Does anyone have a decklist for a Good Land Destruction deck?



I already know that these are going to be in the deck:

4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
4 Lay Waste
4 Avalanche Riders
2 Tectonic Break

What else should I put in? It needs to be fast enough to lay the smack down on speed decks, but have enough momentum to handle the late-game control decks. If you have any suggestions, please help. Thank you very much.



I'm thinking that I want
2-4 Balduvian Horde
1-2 Lightning Dragon
1-2 Masticore

Please help me out here.

Captain Caveman

I don't know if this would be considered good but its what
I've been playing lately. I've had limited success with it.

Pit`mon's Ponza
4 Shock
4 Pillage
4 Stone Rain
4 Seal of Fire
4 Ring of Gix
3 Earthquake
2 Tectonic Break
1 Sowing Salt
1 Flowstone Slide (for rebels and regenerators)
1 Hammer of Bogardan

4 Avalanche Rider
3 Keldon Champion (masticore, horde or dragon)

20 Mountains
3 Rishadan Port
2 Ghitu Encampment



I'll have to agree with Captain Caveman on the 4 Ring of Gix. Here's my latest (although now disassembled) version.

4 Seal of Fire
2 Shock
2 Hammer of Bogardan
4 Earthquake
4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
4 Avalanche Rider
2 Masticore
2 Flowstone Overseer
4 Rishadan Port
2 Dust Bowl
4 Ghitu Encampments
17 Mountain

+ 5 spots

here's what I'd consider
Powder Keg (for green and red, as well as control black)
Masticore (cause you need him)
Wildfire (better than Tec. Break right now)
Lightning Dragon (awesome racer)
Arc Lightning (very, very good)

here's my dream for the other 5 spots
2 Wildfire
1 Masticore
2 Arc Lightning

With the following SB
4 Powder Keg
4 Cave In (Trinity green, Red Deck 2k, Stompy)
4 Worn Powerstone (awesome vs. chill)
3 Keldon Vandals/Mogg Salvage (depending on how much accelerated Blue you see)



Well, Here's two kinda Rogue decks. Maybe there is something You can use.

4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
4 Tectonic Break
3 Covetous Dragon
4 Cave-in
3 Avalanche Riders

2 Phyrexian Colossus
4 Grim Monolith
4 Voltic Key
1 Storage Matrix
1 Mishra's Helix

4 Tinker

4 Rishadan Port
2 Dust Bowl
9 Mountain
7 Island


2 Masticore

4 Avalanche Riders
2 Flowstone Overseer
2 Two-Headed Dragon

2 Fault Line
3 Hammer of Bogardan
4 Pillage
4 Seal of Fire
4 Shock
4 Stone Rain
2 Tectonic Break

2 Dustbowl
4 Ghitu Encampment
16 Mountains
1 Rath's Edge(HaHa, it could come in handy :rolleyes: )
4 Rishadan Port

[Edited by Griffith_se on June 6th, 2000 at 07:06 PM]


Here's a deck so rogue, no tournament has ever seen it, but see what you think...

4 Stone rain
2 Wake of destruction
2 Mishra's helix
2 Ring of Gix
4 Rain of salt
4 Avalanche riders
4 Tectonic breaks (wildfire? No, too many creatures, really)
3 Viselings
3 Iron maiden
4 Pillage
2 Powder Kegs
2 Masticore, I guess.
2 Squee
2 Seismic Mage

Okay, the theme is shut him down before he moves. Ideally, you can blow his land away turn three and keep blasting until you get a mishra's helix, seismic mage combo. Then you make a soft lock and blow awayn his remaining creatures with Masticore and company.

Gumby Khan

Raze is great early game, and Ponza decks usually run heavy anyway, so not much drawback. Another card I would suggest (because it totally hosed me when I played against it) is Umbilicus, or as my opponent called it, Umbi-licious. I had to keep picking up my land so I wouldn't lose two life! He would pick up, too, but he had A. riders and keldon champions! Ooh, talk about nasty. I also agree with the Overseer in this, since it can kill regen and cho-manno creatures. I think the deck I ran against was mostly control and looked like this;

2 Overseer
4 A. riders
4 Keldon Champion

4 Stone Rain
4 Raze
4 Pillage
2 Tectonic Break
4 Seal of Fire
4 Shock
1 Hammer of Bogardan

2 Umbilicus

4 Rishadan Port
1 Dust Bowl
20 Mountain

I would suggest using the new Prophecy creature that you can sac 2 lands to destroy one. Can't be countered and will do in a pinch, if you don't have the Stone rain in your hand. Conquer (5th) is also an under-used Ponza card. For 3RR, you gain one land and your opponent loses one. That's a two land swing! :)

Cateran Overlord

Okay, here's an insane (but effective) LD deck:

22 Land Destruction Spells
4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
4 Rain of Tears
4 Despoil
4 Avelanche Riders
2 Seismic Mage

11 Non LD Spells
3 Viseling
2 Forced March
2 Two-Headed Dragon
4 Dark Ritual

27 Lands
4 Peat Bog
4 Sandstone Needle
10 Mountain
9 Swamp

It seems mana heavy, yet it never gets a bad draw (I do NOT know how but I never get too many lands).


Putting mana acceleration to good use:

4 Stone Rains
4 Pillage
3 Tectonic Breaks or Raze
4 Shocks or Seals
3 Ankh of Mishra

4 Birds o' Paradise
4 L. Elves
4 Avalanche Riders
3 Argothian Wurms
2 Flailing Ogres or soldiers (sneaky tech)
2 Seismic Mages

2 Cities of Brass
3 Rashidan Ports
2 Dust Bowls
7 Forest
19 Mountains

Elder Dragon

4 Dark Ritual
4 Rain of Tears
4 Despoil
3 Negator
2 Seismic Mage
4 Pillage
4 Stone Rain
4 Sulphurous Springs
3 Viceling
3 Vampiric Tutor
4 Avalanche Riders
2 Forced March

It did pretty well when I played it, and at the very least pisses off your opponent. Not to mention it's enjoyable to watch someone yell at you for playing Viceling, and then die because of it