Casual & Competitive



The Johnny/Timmy/Spike is so much bull****. Marketing people love to label groups so that they feel like they understand them and can target their needs, but it's just rubbish. I have always kneejerked against those terms and likewise cannot believe for a second that they were ever taken seriously, let alone have survived. "That's right everyone, there really are only three possible motivations for playing Magic". I'd like to think I'm a little more complex than that.

I don't fit well into pigeon holes. Mostly because I'm not a pigeon.


CPA Trash Man
Gizmo said:
I don't fit well into pigeon holes. Mostly because I'm not a pigeon.
Well, pooey. I guess that means I should refund all of this bird-feed. :D

Ransac, cpa trash man


Everything said above, is what my article is saying. It's just that everyone is saying it themselves and in their own way.


Killer Joe

New member
True, the world isn't just Black or White (or Red, Blue, Green for that matter :)) and no one really likes to be pigeon holed but marketing is marketing and it's left up to the consumers to sift out the informative from the benign (or something like that).

But I don't see the harm in anyone taking use to the terms of Johnny/Spike or Timmy for general descriptions. If I wanted to really take the time to describe any one person in particular when speaking of their play-style then I could write a dissertation on them or maybe a really long and uneccessary paragraph just so I don't "Pigeon-Hole" them.


I could just use Johnny/Spike or Timmy to get the discussion going in the general direction I'm writting about.

Moving on:

"Casual & Competitive" is the name of this thread but would the replies be any different if it were called "Sanctioned & Non-Sanctioned" gameplay? or "Casual & Non-Casual" gameplay? or, probably the best alternate title; "Competitive & Non-Competitive" gameplay.

I dunno...


Wow, talk about a lot of terms and names that mean absolutely nothing to me whatsoever. Maybe I am just way too out of touch. I got lost in this thread long ago. I barely know what beat-down means. I think maybe we should make a glossary thread on here that defines/describes what some of the terms that have evolved up around magic actually mean. I am sure I am not the only one. Just the only one not too embarrassed to admit my ignorance.


Staff member
Oversoul (and Gizmo): Of course it's an oversimplification and "pigeon-holing" people - it was intended that way. Like Rosewater goes on to say, most people find themselves as a hybrid of the types - no one really defines themselves as one type (I don't think).


Wow, you guys really have no idea wtf you are talking about.


Lovin' it.
Big Fan,

Killer Joe

New member
Here's the biggest oversimplification: We're all humanoids on this blue dot <period!>. :rolleyes:

Can't escape THAT one!

We all should have a good understanding from the informative and the benign when it comes to labeling. Of COURSE it's a marketing thing, big deal, so what, if someone calls you a "Timmy" just don't acknowledge it (unless they say all Timmy's get free cards).