Calling all playtesters!


Staff member
If you're interested in becoming a playtester for WOTC (and I assume Magic since it doesn't specify), pg. 17 in the latest Top Deck on the Magic side has info. Basically contact Mons Johnson at It doesn't say if they REALLY need people so don't expect a lot but hey, maybe it's worth a try.

Also has info if you're interested on the artist side or wiriting for Top Deck (Magic or otherwise).


Wow, that'd be pretty cool. I imagine they don't take many mid-teens, though. I wonder how well it pays.


Staff member
Well, but maybe not much. Still, it would be cool, not only because I'd get to check out what's coming out before anyone else gets to see them, but also because I'd get a chance to help find all the broken cards BEFORE they're released.

And that would be great! :D


Staff member
Well, again, the article (actually a sidebar) says "You need the ball bearings of a Brass Man to do this one - it isn't easy as you might think. You can't just say, "It's a good card; let's keep it." You really need to justify your answers, and that's where it gets down to business. It's also nearly impossible to get in as a playtester, so don't be disappointed if you have a hard time making the cut here!"

So make sure you have LOW expectations when writing to the e-mail address (don't quit your day job! :))