Brass Man + Hermetic Study



Brass Man + Hermetic Study is a pretty nice combo. If you look at the oracle text of Brass Man, the untap ability can be used during your upkeep as many times as you want. This makes it like a one-mana Horshoe Crab that untaps with colorless mana! Although it doesn't work with Opposition, it is still pretty damn nice.

-Daniel Leavitt


Staff member
Since you're running Blue anyway, to pay for the Studys. Too bad Power Artifact wouldn't work on the Brass Man (well, it would, but it wouldn''t help ;)). Maybe throw in Thran Turbines for some seasoning...


Not to say that I wouldn't use both! In fact, I designed a deck around it:

4 Horshoe Crab
4 Brass Man
4 Thieving Magpie
3 Morphling
1 Thran Golem

4 Hermetic Study
4 Curiosity
2 Opposition

4 Impulse
4 Counterspell
2 Forbid

4 Thawing Glaciers
20 Island

(Somnophore, Sigil of Sleep, or Tradewind Rider might also be cool)
Not practical for a tournament, but just kinda cool. Forbid in hand + Curiosity and Hermetic Study on a Crab-esque creature with Opposition in play would be a very complete lock. Plus, all the creatures are three-toughness or higher.


I use brass man as one of my winning methods for my bad tolarian deck

it is really a bad deck, but the brass men sorta work. it can also deck people iwth prosperity


Staff member
This is the deck I came up with based around the Study/Crab combo, modified to an Extended deck when 6th came out sans Mana Flare...

Hermetic Crabs

4 Mana Flare
4 Horseshoe Crab
4 Hermetic Study
4 Whispers of the Muse
4 Frantic Search
4 Counterspell
4 Dissipate
4 Incinerate
2 Palinchron
1 Fireball

2 Sky Diamond
4 Volcanic Island
2 Reflecting Pool
4 Faerie Conclave
9 Island
4 Mountain

It's not a great deck, but it is fun to play. Critical mass is achieved for the Palinchron/Fireball combo at 6 lands and a Mana Flare in play, but that doesn't happen very often. It's actually more fun to ping away your opponent's creatures anyway, then ping away your opponent too! :D


The best card i've found to use with it is iceburg. since it can only be used during your upkeep and most infinite mana combos(i.e. the one in my tolarian deck lapis lazuli talismen + fleeting image + tolarian academy + many artifacts) can only be used main phase. This allows u to use an iceburg with an infinite number of counters on it and then ping someone and all thier creatures for infinity the next turn.

yes, i know just about all cards other than tolarian in this post are very bad. just my 2 dorfners