Author Search Disparity



Looking at NorrYtt's articles, I saw a problem occurring because he used different author lines.

His first article was signed just Kenneth Nagle, so the article search looked like this:

Read More Articles by Kenneth Nagle![author]=Kenneth+Nagle&joiner=AND

The second one he signed reminding us that he's NorrYtt, and his author search looked like this:
Read More Articles by Kenneth Nagle (NorrYtt)![author]=Kenneth+Nagle+%28NorrYtt%29&joiner=AND

Now, you'll see that if you click on the author search from his second article, since "(NorrYtt)" is part of the search parameter, that you'll not see his earlier article.

My question is: Is there any way to change this? Seeing as how the article are set up with forum software it seems highly unlikely without changing the author's name around. But, I wanted to ask to see if it might be possible.

I ask this because I have been thinking of putting "Sean 'SeFRo' Roney" as my author line. But, I don't want to if it means it will cause the author search to ignore my older stuff. I guess, if it can't be changed, I can just sign the articles at the bottom as "SeFRo". No big deal really...was just something that got my mind questioning how it all works and how it can be changed.


Staff member
I can change it, although it would be easier to take out the alias and keep the real name. For your stuff, since you submitted a lot of stuff already, it would be easier also if you just keep it the way you've been doing it and adding the alias at the end.


Alrighty, sounds good. I'll just remember to sign the nickname at the bottom all the time. Was gonna do that for Star City, also. Now it'll just be my standard proceedure for all articles.