coldsnap cardbacks



I've bought coldsnap cards from two different people on ebay and some locally and on all the cardbacks there are two small light spots in the upper left corner of the cards just inside the border.Have I just happened into something strange or have others noticed it too.If it is on all the cards is the set as a whole going to be considered marked.The spots are inside the black border upper left just left of the red dot.


I looked at my coldsnap, and found the same. Then I looked at a Dissension card, and it has the same spots...So I go and pull a card from every set, and at least as far back as revised, they all have the same spots....


Damn, pulled out many boxes after reading your response and it's true.I just never realized it before.If this has been widely known I just never realized it before.Well now don't I feel foolish.


Considering the back of the card is supposed to be what... a book cover? Yeah, I'm surprised they don't change the cardbacks for the unsets to have a foodstained look or something.

FYI: Older cards (way back in The Dark) that spot was really unnoticeable.


Staff member
Nightstalkers said:
Yeah, I'm surprised they don't change the cardbacks for the unsets to have a foodstained look or something.
Probably so you can play the Unsets with your regular cards and not have them "marked" :)

Tag Guard


I wonder if it's an intentional defect to detect fakes if someone tried to "correct" for it...

That is strange...


Staff member
I'm looking at a Stronghold card and if what I'm looking at is what the spots are, I think it's just whatever template was used for the card back missed that spot when it was colored or painted or whatever. It's hardly noticeable; you must really look at your cards, sageridder! :)

Tag Guard


I would like to agree w/ you spidey, but if the defect has been there forever and he (and the rest of us) are just noticing it... :D well, you get the idea.


Staff member
Actually, I don't... if the defect's been there all along and you're just noticing it, then something must have caused sageridder to be looking at something else? and he just spotted this... I mean, who really looks at a card back? :)

Tag Guard


The Tentacled One
That thing is on ALL of my cards and I've known about it forever. I don't see how anyone who plays with the cards for a long time can fail to notice it.

Tag Guard


Your opponent looks at card backs for one... at least the ones you are holding in your hand... :D

Well, I guess they really are looking at the backs of my deck protectors, since I usually use them... So you are right, who looks at card backs?

Wow, they have 5 colors on the back which correspond to the 5 colors, is there some significance to the pattern? (just kidding... if they didn't screw up the color wheel so bad they actually made sense, but not so much anymore)


Tournament legal sleeves (solid colored backs) are usually the norm in most areas where there is competetive plaly.

Then again, I'm probably the only one who plays an old mixed goblin deck that even has holes in the cards.


Staff member
They're looking at the back but you have to be REALLY close to see the dots... I don't think you're gonna spot them across the table.

Tag Guard


The Tentacled One
I can see the bigger dot from two feet away without my glasses. And I am pretty nearsighted.

Tag Guard


Staff member
Hmm.... okay, I can kinda see it from that far away.

But is it noticeable to make you think something's wrong with the card?

Tag Guard


The Tentacled One
If only one card had it, I'd assume it was just some weird surface scratch that got there somehow. But ALL of the cards I've ever looked at the backs of have those markings, so it wouldn't make me think something is wrong with it. I'd rather keep those little spots than that silly "DECKMASTER" label at the bottom of the card. I remember someone (Turgy?) pointing this out in an article. What is with that deckmaster thing, anyway?

I do have some cards from some white-bordered set (4th Edition, I think) that have this annoying print error where the inner frame of the card is pushed up so that the border is thin at the top and oversized at the bottom. This makes those cards easy to spot if you're playing without opaque sleeves and so way back in the day I noticed that the card sitting on top of my library was one of them and thought, "Lame. What am I supposed to do about that? Buy some of those expensive sleeves?" How young and foolish I was. Opaque sleeves were much cheaper back then than the prices I've seen more recently.

Tag Guard


Deckmaster was WotC's misguided attempt to group all the games that they made together. Five Magics, Jihad, and Netrunner were to have the "Deckmaster" logo across the backs of them so that when you looked at them from either side you'd go "Aha! that's from Wizards" and it would give a sort of advertisement for the company.

It was put on magic card backs and since once you make a card's back it can't be changed (lest ye abandon the game like what happened with the Dragon Ball Z card game)


Oversoul, that "Print Error" is a miscut. They happen still today upon occasion, though less of them get out than they once did. I've heard that runs with miscuts are destroyed, and those box numbers reused.

Battletech also had the "Deckmaster" logo, didn't it?