Black/Green Control

Killer Joe

New member
I was never much of a fan of Black-Green but my GASP play group may be the place for me to try this list out:

*Rough Draft*
BG Control v0.5
3x Wall of Souls
3x Wall of Blossoms
3x Chainer's Edict
3x Seal of "Dark Banishing" (forgot real name)
2x Eradicate (Sorta train tech)
4x Innocent Blood
2x Decree of Pain
4x Naturalize
4x Syphon Soul
2x Diabolic Tutor
2x Biorhythm<---en masse "Kill Method"
2x Gaea's Blessing
4x Krosan Tusker
4x Rampant Growth

6x Forest
11x Swamp
4x Treetop Village
1x Volrath's Stronghold? (pay 1B, tap: return creature from your graveyard to the top of your library)

I'm trying to keep this as permanantless as possible. There's all kinds of Artifact/Enchantment hate goin' on at these games. If I can hard cast Decree of Pain followed up by a Innocent Blood then a Biorhythm and then activate a Treetop Village, then I can win, maybe.



The Tentacled One
Pernicious Deed and Spiritmonger are nice for BG control...

Oh, and then there's Deranged Hermit + Phyrexian Plaguelord for board control...

The seal is Seal of Doom.

Dark Ritual?


Dark ritual doesn't fit here.

Yes, of course Deed/monger is some beats, but let's assume he doesn't have access to that.

Twisted Abominations, man. Run 'em. I'd swap out the naturalizes for them, but you're more in tune with your groups meta than I am. Still, after some board control, droping a 5/3 regenerator is pretty good.

Also, Innocent bloods are great, but in casual multi, abyssal gatekeepers are better, and barter in bloods can take you far. Right now I got a mono-black casual multiplayer control deck that runs 8 bloods, 8 gate keepers and 3 barters. None of these cards are expensive or hard to get and let me tell you - do they mess with multiplayer by the bucket load.

Also, I'd go with 4 each of the walls if I could. They are both great, and both really good in multiplayer, (In mutli, the black one is actually a bit better than the green one). In big multiplayer games, cards like Abyssal Gatekeeper and Wall of Souls that encourage your oppoennts to leave you alone is really good way to establish late-game board control.

Finally, I hear Yavimaya Elder is kinda amazing.


The Tentacled One
I agree with Rooser here...

But one thing...

Are you sure about the Dark Rituals? They're probably the best acceleration available for this deck...

Killer Joe

New member
Pernicious Deed is some good. But I don't have any :(. So maybe Nevy's Disk, I sorta forgot abouta total board sweeper, I guess I was thinking all I needed was Decree of Pain, but Deed or Disk is better.


No Spiritmongers either, and I only have 3 Wall of Souls, I'm sure I can find another one somewhere. Blossoms I got a plenty.

So in go:
4x Wall of Souls (I'll sub one with a Wall of Bones)
4x Wall of Blossoms
4x Nevy's Disk

out go:
4x Naturalize
2x Erradicate
2x Decree of Pain
2x Syphon Soul
1x Chainer's Edict
1x Seal of Doom


Thanks for the input! :)

I'll go testing now :)


Why so many walls?

I would definitely put in 4 Faceless butcher instead of a 4x Wall/S.O.D.

I would leave 2 Erradicate and add 2 Animate could even make these four ofs as they fit the screw-your-opponent theme. Nothing says board control like wiping out 50-100% of your opponents lands.

I would kick the Naturalizes to the Sideboard and Syphon Soul is kinda expensive for what it does.

Looking at your mana base...I think 4 Tainted wood would serve well as mana versitility. They are realatively cheap unlike their Apacolypse counterpart (Llanowar Wastes). Treetops Villages are good but I would take it down to three.

If you do go the combo theme way....(Erradicate/Animate Land)
I would kick the tutor count up to four. I don't really like the tusker in here.....You could always add Mishra's factory as alternate creatures. They are much more versitile than accual creatures, for example they would live through an Innocent Blood unlike the tusker, and they would also survive the disk too!

I think with the Innocent Bloods and Chainer's Edicts the S.O.D.'s would be overkill....especially if you add Faceless Butcher....which only costs a B you get a 2/3 creature....such a deal.

Hope this helps


is this deck really fast enough to run biorhythm?

i know its a instant sweep after popping a disk or deed but -.- its 8 mana, you should be able to keep control for that long but you really dont have enough creatures to back it either


The Tentacled One
Um, personally I think Biorhythm sucks...

But I fail to see how a deck would not have enough creatures to back it. You don't need 20. You only need 1. The point of Biorythm would be that your opponent has zero creatures and dies. That's the only way I can see the card being used, if at all...

Something that costs so much had better kill somebody...


if ure at one point of life, red mage inresponses and kills ure ass -.- biorhythm is awesome in a deck that can abuse it to the fullest, gaining more life while dropping oppenents in a mid-game state completly devastates as ure oppenents usually have a hand full of creatures by then.


The Tentacled One
Originally posted by Gaea'sSaproling
if ure at one point of life, red mage inresponses and kills ure ass -.- biorhythm is awesome in a deck that can abuse it to the fullest, gaining more life while dropping oppenents in a mid-game state completly devastates as ure oppenents usually have a hand full of creatures by then.
Gaining some life and making the opponent lose some is not awesome...

Killing the opponent is awesome...

The only circumstances in which Biorythm, which costs a ton, could be awesome are if one or more of the following is true...

You have at least 144 creatures.


Your opponent has zero creatures.

If by red mage you mean burn, then Biorythm is strictly a win-more card...

Wait a minute...

Biorythm IS a win-more card. So it had better kill the opponent...

If you have so many creatures that it is good for your life total, you should already be winning...


true... im gonna cut it from my deck in favor of two more coat of arms, thats a win card :D


The Tentacled One

Yeah, Coat of Arms would almost always pack more power for each creature (provided they're of the same type), and it costs less. A good call as far as I can tell...

Unless you're playing against Sliver Queen...


i out produce slivers queens ;D done it many times lol saproling beats dishes it out hardcore

Killer Joe

New member
I guess some more info. about why I want to use this deck is in order:

This deck is for Multi-Player use (any where from 7 to 10 players)
The participants in this group are NOT tournament players, at all.
I have yet to face an actual "Net Deck" from my opponents.
I am about the only agressive player in the group and am trying to tone it down a bit.

There's plenty of time to develop mana and 'tempo' is really not on anyone's mind,...really.

Permnant removal (mostly creatures, artifacts and enchantments) is plentiful which is why I thought that using Biorhythm would be kinda cool in this environment. Creatures rarely stay out long unless they're "Untargetable" like Akroma et al but removal spells like Chainer's Edict, Innocent Blood and Diabolic Edict are nearly unused by others in the group. In fact, some folks still like to use Grizzly Bears, the real ones, not just a 2/2 creature for 2cc. :rolleyes:

No sideboard needed because there is only one game played. So when yer dead, YER DEAD!!!! :eek:


That you need 4 Faceless Butchers


CIP: remove target creature from the Game
LP: Return the removed creature


come on man look at all its majesty.....


The Tentacled One
Looks like they just Bolt it and get the creature back...

Then attack you for making them waste a Bolt...

Killer Joe

New member
I'm trying to think more; non-creature control along with non-permanants, too.

Basically I want to play with minimal creatures but with lots of Sorceries and Instants.
