An interesting idea to create a utopia...



"So here's my solution, kill of 90% of the male human population. Then have the remaining 10% be sex slaves!"

I'd knock myself off before allowing that to come into effect in my lifetime. That would, effectively, be the end of the world. Believe it or not, there IS more to love than logic, or emotion, or anything else. There is a deep underlying bond that two people can share that far transcends any attempts at logical deconstruction or emotional analysis. Love is real, trust me, and it goes FAR, far deeper than anything else (with the possible exception of hate).

Reducing the world to such a lopsided population slant would quickly bring about the end of the human race. Got news for ya' - Guys wouldn't be happy with that arrangement. Yes, whether you like it or not, being a sex slave/prostitute/gigalo/~insert latest term here~ is not an enjoyable occupation.

"But Zadok! Lots of sex!"

Yay. Whoop-de-doo. Sex has no purpose if it is not shared with someone you care deeply about. One of the basic tenants of relationships is that tenants do not translate from partner to partner. What makes one person happy will put another in extreme agony. :) (Uncool things.) As a result, in order to have a truly fulfilling relationship (at least in my admittably limited experience), one must get to know one's partner. Your 'utopia' lacks that.

Essentially, your 'utopic' existance is to simply remove love. That's suicide, it would be the end of the human race. Love is a powerful force that has caused an enormous amount of pain and anguish throughout the millenia of human history.

But it's created more good than bad. It's worth keeping. Anyone who has felt true love can tell you that much. Don't analyze it. Doing so is akin to trying to analyze beauty. You can't - It's all about perspective and the eye of the beholder. Love is different every time, not stangant like some mathematical equation. You can't analyze it, and you can't "figure it out." It may only be chemical reactions in your brain, but damned if it isn't more than that.

When fate deals the cards, you can walk away.

When love deals the cards, you can walk away. But you'll only find yourself back at the table.


...there isn't "two types of love" way.

There's love, and there's sex.

Humanity can't exist without love, it's psychologically's something that every human needs. Lack of true love would shatter our lives.

...and there's pleasure...which is what I'm talking about. Love for sex...females are humans too you know, they NEED it...especially the ones who already experienced it, they'll miss it. No, they will NOT share. Each wants her own guy...or two.

The bigger issue, like Zadok pointed out, is the true love. There's no replacement. You can't build anything that will resemble can't built and EXACT human being. Either gender would collapse without true love, believe it or not...and what I mean by "true love" is love that is NOT depenedant on sex, but on the sereneity and tranquilty it provides...

...and I'm not sure if ladies would like 10% of men handling all the sex needes...can these men even handle all those females? :) about exhaustion...:)

Thallid Ice Cream Man

It might work if you had some other outlet for the instinct for love, and no one knew what they were missing. Of course, that's approaching 1984 here, so I think I'll stop short of actually suggesting it.

Hawaiian mage

We've all grown up with love being described as the ultimate emotion. Love is a power which exceeds no other, a joy that makes you wonder if you had ever been happy before you knew love existed.

Well we've all been raised into this society, so thinking it out seems absurd to someone who didn't actually suceede, I supose. I'm going to just back out of this little fight now... There really isn't any way to explain love in common terms that doesn't make me look like an emotionless sex feind...

Also, you probably allready knew this but maybe it didn't quite sink in, anything that comes after the name "Hawaiian mage" on these boards probably shouldn't be taken very siriously...

Cateran Emperor

(Whew) Good thing I never take you seriously then HM ;)

Well, I have nothing to add here. Hetemi, Zadok, and Duke already said it all.

By the way, gut bustingly good stuff there Hetemi! I miss MST more than anything else right now. WHY?????


...Hawaiian Mage, I never looked at you seriously. I've always thought you're the free-spirited, open-minded, and unsual (in a good way) kind of person. So there, and NAH! :)


Thanks for the props, guys! :D

What's frightning is that I can come up with quips like that all the time. :) Then again, owning 21 tapes with one to four episodes each can do that to ya'. :p


Originally posted by DÛke
...there isn't "two types of love" way.
So you love your mother in the same way you would love a girlfriend?




[Why are you always pickin' on me? >>You wanna be friends?]

Yes, there's ONE love.

I don't love my girlfriend, and she doesn't love me. We almost broke up, until we discovered that we didn't love each were highly, physically attracted and we just couldn't do without seeing each other...but we didn't love each other. We love each other for pleasure, and that's it.

A true girlfriend would have deep down love, doesn't care about how I look, and I wouldn't care about how SHE looked. That's true love. My mom loves me, no matter how I looked, and I do the same.

To answer your question, yes and no. The deep down emotion, yes...but the things we do, no. It's still deep though, and that's what love is. Deep.



Why did I read this?

Why do I do this to myself?

I feel so much more "st00pidier" after reading it....


Staff member
I don't know why this had to be thought as "jokingly", other than the author himself said it was (a few posts later). I'm sure there are people somewhere in the world that has given this some thought...

I think it will a long while before any of this becomes feasible though.