


I just downloaded the thememaker for apprintice and I'm trying to make a CPA theme for it. I've got the background and land pictures done, but there are some things I need help on.
I contacted shroomie(the ruler of dragonstudios)about help on the colors of the screen and pic size for things, but all I got was
No. sorry
If anyone can download the editor and figure out how to make the stuff like the little thing that tells the phases differint, text/handbacground color, et cetera would be appriciated.



"So what do you call yourselves?"
"Er--dwarfs, Mr. Dibbler," said the lead[singer]dwarf.
"Yes, sir."
"Because we are, Mr. Dibbler," said the lead dwarf patiently.
"No, no, no, no. Theat won't do. That won't do at all. You gotta have a name with a bit of"-Dibbler waved his hands in the air-"with a bit of Music with Rocks in... uh... in. Not just 'Dwarfs.' You gotta be... oh, I don't know, somthing more interesting."
"But we're certainly dwarfs," said one of the dwarfs.
"'We're Certainly Dwarfs'" said Dibbler. "Yes, that might work. Okay. I can book you...

From Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the best fantacy siries out there.

btw, anyone care to take a guess at the band satirized in this?:)



This will be the(guess what?)land that isn't found on any card. mspaint doesn't have six sades and tints of blue, so I couldn't do it exactly as the set had it.

this is based on the "foggy"(guess) version from alpha. I've met several people who only use this version in their decks. the only land that rivals it that was printed in a set is the IA pinksky one.

out of three of theese, I picked the one that was a possibility w/mspaint.

all three of theese looked almost EXACTLY the same, so I picked the one w/grass in the foreground to give it a little detail.

this is the hardest land to do due to the amount of pixles that are avaible when making files for apprintice. I attempted the most widly printed version of (guess)(four times-once in Duelist(RIP) and scry, twice in IQ)and let me tell you this. the log is hard to do when it looks too skinny w/two pixels wide like now, and too fat when it's got three. :p

any help/critisim/opinions are appriciated.

[Edited by theorgg on June 13th, 2000 at 03:02 PM]


I kinda think the plains and forests look like islands. I guess because the blue of the sky is really dominate. Good work though.


I just had a 5 min look but it seems that u just need to create the pics with the appropriate name and size and they are automatically integrated ...

If you have any specific question, I can help trying out things (although I never used the theme builder before :) )

For the sizes of the pics, I guess you'll have to count them or use more advanced progs like Photopaint or photoshop (the latest used to be a shareware)


ok a few things that I have found out and tested ...

The pixel size for the tool bar (life and so on) is composed of icons :
8 bit color
36 pixel high
39 pixel wide
72 dpi resolution

Gif format.

Just create a new picture with thos specs and create your own palette ( or use the standard RGB 8 bit palette for example) and then save it in with the name of the correspnding gif.

I tried out with blife.gif (life button) and it worked out pretty well.
Basically you can check the various icons to see their definition and then save them under the correct name ..
hope that helped


I've been farting around with it some, and I've figured out a few things. I don't know how to bludgen the pixels to what I want them to look like, but it's not that hard to figure out some things that are confusing.

I just need to figure out what some of the pictures are used for in apprintice(the cPL, cEWL, and cWL buttons) I don't want to waste time on somthing that isn't used in the program...
and I'm not sure HOW I'd find out where there used...

another thing I'm trying to learn how to do is the phase marker. I'm trying to find out what to do to make it completly shaded in with a color instead of being clear.

[Edited by theorgg on June 13th, 2000 at 08:32 PM]


It is quite easy to find out what pick belongs where, although it migh be time consuming.

Take a picture that you dont know where it belongs and just repaint it like plain red.

now run apprentice and check where it comes up !!!
for the rest no idea.


I now know where most, if not all, of the pics go.

a new problem has presented itself, however-- I'm trying to find out how to get the background of the chat buffer, deck thing, hand background, et cetera to be orange.
However, It doesn't except "clOrange".
Bags and bloody hell.

and I still havn't found out how to shade the phase marker in completly...:(
this is harder than I thought it'd be.