Apocalypse Spoiler on MTGNEWS.COM


Chaos Turtle

As for Mutilation, it's true that it wouldn't need the "spells or abilities" clause as-is. I was pressing the issue since the card should target the creture it's supposed to destroy.

If this was compiled from playtest cards, then the names were made up after the fact. My understanding is that playtest cards have silly names (that ocasionally give no clue what the card does) like "Billy's Dirt-Bunny" and "Get Out of my Deck!" (Yes, I just made those up. :p)


Staff member
That is true. Occasionally Mark Rosewater in the Duelist/Top Deck would "challenge" the reader to match up playtest names with their final card names and I could never figure out a relationship between some of them (or maybe I'm just dumb :))

One of the expansions/sets, Visions was it? apparently used "Gorilla" or "Ape" as most of the playtest names (whichever set had the Gorilla theme, like Gorilla Shaman or Gorilla Beserker).

Lotus Mox

Zadok001 wrote
ACTUALLY, Mutilation is worded properly. It simply can't be countered, even by game-state rules. Why? Because it targets a PLAYER. And in normal play, if THAT target leaves play, Mutilation never resolves to care. The creature choice is made on resolution based on the wording
what would happen if you opp. has Vernal Equinox in play and responds to Mutilate with an Ivory Mask would this counter Mutilate or not? (I'm not sure whether it's like giving a creature pro:black in resp. to Terror or not)


It's a lot like the Unglued II "Spoiler" MTGNews did: well done, but obviously not the real deal.


"what would happen if you opp. has Vernal Equinox in play and responds to Mutilate with an Ivory Mask would this counter Mutilate or not? (I'm not sure whether it's like giving a creature pro:black in resp. to Terror or not)"

Shut up! :) My explanation was perfectly solid! Really! :) Darn. Too late now, I suppose. Yah, that means the wording is screwy. Of course, anyone could have just pointed out the several OTHER targetted spells that don't have the "by spells or abilities" clause. But whatever. Or said "But Zadok, multiplayer!" That would have done my argument in too. :)

Agreed that the spoiler is not right. But it's _amazing_. That took skill.

Thallid Ice Cream Man

Spiderman: Alliances was the set with all the gorillas in it.