Anyone try counterburn yet?




Creature's 3
3 Nether spirit

Spell's 33
2 Foil
4 Counterspell
1 Exclude
2 Suffocating blast

4 Wild research
4 Accumelated knowledge
3 Prophetic bolt

3 Bribery
2 Misdirection
4 Urza's rage
2 Yawgomth's agenda
2 Teferi's response

Land's 24
4 Shivan reef
4 Salth marsh
4 Urborg vulcano
12 Island


I think you are going to die to your own land damage. Here's a slight tightening:

4 Shock
2 Opt
4 Pyroclasm
4 Accumulated Knowledge
4 Counterspell
3 Nether Spirit
1 Repulse
2 Thwart
3 Foil
1 Suffocating Blast
4 Fact or Fiction
2 Prophetic Bolt
2 Dominate
4 Shivan Reef
12 Island
8 Mountian

4 Hibernation
4 Teferi's Response
2 Obliterate
4 Rootwater Thief
1 Bribery

With the SB you should be able to beat Orbposition, Saproling Prism, U/W control, etc, but isn't that the point of a SB anyways? They deck is probably still a little weak against Fires, but between Pyroclasm, Shock, Hibernation, and Counterspell, the mana generation of Fires shouldn't get out of hand. An uncountered Blastoderm is still a huge threat, however. Orbposition will probably go down to Pyroclasm, Response and Bribery, but that would be hard fought with counters.

Pyroclasm wil make this deck a possiblity again, but without Shard Phoenix, this deck is hard pressed to cover all the bases with only 60 cards. Nether Spirit and Pyroclasm almost make up for the Phoenix, but they waste three card slots, and without Disk, Capsize, and Whispers, it is hard to recover the card economy.



I meant CIP tapped lands. Oops! They are still a little sketchy.



I never even thought adding the Agenda w/ the Wild Research. Wow, this could be very, very strong.

You've got some great elements in here: The Accumulated Knowledge has natural synergy with the Research, as does the Nether Spirit (which seem work well with everything).

I would consider including some more power-instants into the deck to milk the full potential out of the Research. Just like the old silver-bullet decks, you should only need 1 of each to work

Some to consider:
Tsabo's Decree
Opportunity (I still think this card is underrated)
Backlash (Another one I feel is underrated)
Undermine (maybe just one to get around a Worship)
The key here should be trying to go after pure card advantage spells.
Anyone know of any instant mass destruction ala Fault Line?

Of course what to cut is always the difficult part:
Maybe the Briberies, they are great cards but I think they might be limited in scope being sorceries when its the instants you can be abusing. They are nice though
1-2 Urza's Rage maybe, another tough call but 4 might be overkill.
1 Prophetic Bolt, it is very hard for me to say cut this card b/c I absolutely love it, but you've got great search already.

I'm torn on Teferi's Response. Maybe run 1. Normally I'd suggest definitely putting it in the sideboard but now Vindicates are targeting lands too that you have to worry about.

Awesome deck, its inspiring me to build something similar (and I will give you full credit for it:D)


Rupture maybe?
Saccing the spirit to wipe out fish, saprolings,elves,rebels could be handy

Thallid Ice Cream Man

I think Rupture is a sorcery, but Cave-In (the red MM pitch spell) might be useful - except that it's a pitch Pyroclasm, and this deck already has Pyroclasm.

Even TREMOR is a sorcery! Darn it...


This is the version I use, it's been tweaked for HOURS yesterday. I'm starting to play in minis online, and I use the following(VERY deeply thought out, but probably still partially wrong):

//NAME: Return of the Magpie feat DJ Moti.dec
// Lands
13 Island
7 Mountain
4 Shivan Reef
// Counterspells
3 Force Spike
4 Counterspell
3 Exclude
4 Foil
2 Misdirection
// Removal
3 Fire/Ice
3 Urza's Rage
2 Rushing River
// Card Drawing
4 Accumulated Knowledge
3 Fact or Fiction
3 Thieving Magpie
// Phat Beats
2 Mahamoti Djinn
// Sideboard
SB: 2 Blood Oath
SB: 2 Pyroclasm
SB: 1 Misdirection
SB: 2 Hibernation
SB: 3 Glacial Wall
SB: 2 Teferi's Response
SB: 3 Gainsay

Edit: All right, I NEED Earthquake in this deck. Now what do I take out??
Yes, I know, Webs, Opts, Ghitu Fire, and whatnot aren't here. I don't know, I like this version the best, and it seems to be working.


See my Burning Bridges deck for my take on T2 CounterBurn.