Astral Slide



Could be really powerful. Something like this.

4 Krosan Tusker
4 Cartographer
3 Staunch Defenders
4 Astral Slide
4 Spirit Cairn
3 Disenchant
4 Secluded Steppe
4 Tranquil Thicket
4 Drifting Meadow
4 Slippery Karst
8 basic lands

I just need help filling out the last 14 or so cards for the deck. Should I include more cycling cards? I like being able to recycle my cycling lands through the Cartographer. Maybe I need some more creatures? What do you all think?

(- Steve -)


How about Exalted Angel? Krosan Colossus? Unmorphing creatures is a great trick too.

Auramancers and some Pacifisms for creature control, perhaps?


Akroma's vengeance? Chain of Acid?

oblation? sigil of new dawn? harsh mercy?


If you are running the Tusker, you could run Genesis to get some nasty combo action going on.

Or splashing black can get you Oversold Cemetary, Oath of Ghouls, and some strong cycling cards.

Also, is there anything besides Afterlife that replaces creatures with tokens? This way you can permanently Astra-slide them out of the game.

I like Spirit Cairn with this...a lot. Mind if I borrow the idea?


Hi, MM. Thanks for coming back! I feel happy.

As I have stated before, people can freely copy any decks that I post here without guilt. If they win, you must be a better player than me. Anyway...

Here's the version that I have been playing:

4 Krosan Tusker
4 Cartographer
2 Genesis
3 Radiant's Dragoons
4 Wall of Blossoms
4 Astral Slide
4 Spirit Cairn
4 Sunfire Balm
4 Reclaim
3 Disenchant
4 Secluded Steppe
4 Tranquil Thicket
2 Drifting Meadow
2 Slippery Karst
12 basic lands

(- Steve -)


Hey Steve, glad to be back. Although Grand Theft Auto: Vice City comes out tomorrow so I could very well go back into hiding for awhile. Nah, I'll be around.

If you are going to run 4 Cartographer, run some broken non-basics while you are at Strip Mine, Wasteland, Krosan Verge (this land is the goods), and pretty much anything else that sacs for a strong effect.

The deck looks really solid, the only thing I'd say would be to include 2 Akroma's Vengeance as a precaution. Again, it will never be dead, but when you need 1 you'll be glad you held onto it.

Captain Caveman

I have a question. It may have been answered already and I
missed it.

If I have a morphed creature in play face "down" then cycle a
card with the Slide in play, will the creature come back into
play face "up"?



Hey, I'll resurrect this thread because I actually won a few times with this deck.

However, I kept getting burned by decks that could play creatures faster than I could get the Slide set up. Which was pretty much every deck in existence. I actually lost to a Polar Kraken that had no mana acceleration and missed 3 land drops. I am such a bad player. I added a couple Akroma's Vengeance and Vengeful Dreams in place of the Sunfire Balms. What else do you think I could add to give me a better chance against faster decks?

(- Steve -)

Captain Caveman

This is the version I'm going to try out next week.

4 Forgotten Cave
8 Mountain
8 Plains
4 Secluded Steppe
3 Exalted Angel
4 Disciples of Grace
2 Akroma's Blessing
4 Astral Slide
3 Lay Waste
4 Lightning Rift
4 Renewed Faith
4 Slice and Dice
4 Solar Blast
1 Starstorm
3 Wrath of God