


What is happening...

Phyrexia Forums - hate us
MTGnews - no DG, no Perfo, lots of spammers
theDojo - d-e-a-d
MAG2 - 2 days online, 2 days offline
Spanish Sites - going great, before everybody...

anything else?

what is happening?


StarCityCCG - Alive and well
CCGPrime - Alive and well
7Towers - Alive and well, but neophyte
NeutralGround - Theoretically alive, but not acting very well

Etc... There are only a limited number of Magic writers that can hit different topics at any given point in time, and that number is about maxed out right now. :) I think we're ok. MtgNews is falling apart, though! They need Moderators! Now!

mogg bomber

To be fair though, the phyrexia forums hate every site. The only place worth going over there is the storyline forum(which is probably the best one online, and a few of the magic authors actually post there occasionally.). The other forums really aren't worth visiting, and I'm really surprised the webmaster hasn't done anything yet. I checked today to see just how bad things had gotten, and there was a post where the webmaster himself was being verbally assaulted. I don't know whats up with MTGnews though.


There is one more magic site you are forgeting to talk about, my site!
It's alive and well except I NEED members. Please visit my site and at least register. I also need some articles to post on the main page. You can go to my site through the link in my sig.
Thank you for your time.


Staff member
Maybe it's just shaking-up time....

You gotta find a niche, otherwise the sites look the same. And peple probably can't visit a lot of sites (I know I can't) so they have to select the ones they like best, leaving others to lie fallow if EVERYONE likes the same sites.

Isn't Meridian back up also?


Web sites are like sandwiches. Leave them out on the web too long, and they'll start stinking the place up until you take them out.

Azreal the Soulmaster

I'm going to have to agree that the phyrexia forum, hate every one, and as for the webmaster(Matthew Manley), i think he has given up on that bunch of ingrates, the storyline forum as mogg bomber stated is the best place for info, plus on the site itself they have that continuity section, which hasn't been updated for a while


Originally posted by Zadok001
[major snippage] MtgNews is falling apart, though! They need Moderators! Now!
No kidding. I visit those boards a lot. Lately almost every forum and forum topic has "members" snipping at each other
Totally uncool :( That's what I like about CPA. We joke, but we don't really burn [least not where I've seen. Haven't been to the flaming zone yet :p] Lot more fun when people are trying to have FUN. S'a game y'all :)


I think Phyrexia has the worst forums ever. The webmaster is not doing anything about those kids. And the kids ARE annoying. I just imagine this: the 12 year olds come back from school, after being kicked and humiliated all day, they go on line, and imagine themselves like "all-powerful hackers". Truly pathetic.


MTGnews is coming back...a good thing.

As for Apocolypse...here are my wishes.

Good Viashinos. Perhaps print the Mana Rig, and give it a Viahsino related ability...ooohhh...
Off color gold. (I need some R/W goodies!)
Non-crappy rares.
Non-crappy uncommons.
Non-crappy commons.
Off color dual lands. (I need some R/W goodies!)
Return of Mishra.
Death to Gerrard'n'Friends.
A good sealed deck at the Pre-Re.
A store opening up near by so I can get cards, dang it!

Cateran Emperor

Yep, a store is a good thing. What I hope for in Apocalypse:

Off color'd be cool, but I'm not dying to see it. I want to see them continue with the Gating mechanic, and then add some more non-mana based Kickers (Rushing River is the best card in Planeshift!)