey, I like some toys. I dislike others.

I still want a six-foot long Gyrados, and a two foot Magicarp. :p

If you don't like Pokemon, answer me this: Do you also hate to watch Cockfights? Those chickens can rip each others' head off! I've seen it!


Pokemon is a GREAT show to watch while you're, well, not low :D My friend (who is working on his Master's degree, btw), was watching it in that state once and he started understanding what Pikachu was saying! No joke.


For my poll, are you all trying to answer wrong or what? Because flamethrower is learned at level 31. ;)