Casual Player


The Tentacled One
I'm horrible at MP, everyone always gangs up on me after I've distributed my offensive power equally amongst them all. I'm only trying to be fair, but they never care...

Unless I play combo, then I kill them all! :D


Staff member
Well, if your offensive power is 5 or above, that's probably coming on too strong. If you have weenies dealing 1 or 2 a plink at a time, then your group sounds like my one guy who has strange ideas about playing MP :)


My questions are directed to casual players:

1. What do you guys value in a casual card? or maybe, what are the qualities of a casual card?

2. Can any card be played casually? or are there some standards by which a card is deemed casual?

3. Be honest. Do you enjoy winning? And if so, do powerful cards intrigue you? or just "casually" powerful cards?

4. What is a "powerful" card to the casual player? An example would be illustrative.

blue shouldn't be played at any time...

actually not the winning - but the game and card interaction...

demonic tutor...


The Tentacled One
1. I don't think a card should be strictly a tournament card or strictly a casual card. If they can't be flexible, they should not be printed. Obviously the game isn't perfect and it doesn't always work out that way, but I'm being an idealist.

2. Door to Nothingness cannot be played casually. That's about it...

3. Winning > Losing. Powerful cards are my favorite kind.

4. Most often, the same cards that are powerful to tournament players. Casually, cards with flashy or bizarre properties are considered more powerful than they might be in tournaments. Sliver Queen is a powerful casual card but doesn't see much use in tournaments...


1. What do you guys value in a casual card? or maybe, what are the qualities of a casual card?

A. A "casual card" should be any card that adds to the fun or the intrigue of the game. I happen to prefer cards that either skirt the edge, or downright break the boundries set forth in the rules (obviously I love blue!). My methods of winning casual games usually revolve around setting up my own paramaters of the game so that my deck is the only one that can conform to it and come out a winner. Doesn't always work though! :p

2. Can any card be played casually? or are there some standards by which a card is deemed casual?

A. Personally I think any card can be used casually, but people do have to remember that if you use that "Maximum Killer Combo" every time you play, you will eventually run out of people willing to play against you.

3. Be honest. Do you enjoy winning? And if so, do powerful cards intrigue you? or just "casually" powerful cards?

A. I do enjoy winning, but really enjoy a well thought out game that is challenging. Powerful cards do not make much of a difference for me, mainly because I use wierd combos that most people dont think of, also mainly because these combos use cards that most people wouldn't dream of using.. ie.. Mana Barbs

4. What is a "powerful" card to the casual player? An example would be illustrative.

A. A powerful card, in my opinion, to a casual player is one that gives him/her a definite edge in the game, but still allows the opponent to respond and "still have a chance!" If it makes the opponents next few turns totally useless because there is nothing that can be done at all, the opponent wont be having fun and the game will lose that Fun quality that casual play is all about.


Staff member
I use wierd combos that most people dont think of, also mainly because these combos use cards that most people wouldn't dream of using.. ie.. Mana Barbs
My favorite card! :)


Staff member
I saw it, but to tell the truth, since it had cards that I don't have a lot of and didn't follow the Vintage B/R list, I didn't pay too much attention to it. Interesting twist though.

This one is mine I went the "first aggro later control" way :)


Barbs/Power Surge is the best one I know of... Run it red white with Sphere of Law...

Actually - If I had more plateaus - I might make that one...;)


Staff member
That might be a way to go now... of course, when I was working on such a deck, Sphere of Law wasn't made then ;)


I love playing all colors, except for black. I can't give you a good reason for that, but I've played casually (off and on, mostly off) since Ice Age and find that I'd rather play or splash blue as an annoying color than sink into the swamp.

Casual to me is the ability to play the game so that you and your opponent(s) enjoy the time together. It might entail doing something completely crazy (e.g., Task Force, Iron Will, Power Matrix and About Face to turn a 1/21 into a 21/1 to end the game) or it might mean pulling out masticores, tolarian academy, metalworkers, morphlings, bribery or a stinging barrier/charisma just to see how they play against something really strong (e.g., a "Fires" deck). In a good casual game, my sideboard has about 7,000 cards. It helps to play at home.

One accomodation to casual play that I prefer to see is that if a person has an overpowering deck that an opponent cannot handle, it would be nice to just smile and put it away. Make a new one that does something fun and then try to tune it to win. It's great fun to play Magic, but it's more fun if players are competitive.