another Baldur's Gate question


Staff member
Okay, where the heck do you find Capt. Brage in the Nashkel area? I think I've pretty much searched every area on the 3rd CD disc west of the town (from what the townspeople/army guys are saying, it seems he's west of it). Does he appear at a certain time or something? Some kid in town also told me he thinks he hangs outside his cabin at night but I have no idea which is his cabin so I set my guys all around the woods and cabins and let a whole night pass in Nashkel and NOTHING! If you don't feel like telling me directly, that's okay too, but give a hint at least to the area because I have no idea where he can be found.


Copious Wrath

There's a reason why you can't find him in the sector west of Nashkel -- he isn't there. He'll be in the sector north-north-west of Nashkel. Two sectors north of the Gnoll Encampment, if that helps.


Staff member
That's the second CD, isn't it? For some reason I thought he'd be on the 3rd CD...

Thanks. Back to exploring.

Copious Wrath

*thinks for a moment*
uhhh... yeah, should be. No problem, and good luck.